Safe Routes to School

2025 Art Contest Now Open!

The Clackamas County Safe Routes to School Program is pleased to announce the 7th annual Poster Art Contest. Students are invited to submit their original artwork based on one of the following themes:

  1. Always be Visible
  2. Always Wear a Helmet
  3. Always Use Crosswalks
  4. Always be Aware
  5. Always Travel Safely

All participants will receive a prize pack. Winning students will be awarded additional prizes. Winning students in each age group will be awarded gift cards as follows:

  • 1st place = $100
  • 2nd place = $50
  • 3rd place = $25

Artwork will be considered for prizes based on creativity, clear originality, overall design and focus on safety. Art may be digitally created or hand drawn on 8½ x 11 paper using pencils, crayons, pens or paints. Include name, grade, school, phone number and/or email address on back of art. Prizes will be awarded to students in the following grade categories: K-2, 3-5, 6-8. 9-12. Submissions should be entered by one of the following ways by May 1, 2025:

  • Email a high-resolution photograph or scanned JPEG or PNG image of your artwork to
  • Mail or drop off a paper copy to Clackamas County Development Services Building. Third Floor Engineering Division (ATTN: Scott Hoelscher) 150 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, 97045

Questions may be directed to Nicole Perry, Clackamas County Safe Routes to School Coordinator at

2024 Art Contest Winners

During the Spring of 2024, elementary, middle and high school students from across the county submitted artwork with a SRTS safety theme. Entries included original hand drawings and computer-generated artwork. Winners were based on originality, visual design, composition and clear communication of contest theme.

Working with communities and schools to support safe walking, rolling and bicycling for k-12 students

SRTS program goals include: 

  • Build program awareness and promote active transportation
  • Expand bicycle, pedestrian, and driver education
  • Collaborate with partners while evaluating the process

Upcoming activities and programs include: 

  • Youth Bike Safety Day
  • Walk and Roll encouragement activities
  • Annual poster art contest
  • Educational opportunities and funding information
  • School action plan creations and updates
Safe Routes to School
Drive to Zero
The Street Trust

What is Safe Routes to School?

Safe Routes to School makes communities safer, healthier, and more fun by combining route improvements, traffic enforcement, safety education and activities to encourage students to walk or roll to schools. We work with communities and schools to build a comprehensive program using the "6 Es":



Assurance that all residents have access to and can take advantage of the resources provided through the program, including low-income and multi-cultural communities. See Metro Strategic plan to advance racial equity, diversity and inclusion.



Community members can learn how to get safely to school, transportation options available and how to be safe walking, biking, and driving on our the roads.

  • The Street Trust has information on bicycle and pedestrian safety education, as well as other programs such as the JumpStart bike fleet.


Engineering addresses the physical environment around schools to create safe and accessible places for walking, biking and rolling.

  • ODOT lists multiple program opportunities for infrastructure improvements.


Ongoing special events encourage parents and children to walk, bike, skate, scoot or roll to school. Some of the current programs include Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day. 



Safer traffic conditions help parents feel comfortable about their children walking and biking to school. Enforcement can work to ensure traffic laws are obeyed around schools using various methods, including enforcing traffic violations, enforcing speed limits and yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks.



In order to implement and build upon a SRTS program, data collection using various methods, such as parent surveys, student in-class tallies and other effective strategies, is important to help track trends and monitor program outcomes. Evaluation resources include:


Healthy Living
Healthy Living
Walking, biking, and rolling are great ways to get more physical activity.
Better Educational Achievement
Better Educational Achievement
Students who are active in the morning arrive at school focused and ready to learn.
Cleaner Aira and Water
Cleaner Air and Water
Walking, biking, and rolling are sustainable modes of transportation that don't produce air pollution.
Less Traffic
Less Traffic
More students walking, biking and rolling to school means less congestion around schools, which is safer and healthier for everyone.
Increased Social Interaction
Increased Social Interactions
Walking, biking, and rolling get families outside and talking with their neighbors.
Cost Effective
Walking, biking, and rolling are inexpensive ways to get around and require little upfront or maintenance costs.

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Other Resources

  • National Center for Safe Routes to School
    Training opportunities, program materials, and tools for collecting data and can generate automatic reports.
  • Safe Routes to School National Partnership
    Expertise, a national support network, and know-how to help make communities and schools safer, healthier, and more active.
  • Oregon Safe Routes to School
    Information about different programs, resources, events, and funding opportunities.
  • Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest Regional Framework
    This regional government framework for SRTS provides an assessment of existing initiatives and recommended actions to make walking and biking to school easier across the Portland metropolitan area.
  • The Street Trust
    An advocacy organization that promotes healthy and thriving communities where it is safe and easy for people to bike, walk and ride public transit with information about walk and bike events, curriculum, rules of the road, and safe streets advocacy opportunities.
  • Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
    Information on grant opportunities for infrastructure and non-infrastructure programs.
  • SMART Transit, Wilsonville
    City of Wilsonville effort to increase use of walking, biking, scootering, skating and transit (active transportation) for transportation to and from school at Wilsonville schools. 

Success Stories from Clackamas County

Bilquist Elementary and River Grove Elementary

Pedestrian education at Bilquist Elementary (North Clackamas School District) and River Grove Elementary (Lake Oswego School District) gave 150 second graders safety tips about managing themselves as walkers on the first day and then put that into practice on a community walk the second day.

Bilquist School

Oak Creek Elementary

Oak Creek Elementary in the Lake Oswego School District held a bicycle safety event that included lessons about turning, spacing, shifting, and rider control. A mechanic was on hand to do bike checks and adjustments. The 12 student participants and several parent volunteers concluded the two-day workshop with a ride around the neighborhood.

Oak Creek School

Lot Whitcomb Elementary

In collaboration with Clackamas County and the neighborhood Community Planning Organization (CPO), Lot Whitcomb Elementary School in the North Clackamas School District developed a SRTS Action Plan in 2016. The Action Plan included priority infrastructure projects within the school walk zone and served as a basis to successfully apply for funding through the statewide infrastructure grant program established by Keep Oregon Moving (House Bill 2017). The new crosswalk at SE Fuller Rd and SE Causey Ave. was one of only 24 awards from 112 applicants from across the state during the first grant cycle in 2018.  

Lot Whitcomb School

2024 Poster Contest Winners

During the Spring of 2024, elementary, middle and high school students from across the county submitted artwork with a SRTS safety theme. Students were asked to design a poster using one of these themes: 1) Always be Visible 2) Always Wear a Helmet 3) Always Use Crosswalks 4) Always be Aware 5) Always Travel Safely

Entries included original hand drawings and computer-generated artwork. Winners were based on originality, visual design, composition and clear communication of contest theme. Awards were handed out in four age groups: K–2, 3–5; 6–8 and 9-12 (1st place: $100 gift card, 2nd place: $50 gift card, 3rd place: $25 gift card).

Questions or more information
Contact Nicole Perry, Clackamas County SRTS Coordinator

K-2 Grades

Maya S

1st place

Card image cap

2nd place

Card image cap

3rd place

3-5 Grades

Torben drawing

1st place


2nd place

Cora drawing

3rd place

6-8 Grades


1st place

9-12 Grades


1st place


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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