Transportation Services in Clackamas County

Transportation Services are programs that help people who don’t drive or have access to a car get around the county. If you are looking for information about the Transportation Department, please see their webpages. Clackamas County also maintains a ferry across the Willamette River between Canby and West Linn. 

Ride Clackamas is a collective group of Clackamas County transit agencies united in simplifying the riding experience be-tween multiple transportation providers

The Clackamas County shuttle service connects rural communities and hard-to-reach areas. These shuttles help reduce traffic on county roads and provide im-portant links to regional transit. The shuttles are free and operate on a “deviated fixed-route.”

The Mt. Hood Express transit is a public bus service administered by Clackamas County and serves the communities along Highway 26, running from the city of Sandy east to Government Camp and Timberline.

Free ride-share programs

Connecting volunteers with people needing companionship and transportation.

To volunteer or learn more about volunteering email

Offers support to homebound seniors and adults with disabilities in Clackamas County. Our program volunteers help individuals live independently and safely for as lang as possible, feel connected to their communities and avoid having to move from what is familiar to them.

Clackamas County residents who are 65+ or have a disability. Rides are given free of charge to medical appointments, grocery shopping and other essential errands. The goal of this program is to assist individuals by promoting independent living.

Do you like to drive and/or desire to become a companion to others in need. Consider volunteering with Transportation Services in one of our programs: Transportation Reaching People, Vets Driving Vets, Senior Companion or Ride Together. Thank you for your consideration, you are needed in the community!

Title VI Compliance

Please contact us directly with any complaints or concerns, including discrimination of any form:
PO BOX 2950
Oregon City, OR 97045
TTY Services: 503-650-5646

Clackamas County operates its programs without regard to race, age, religion, color, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected by law in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, ORS Chapter 659A or other applicable law. To request additional information on Clackamas County Title VI nondiscrimination requirements or to file a complaint, please call 503-655-8640 or email

Clackamas County respeta los derechos civiles Clackamas County opera sus programas sin importar la raza, edad, religión, color, sexo, país de origen, discapacidad física o mental, estado civil o de veterano, orientación sexual, identidad de género ni cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley de acuerdo al Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles, ORS Capítulo 659A o cualquier otra ley aplicable. Para solicitar información adicional sobre el Titulo VI de Clackamas County, los requisitos de no discriminación, o para presentar una queja; favor de llamar al: 503-655-8640 o por correo Electrónico a

Организация Clackamas County соблюдает гражданские права Организация Clackamas County осуществляет свои программы независимо от расового происхождения, возраста, вероисповедания, цвета кожи, пола, национальности, физических или психических функциональных нарушений, семейного положения или статуса ветерана войны, сексуальной ориентации, идентификации пола и любых других характеристик, подлежащих защите от дискриминации в соответствии с разделом VI закона США «О гражданских правах» и (или) разделом 659A свода законодательных постановлений правительства штата Орегон, а также предусмотренных любыми другими применимыми законами. Чтобы запросить дополнительную информацию о наших требованиях Название VI недискриминации или подать жалобу, пожалуйста, звоните 503-655-8640 или по электронной почте


2051 Kaen Road #135 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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