Duus Road / Eagle Creek Road Intersection Improvements

County Roads Take Me Home stickerProjects funded through the new Community Road Fund will increase safety, relieve congestion and maintain local roads.

Project description



Updated: Oct. 15, 2024

The Duus Road and Eagle Creek Road intersection turn lanes lack adequate sight distance in the Estacada area. This project will construct a southbound left-turn lane on Eagle Creek Road and potentially a westbound left-turn lane on Duus Road. 


To improve safety and sight distance, relieve congestion and to accommodate future growth in the Estacada area.


Design: July 2022 to Fall 2024 
Right of way: Winter 2024 to Fall 2024 
Construction: Spring 2026 to Fall 2026

Traffic impact

Expect lane closures and detours during construction.

Current activities

Design planning coordination.


  • Project estimate $1.6 million.
  • Funding is provided from Community Road Funds and System Development Charges.

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Frequently Asked Questions


We anticipate that attaining right of way will likely be needed to build the left-hand turn lane. This will be determined as the projects moves through design development. Factors impacting right of way include lane configuration, shoulders slopes, sight distance requirements, water management and budget. For any project, the county intends to require as little right of way as possible.


This is part of the project scope to determine if a left-turn lane is needed at this location.


Relocating the intersection will create a better line of sight for people turning at this intersection. Addition safety features like painted stop bars and stop ahead signs may be added as part of this project.


Determining the appropriate queue length required for the intersection is part of the design process. We’ll have more information as the project progresses.  


Although we investigated this option, this intersection does not meet the requirements to build a stop sign. 


Only as necessary to build the left-hand turn lane. The left turn pocket is the only potential change to Eagle Creek Road as part of this project. 


Sidewalks, curbs and connecting trails are often built by developers as part of the condition of approving new development. To view the current development projects in Estacada, visit www.cityofestacada.org/projects. 


Reducing the speed limit on Duus Road is not part of this project. To report speeding traffic, please reach out to the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office at 503-655-8211. 

Department Staff
Mike Ward
Project Manager

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