Clackamas County: Contact Us

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.

The following are some of the most commonly accessed services by our community.

Home with people inside

Housing/Rental Assistance

Resources if you're struggling to find a place to live or can't afford housing in the county.

House with percentage sign

Property Taxes

Learn about your tax bill and options for payment.

Person wearing hard hat and overalls

Construction Permits

Details for your permits, including Building, Electrical, Plumbing. Mechanical and more


Jury Duty

Circuit Court website answering all your questions about jury duty.

Wedding rings

Marriage licenses

Application form and steps for getting your marriage license.



Helping low-income individuals increase the energy efficiency of their home and reduce energy costs.

Additional resources

Can't find your topic? Contact us.

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Most County offices are open 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Submissions received over the weekend will be reviewed on the next business day.