The project will adjust the intersection alignment and the road grade.
Projects & Plans
Transportation Engineering

Adding paved shoulders to this road as well as identify opportunities and implement safety improvements at the intersection of SE 362nd Ave and SE Colorado Road.
Transportation Engineering

We are responsible for maintaining the integrity and safety of 1,400 miles of County roads and 180 bridges.
Transportation Engineering

Evaluate traffic operations for vehicles, pedestrian and bicycles and identify low-cost improvements to reduce the number and severity of crashes at the intersection.
Transportation Engineering
Ensuring all traffic can cross the bridge without weight restrictions
Transportation and Development

The plan identifies barriers that impede access for people with disabilities to county roadways, and includes the results from a survey of county transportation facilities (more than 4,500 curb ramps, traffic signals and pedestrian signals) and extensive public outreach to learn about accessibility barrier concerns and priorities from people with disabilities.
Transportation Engineering

The intersection of SE Amisigger Road and Hwy 224 (Clackamas Hwy) is an intersection with high volumes of traffic located east of Barton in a rural area, with a stop sign on SE Amisigger Road. Travelers attempting to turn east or west from SE Amisigger Road onto Hwy 224 during peak traffic periods can experience long wait times.
Transportation Engineering

Clackamas County closed Barlow Trail Road on Jan. 6, 2022 near Barlow Trail Road Bridge (milepost 1.65) because of a landslide.
Transportation Engineering

Although there are no immediate safety concerns related to the stability of the bridge or the roadway, the Bear Creek Bridge in the Molalla area is structurally deficient. This project will replace the bridge and improve the roadside shoulders along S Molalla Avenue from Sawtell Road to the Molalla City limits, just south of W 7th Street.
Transportation Engineering

Improving safety by reducing the speed of travelers
Transportation Engineering

Construct sidewalks and bike lanes along both sides of Webster Road near Bilquist Elementary School between Bixel Way and Roots Road, and upgrade crosswalk at Webster Road and Bixel Way by adding street lights and a pedestrian refuge island.
Transportation Engineering

The Bull Run River Bridge crosses the Bull Run River north of the Sandy area.
Transportation Engineering

Protecting the Canby Ferry and improving operations
Transportation Engineering

Adding a northbound left-turn lane.
Water Environment Services
Capital project management includes design and construction and provides project controls in terms of cost, schedule, scope, program development and long range forecasting.
Water Environment Services

The Carli Creek project is a 15-acre water quality facility along the Clackamas River.
Planning and Zoning
With seven transit service providers in Clackamas County, there are still large areas of the county with no transit service, and existing service varies in frequency, access and connectivity.
Housing Authority
The Clackamas Heights Master Plan will transform a 16 acre, 100 unit public housing neighborhood built in the 1940s into a 300 unit mixed income community. An extensive community engagement process will help to determine the final design and amenities that will be constructed on the site.
Transportation Engineering

Create safe pedestrian and bicycle connections between the Clackamas Regional Center Max Green Line light rail station and major area employers and services by working with the community to identify and prioritize safe pedestrian and bicycle connections in the area.

Climate change threatens our long-term health, prosperity and safety—in Clackamas County, in Oregon, and across the planet. Together, the Board of County Commissioners has called for action.
Transportation Engineering

Two culverts carrying Conway Creek under Aschoff Road in the Rhododendron area are damaged, undersized, and do not easily allow fish and wildlife to pass upstream and will be replaced with a modular bridge.
Damascus Roads
When the city of Damascus disincorporated on July 16, 2016, the responsibility and the funding for the area’s transportation system was returned to Clackamas County.
Transportation Engineering
Dryland Road is a rural road with a slight curve immediately south of a crest in the Molalla area. The project will install a guardrail along 400 feet of Dryland Road between Heinz Road and Barnards Road at the curve.
Housing Authority

El Nido (Formerly, Lake Grove Affordable Housing) will be located at the intersection of Boones Ferry Road and West Sunset Drive in the City's Lake Forest Neighborhood and falls within the West Lake Grove Design District.
Transportation Engineering

The 12-foot metal culvert carrying Henry Creek under Arlie Mitchell Road in the Rhododendron area does not easily allow fish and wildlife to pass upstream and will be replaced with a modular bridge.
Transportation Engineering
Heavy rains and strong winds caused fallen trees in Johnson Creek to damage the culvert supporting the road on Hideaway Court.
Housing Authority

Hillside Manor is a nine-story concrete building constructed in 1970, and it’s been operated by the Housing Authority of Clackamas County since its original construction. A full renovation of the building’s major systems and interiors has been proposed for this project.
Housing Authority

A grant funded planning project that will envision the future for this 22 acre public housing community.
Transportation Engineering

Add a crosswalk with flashing lights, pedestrian island and ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersection of SE Fuller Road and SE Causey Avenue/SE Harmony Drive.
Transportation Engineering

Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian improvements will also provide safe routes and important connectivity to Jennings Lodge and Candy Lane elementary schools.
Transportation Engineering

Widen Johnson Creek Blvd. to 3 lanes from Bell Ave. to 55th Ave., add bike lanes on both sides, and a sidewalk on the north side. The ADA ramps will be checked for compliance, and retrofitted or replaced if needed. The traffic signals will be modified for pedestrian push button reach, height and level landings.
Transportation Engineering

The project will provide low cost safety improvements, such as additional warning signs and pavement markings
Transportation Engineering

Reducing rear-end crashes by improving visibility of intersection
Transportation Engineering
The project will install a new 12-inch diameter stormwater main on 436 feet of Laurie Avenue south of Courtney Ave and 6 catch basins to reduce the frequency of flooding. Additionally, 300 feet of stormwater main on Courtney Avenue west of Laurie Avenue will be replaced with 12-inch diameter stormwater pipe.
Public Health

Help amplify tobacco prevention and cessation message with your audiences in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties with our media campaign designed to help young people quit or avoid smoking.
Development Agency

Re-designing the roadway to improve safety and connectivity for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists along SE Linwood Avenue in northwest Clackamas County.
Transportation Engineering

The goal of the plan is to create a neighborhood street that improves safety for all modes of travel (walking, bicycling, and driving), with a special emphasis on pedestrians and cyclists.
Housing Authority

Oregon City View Manor is a 22-acre Public Housing community with 100 units.
Planning and Zoning

The McLoughlin Area Plan Implementation Team (MAP-IT) and Clackamas County are working with the community to create updated land use development and design standards for commercial areas within ½ mile of the light rail station at Park Avenue and McLoughlin Boulevard in Oak Grove, just south of the city of Milwaukie.
Transportation Engineering
Six radar speed feedback signs will be added to reduce the speed of travelers on Stafford Road, New Era Road and SE 282nd Ave.
Transportation Engineering

Add left-turn lanes on Redland Road at Ferguson Road and Bradley Road intersections to reduce congestion and improve safety.
Transportation Engineering
Crashes at intersections with traffic signals involving trucks are often more serious than other vehicles. In partnership with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), 33 traffic signals will be improved in the Clackamas and Wilsonville industrial areas.
Transportation Engineering
Replace 99 traffic signal controllers at 99 intersections with upgraded equipment in unincorporated Clackamas County and areas within City of Lake Oswego, Wilsonville, Oregon City, Milwaukie, Gladstone, and West Linn.
County Courthouse

Factoring in population growth, the significant safety risks, and functional impediments associated with the existing courthouse including a lack of adequate jury assembly space and secured access for defendants and witnesses, replacement of the courthouse is a wise investment.
Transportation Maintenance

Our 186 bridges are inspected every 2 years and through those inspections we sometimes find repair and maintenance work that needs to be done to preserve the bridge structure and keep it safe for travelers. That work often includes bridge scour projects, either removing excess soil from stream channels or replacing soil around foundations that has been washed away during high water events.
Transportation Engineering
A retaining wall will be built at this location.
Transportation Engineering

Widening roadway to three lanes and adding bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides from 99E to Lee Elementary School. A signal will also be installed at the intersection of Ivy St and Township Rd.
Transportation Engineering
The Clackamas County Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program helps create safe walking and bicycling conditions for K-12 students.
Water Environment Services

WES is in the process of updating its Rules and Standards to provide consistency across all three service districts: Tri-City Service District (TCSD), Clackamas County Service District No. 1 (CCSD1), and the Surface Water Management Agency of Clackamas County (SWMACC). WES provides sewerage, surface water, and stormwater management under the terms, conditions, and rates set within the Rules and Regulations (Rules) and Design Standards (Standards). The Rules and Standards are periodically revised to incorporate changes in permits and to reflect new technologies, approaches, and development patterns.
Transportation Engineering

Improving safety for students who walk and bike to school
Transportation Engineering

The primary reason for crashes at this intersection is from failure to yield to oncoming traffic. To improve safety in this area, traffic signals will be installed at the intersection of SE 79th Place and SE Johnson Creek Blvd.
Transportation Engineering

Clackamas County has received Federal Emergency Relief Program (ERP) funds to stabilize the roadway and slope on South End Road at Milepost 3.8 (near Coffee Creek). The road was damaged in March 2017 as a result of heavy rains.
Transportation Engineering

Widening Stafford Rd to add bike lanes and realigning intersections at Johnson Rd and Childs Rd. Adding southbound left-turn lane at Johnson Rd and a signal or roundabout at Childs Rd.
Water Environment Services

The 82nd Drive Bridge is a highly-used span over the Clackamas River that connects Gladstone to Oregon City.

Providing safe connections and travel options for the 13,400 area residents who live in the nearby area east of Happy Valley, and support future residential and economic growth.
Transportation Engineering
The project team, working with a Public Advisory Committee (PAC) and a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), analyzed current walking and bicycling conditions.
Transportation Engineering
The culvert under SE 427th Ave that carries Tickle Creek is severely damaged and needs to be replaced. The damage was caused by a washout under the roadway next to the culvert. The culvert will be replaced with a larger, fish-friendly culvert.
Transportation Engineering

Construction projects involving roads, bridges, sidewalks, and more in Clackamas County.
Transportation and Development
The TSP reflects all relevant national, state and regional transportation and planning requirements, and provides policies, guidelines and projects to meet transportation needs for residents, businesses and visitors in unincorporated Clackamas County for 20 years.
Transportation Engineering

Welches Road is a main road without sidewalks or shoulders in the Welches area. The project will add sidewalks and paved shoulders.