Happy Valley has been developing at a rapid pace. Developing the infrastructure along 172nd Ave is a high priority for the city and county. 172nd Ave will be widened to four travel lanes with a center planter median and turn lanes between Misty Dr to Scouters Mountain Road with added bike lanes, landscape strips and sidewalks.
Improvements at major intersections will include adding a roundabout at Troge Road and expanding the single-lane roundabout at Scouters Mountain Road to a multi-lane roundabout. Improvements will also include right of way acquisitions, moving existing utilities underground, replacing culverts at Troge Road, enhancing pedestrian crossings and adding street lighting.
The City of Happy Valley will be assisting in project coordination and review. The county will manage and lead the design and construction activities.
To reduce congestion, improve safety, provide safe routes and connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians and to keep pace with future growth of Happy Valley.
- Design: March 2023 to Winter 2026
- Right of way: Spring 2025 to Winter 2026
All right of way acquisitions are conducted as required by state and federal law. Read right of way brochure: English | español | 简体中文 - Construction: Spring 2027 to Winter 2028
Current activities
- Refining proposed improvement design and environmental permitting.
- Preparing for the Feb. in-person and virtual open houses.
Traffic impact
- Expect delays on roadway for vehicles and bicycles during construction.
- Project estimate is $30 million
- Funding is provided from City of Happy Valley Funds and joint city/county Transportation System Development Charge Joint District Funds.
Open house resources
- Schedule
- County standard for urban road design
- General area map
- Full map: 172nd Ave and frontage road with traffic signal (option 1, alignment A)
- Full map: 172nd Ave and frontage road with traffic signal (option 1, alignment B)
- Full map: 172nd Ave and frontage road with roundabout (option 2)
- Intersection detail: Troge Road at 172nd Ave with traffic signal (option 1, alignment A)
- Intersection detail: Troge Road at 172nd Ave with traffic signal (option 1, alignment B)
- Intersection detail: Troge Road at 172nd Ave with roundabout (option 2)
Other Resources
English: 172nd Ave Widening and Infrastructure Improvements
español: Ampliación de 172nd Ave y Mejoras en Infraestructura
русский: Расширение и улучшение инфраструктуры вдоль улицы 172nd Ave
简体中文: 172nd Ave 拓宽及基础设施改善工程
tiếng Việt: Cải thiện Cơ sở Hạ tầng và Mở rộng Đường 172nd Ave
Tagalog: Pagpapalawak at Pagpapaganda sa Impraestruktura ng 172nd Ave