Paving the roadway and retrofitting curb ramps and traffic signals for ADA compliance
Design phase
Updated: May 23, 2024
Johnson Creek Blvd is a main road in the Milwaukie area with heavy volumes of vehicle traffic. The road will be repaved between 79th Pl and approximately 500 feet south of 45th Pl. Bell Avenue will also be repaved between Johnson Creek Blvd. and Alberta Ave. The median lane will be extended to Stanley Ave. to improve safety of left-turn movements onto Stanley Ave.
Sidewalk curb ramps and pedestrian push buttons will be checked for compliance with Americans with Disability (ADA) standards and retrofitted or replaced, as needed.
To provide a smooth traveling surface for motorists and bicyclists and to improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians.
- Design: March 2023 to Spring 2025
- Right of way: Summer 2023 to Winter 2024
- Construction: Spring 2025 to Summer 2026
Traffic impact
Expect shoulder and lane closures and detours with delays up to 20 minutes during construction.
Current activities
Project planning and development of design concepts.
- Project estimate $6 million.
- Funding is provided from county road funds, and HB2017 state gas tax funding.