Canby-Marquam Hwy at Lone Elder Road Intersection Improvements

The intersection of Canby-Marquam Hwy and Lone Elder Road is a T-intersection that is stop-controlled on Lone Elder Road and uncontrolled along Canby-Marquam Hwy. The project reconstructed the intersection and added a northbound left-turn lane. Congestion in the northbound direction on Canby-Marquam Hwy occurs in large part from vehicles waiting to turn left onto Lone Elder Road.

County Roads Take Me Home stickerProjects funded through the new Community Road Fund will increase safety, relieve congestion and maintain local roads.



Updated: Dec. 12, 2023


To reduce wait times on Canby-Marquam Highway at Lone Elder Road and create a safer intersection for all travelers.


  • Design: March 2020 - Dec. 2021
  • Right of way: Nov 2021 - Oct. 2022
  • Construction: Aug. 2023 - Oct. 2023


  • Project cost $1.05 million funded by the Community Road Fund and countywide transportation system development charges.



While installing stop signs may seem like a less expensive fix for this intersection, adding stop signs on a high speed road has proven to increase crashes, specifically rear end crashes.

By adding a northbound left-turn lane on Canby-Marquam Hwy, traffic will flow much more smoothly with fewer crashes at this intersection. The additional lane on Canby-Marquam Hwy will make left turns onto Lone Elder Road safer by providing an area for people to stop temporarily while they wait for the southbound lane to clear. Additional safety improvement include straightening Lone Elder Road at Canby-Marquam Hwy by adding left- and right-turn lanes for better sight distance and improved traffic flow.

Contact Us
Department Staff
Bob Knorr
Project Manager


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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