Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning

Over the last year, hundreds of community members have given input to shape the Vision Plan. The ideas and updated maps were the focus on an open house in January. The plan has been updated based on comments received from the community and project committees. The Steering Committee will meet on April 2 to discuss making a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to accept the Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Plan.

Draft Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Plan - March 2025

Draft Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan - Updated March 2025

Video of Draft Sunrise Gateway Corridor Plan – January 2025

Display boards from open house – January 2025

See “Project Documents” section below for all appendices 

Community planning to identify ways to address the needs of people who live, work, learn, shop, and travel in the Sunrise area, today and in the future.

The Sunrise Corridor community is a busy place – with hundreds of homes, businesses and two major highways – and is expected to keep growing. 

Clackamas County has been working with the Oregon Department of Transportation, Metro and Happy Valley to ask everyone who is part of the Sunrise Corridor community what is needed in the present and the future for residents, businesses, travelers, wildlife and the environment. 

Through this project, hundreds of people have helped shape the vision, goals, and draft list of actions for land use, housing, community and environmental health, transportation and other infrastructure necessary to support a thriving future for all.

Help us build a community coalition!

Clackamas County, in partnership with the community, is building a coalition to support implementation of the Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Plan. The plan, developed with the community, is expected to be completed in spring 2025. Residents, workers, businesses, organizations, and public agencies will then work together to implement projects recommended in the plan that benefit the Sunrise Corridor Community by: 

  • Improving safety
  • Increasing health and well-being
  • Strengthening business opportunities and jobs
  • Enhancing access to nature and recreation
  • Preventing displacement of homes and businesses
  • Creating new and lasting partnerships

To sign-up for the coalition or get more information, please contact Adam Torres, in the Clackamas County Department of Transportation & Development, at

Project Area

Map and description of the visioning area

Quick Facts


The Sunrise Corridor community is a five-square mile area in the valley bounded by the Clackamas River on the south, forested low hills to the north, I-205 to the west and 172nd Avenue to the east.


The project area is home to 7,600 residents and 700 businesses with more than 14,000 employees.


It is one of the busiest freight distribution centers in the region and state, and is bisected by OR212/224.

Vision and Actions

The Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Plan – with vision, goals and actions – is almost ready. The actions in the plan will be shared for community review and input in early 2025. The Draft Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan is also being included in this process and will include updated maps and next steps for regional transportation investments in the area, including extending OR 212/Sunrise and a multi-use path east to SE 172nd Avenue.


Icon of a pedestrian at a crosswalk

Create a safe and resilient transportation network for everyone that improves travel opportunities for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and drivers.

Icon of a river

Enhance health, wellbeing, and sustainability.

Icon of a storefront

Promote complete communities to meet the basic needs of all residents.

Icon of a semitruck

Support economic development.

Icon of a map pin

Preserve and enhance local identity, including historical and cultural assets.

Icon of a lots of people

Create lasting improvements through agency coordination and partnerships.

The goals were shaped by community input in winter/spring 2024 and adopted by the project’s Steering Committee in June 2024.

Proposed Actions

  • Continually align development and design standards with modern industrial facilities
  • Match development opportunity to mixed-use, economic development, and access goals
  • Attract, retain, and cultivate firms in key sectors
  • Build partnerships between industry and higher education to bolster the STEM workforce pipeline
  • Retain residential and small business uses
  • Safe and accessible parking design
  • Continue compatible land use patterns
  • Neighborhood art
  • Connect and protect open spaces and natural areas
  • Monitor environmental quality
  • Reduce heat island effect
  • Create and connect new multiuse and nature trails
  • Enhance river access points and parks
  • Implement Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan
  • Enhance SE 82nd Drive Corridor
  • Complete I-205 multiuse path gap plan
  • Provide sidewalk infill, bicycle network, and transit connections
  • Enhance freight access and parking
  • Enhance transit passenger facilities
  • Expand Clackamas County Connects Industrial Shuttle
  • Support enhanced fixed route service

For decades, planning efforts for this area focused on transportation. In 2021, the Board of County Commissioners prioritized taking a broader look at the area to define a shared community vision with clear actions that guide future infrastructure and investment to support a thriving future for all. The project is leading with equitable community engagement and examining land use, jobs and the economy, community and environmental health, as well as transportation.


In 2021, the legislature approved HB 5006 which included funding for the Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning Plan. The effort includes federal, state, and local funds. 


Clackamas County is leading the visioning effort. Agency partners are the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Metro, and City of Happy Valley. 


The project vision and goals were drafted with input from the community through an extensive public outreach process, including open houses, surveys, focus groups and other outreach, and review and input by the Technical Advisory Committee, Steering Committee and Leadership Cohort. The vision and goals were formally adopted by the Steering Committee in June 2024 and are being used to frame the ideas and actions that will be included in the final Vision Plan. 


In January 2025, elements of the draft vision, goals and actions will be shared at a community open house and online along with updates to the Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan. 


After review by the public, the Technical Advisory Committee, the Steering Committee and the Leadership Cohort in early 2025, the final document will be prepared to present to the Board of County Commissioners in spring 2025. 


The highways in the area – OR 212 and OR 224 – have been the focus of many efforts over the years to plan and construct an expanded roadway, often referred to as the Sunrise Corridor. Planning for infrastructure improvements to the Sunrise Corridor began in the 1980s and has continued on and off ever since. The “Sunrise Phase 1” opened in 2016, extending from I-205 and ending at an interim connection at OR 212 and SE 122nd Ave. There have also been other studies that covered all or a portion of the Sunrise Corridor area. The Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan will update that past work, with maps showing transportation improvements from SE 122nd Avenue to SE 172nd Avenue, the next phase of the Sunrise Corridor. It will be part of the Vision Plan.


The Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan will show more details on plans for regional and local transportation improvements along the Sunrise/OR 212 corridor from SE 122nd Avenue to SE 172nd Avenue, including new interchanges, connections across OR 212/224, and a future new roadway – an extension of the Sunrise Phase 1 that opened in 2016 and ends at an interim intersection at OR 212 and SE 122nd Avenue. The plan also includes 15 miles of sidewalks, bike lanes, and multi-use path. A link will be provided on the webpage when the draft plan is ready in early 2025. It will be part of the Vision Plan.


For each action, partner agencies would work with the community to oversee moving forward and identifying potential funding sources, including public or private grants at the local, regional, state and federal levels. A lead agency would likely need other partners to support seeking funding and assistance to support or review progress. For example, ODOT has the lead role on projects related to OR 212 and the Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan. The county could take the lead on local transportation, such as projects on SE Jennifer or 82nd Drive; the county and city would take the lead on land use for property in their jurisdiction. 


Community Engagement

Public engagement is a key component of the Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning project. Extensive public feedback means the final plan will better reflect the needs of people who live, work, visit, and play in the Sunrise Corridor community today and in the future.

The engagement process prioritizes populations and communities historically excluded and underserved by transportation and land use investments. Outreach activities include open houses, online surveys, focus groups, presentations, and information pop-ups in community gathering areas. 

The project has also convened committees, noted below, to ensure community members, project partners and technical experts are involved in project development and decision-making. 

Advisory Groups and Committees

Project Timeline


(Completed June 2024)

Gathered community feedback to develop vision, goals and objectives, identify opportunities and challenges, and collect ideas for future improvements in the project area. The vision and goals were approved by the Steering Committee.


(Completed October 2024)

Worked with the community to explore ideas for how to address economic development, land use, green space, public health, and transportation challenges.


(November 2024 - Spring 2025)

Seek community feedback on actionable steps and projects that support the vision and goals of the Sunrise Corridor community.

Clackamas County and the consultant team are drafting the Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Plan (document) based on community feedback and committee review from 2024. The final plan will outline steps or actions needed to reach the goals stated above. For each action, the plan will identify partners, anticipated timeline, potential cost range and, for some, potential funding sources. 

  • A draft of the Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Action Plan will be ready for public review in January 2025.
  • As part of the transportation section, the Vision Plan will reference the Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan for the major highway corridor through the area. The transportation refinement plan is being drafted in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the City of Happy Valley. It will include updated maps and next steps for recommended regional transportation investments in the area, including creating 15 miles of new walking and biking improvements.

The Board of County Commissioners will consider the Vision Plan in spring 2025. Partner agencies ODOT, Metro, and City of Happy Valley will also be involved in reviewing the final plan. 

What happens after the Vision Plan is complete?

After the Sunrise Corridor Community Vision Plan is adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, community leaders and agency staff can organize and work together to seek funding for and implement specific projects.   

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Continually align development and design standards with modern industrial facilities
  • Match development opportunity to mixed-use, economic development, and access goals
  • Attract, retain, and cultivate firms in key sectors
  • Build partnerships between industry and higher education to bolster the STEM workforce pipeline
  • Retain residential and small business uses
  • Safe and accessible parking design
  • Continue compatible land use patterns
  • Neighborhood art
  • Connect and protect open spaces and natural areas
  • Monitor environmental quality
  • Reduce heat island effect
  • Create and connect new multiuse and nature trails
  • Enhance river access points and parks
  • Implement Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan
  • Enhance SE 82nd Drive Corridor
  • Complete I-205 multiuse path gap plan
  • Provide sidewalk infill, bicycle network, and transit connections
  • Enhance freight access and parking
  • Enhance transit passenger facilities
  • Expand Clackamas County Connects Industrial Shuttle
  • Support enhanced fixed route service

For decades, planning efforts for this area focused on transportation. In 2021, the Board of County Commissioners prioritized taking a broader look at the area to define a shared community vision with clear actions that guide future infrastructure and investment to support a thriving future for all. The project is leading with equitable community engagement and examining land use, jobs and the economy, community and environmental health, as well as transportation.


In 2021, the legislature approved HB 5006 which included funding for the Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning Plan. The effort includes federal, state, and local funds. 


Clackamas County is leading the visioning effort. Agency partners are the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Metro, and City of Happy Valley. 


The project vision and goals were drafted with input from the community through an extensive public outreach process, including open houses, surveys, focus groups and other outreach, and review and input by the Technical Advisory Committee, Steering Committee and Leadership Cohort. The vision and goals were formally adopted by the Steering Committee in June 2024 and are being used to frame the ideas and actions that will be included in the final Vision Plan. 


In January 2025, elements of the draft vision, goals and actions will be shared at a community open house and online along with updates to the Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan. 


After review by the public, the Technical Advisory Committee, the Steering Committee and the Leadership Cohort in early 2025, the final document will be prepared to present to the Board of County Commissioners in spring 2025. 


The highways in the area – OR 212 and OR 224 – have been the focus of many efforts over the years to plan and construct an expanded roadway, often referred to as the Sunrise Corridor. Planning for infrastructure improvements to the Sunrise Corridor began in the 1980s and has continued on and off ever since. The “Sunrise Phase 1” opened in 2016, extending from I-205 and ending at an interim connection at OR 212 and SE 122nd Ave. There have also been other studies that covered all or a portion of the Sunrise Corridor area. The Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan will update that past work, with maps showing transportation improvements from SE 122nd Avenue to SE 172nd Avenue, the next phase of the Sunrise Corridor. It will be part of the Vision Plan.


The Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan will show more details on plans for regional and local transportation improvements along the Sunrise/OR 212 corridor from SE 122nd Avenue to SE 172nd Avenue, including new interchanges, connections across OR 212/224, and a future new roadway – an extension of the Sunrise Phase 1 that opened in 2016 and ends at an interim intersection at OR 212 and SE 122nd Avenue. The plan also includes 15 miles of sidewalks, bike lanes, and multi-use path. A link will be provided on the webpage when the draft plan is ready in early 2025. It will be part of the Vision Plan.


For each action, partner agencies would work with the community to oversee moving forward and identifying potential funding sources, including public or private grants at the local, regional, state and federal levels. A lead agency would likely need other partners to support seeking funding and assistance to support or review progress. For example, ODOT has the lead role on projects related to OR 212 and the Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan. The county could take the lead on local transportation, such as projects on SE Jennifer or 82nd Drive; the county and city would take the lead on land use for property in their jurisdiction. 


Stay Connected

Get project updates and news about opportunities to be part of the Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning Project.


Meetings and events

April 2, 2025Steering Committee Meeting #6
Jan. 23, 2025Open House #3
Nov. 14, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #5
Sept. 24, 2024Open House
Open house flyer
Sept. 16-Oct. 6, 2024Online opportunity to share input 
Sept. 4, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #4
June 5, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #3
April 10, 2024Open House
Project display boards
March 20, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #2
Jan. 31, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #1
Oct. 5, 2023C4 meeting 
Sept. 14, 2021Board of County Commissioners Policy Session     
Performance Clackamas Update - Sunrise     
packet video

Technical Information and Reports


Project Documents
Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning

Appendix A - Detailed Engagement Summary 
Appendix B – Sunrise Gateway Corridor Refinement Plan  

Appendix C - Project Area History Report 

Appendix D - Existing Conditions Report

Appendix E - Anti Displacement Strategies 

Appendix F - Economic Competitiveness Report 

Appendix G - Draft Scenarios and Strategies Report

Appendix I - NEPA Re-Evaluation Considerations for Sunrise Corridor 

Gateway Concept and Refinement Plan 

Existing conditions 
Background information and data about the project area is gathered and evaluated to provide information to the Project Team and Steering Committee. Much of that information is presented in technical memos on various "existing conditions" topics.  These technical memos are posted below.
Community and business technical memo
Economic technical memo
Historical context technical memo
Land use technical memo
Plans reviewtechnical memo
Public healthtechnical memo
Transportationtechnical memo
Engagement reports 
The Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning process is engaging residents, businesses, and travelers to share what they need for this community to thrive. A summary of engagement to date can be found below.
Phase 1 Engagement Summary – June 2024summary report
Outside Resources
Sunrise Project: I-205 to Rock Creek JunctionFinal Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary, December 2010
Department Staff
Jamie Stasny
Regional Transportation & Land Use Policy Manager

Related Documents


The Sunrise area has been the focus of many efforts over the years to plan and construct an expanded roadway, often referred to as the "Sunrise Corridor". Planning for infrastructure improvements in the Sunrise Corridor began in the 1980s and has continued on and off ever since. There have also been a number of other studies in the past decades that covered all or a portion of the Sunrise Corridor Community Area.

With this study, we are using a community health and equity framework to improve and build upon past studies. This project is working with Sunrise Corridor communities, businesses and stakeholders to identify a vision that helps the community thrive.

Major milestones

2020The Clackamas to Columbia Corridor Plan (C2C), which included studying the area around 172nd and Rock Creek Junction in the Sunrise area, was completed.
2016Sunrise Phase 1 improvements completed to reduce congestion and improve access for freight to reach I-205 through the Clackamas Industrial Area. The 2.5-mile highway connects I-205 and highways 212 and 224 between I-205 and 122nd Ave.
2010Sunrise Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) outlined a preferred alternative to address congestion and safety
1998ODOT completed the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the first part of the Sunrise project, but halts work because of a lack of construction funds
1996Clackamas County Board of Commissioners approved a preferred alternative – central alignment within the Lawnfield/Mather Road area and southern alignment around Damascus.
1993Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) released Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), an important and required step in moving the project forward.
1988Sunrise Corridor first called out as a project of state importance by being added to the Oregon Department of Transportation's Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) list.
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