County staff time and materials used to comply with requests for records or to summarize, compile or prepare records to meet a specific request are charged at an amount reasonably calculated to reimburse the county. The county will not charge more than a reasonable calculation of the actual costs to respond to the request, in compliance with state law.
We may require payment to recover costs even if we fail to locate records or the records turn out to be exempt from disclosure.
Some departments may also charge a fee.
Copies of the documents will be provided (not the originals) unless directed by court order.
Single-page, one-sided copies (letter, legal, or 11x17) may be charged at the rate of $1 for the first page and 10 cents for each additional page.
There is no fee for electronic copies (except for staff time).
Staff Time
Eligible staff time to be charged to the requester includes time spent locating, retrieving, and certifying documents. Eligible staff time may also include time spent supervising review of records (when supervision is reasonably necessary) and county attorney fees. County attorney fees for determining whether or not public records law applies to a request are not eligible for being charged to the requester.
Fee Waivers
The County Administrator or designee may waive or reduce fees for copying or inspecting records if the administrator or designee finds the waiver is in the public interest.