County Legislative Priorities

We work closely with elected representatives and key officials at all levels of government to promote Clackamas County’s interests on your behalf.

County Initiatives at the State Level

Each year, the Board of County Commissioners approves state legislative agendas that outline the county’s policy and funding priorities for the Oregon State Legislature. Our main initiatives include:

  • I-205 Bottleneck Funding 
    Advocate for state funding to support a third lane of capacity in each direction of I-205 from Stafford Road to OR 213, including seismic improvements to the Abernethy Bridge. The Oregon portion of I-205 is a federally designated High Priority Corridor and is vital to both the Portland metropolitan region and users statewide. Without additional travel lanes, this section of I-205 will be overwhelmed by forecasted traffic volumes and will negatively impact regional freight mobility. ODOT is expected to complete design in 2020, but project construction remains unfunded.
  • Courthouse Replacement
    Promote continued advancement of the Clackamas County Courthouse Replacement Project. The Oregon Legislature has provided $32.7 million toward replacing the 81-year old, structurally-deficient building, which is supporting the design and engineering phase of the project. Clackamas County looks forward to building a new, modern courthouse that serves the needs of all county residents. The County plans to request the final installment of state matching funds for the project in the coming biennium.

State Legislative Agendas and Reports

State legislative agendas202420232022202120202019201820172016
State legislative reports202420232022202120202019201820172016

County Initiatives at the Federal Level

In addition to our work at the state level, the Board of County Commissioners approves federal  legislative agendas that outline the county’s policy and funding priorities for the U.S. Congress. 

Federal Legislative Agendas

Federal legislative agendas202420232022202120202019201820172016
Department Staff
Trent Wilson
Government Affairs Manager
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