Clackamas County Transit Development Plan

Transit Development PlanClackamas County’s first-ever Transit Development Plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 29, 2021.

The plan sets the stage for improved and increased transit throughout the county. With seven transit service providers in Clackamas County, there are still large areas of the county with no transit service, and existing service varies in frequency, access and connectivity. The final plan  is being used to guide transit investments in the county.

Areas of Focus

  1. Inside TriMet’s service district (orange area of the map)
    • Includes most cities inside the Metro urban growth boundary (UGB), extending to Estacada; including a large portion of the rural area along Stafford Road
    • Work to be done: detailed analysis and level of service information
  2. Unincorporated Clackamas County with no transit service (gray area of the map)
    • Develop recommendations for how transit service providers can connect through these areas
    • Work to be done: Review connections in areas outside the jurisdictions of current transit providers:

Transit Service Providers in Clackamas County

Transit Service Providers

Project Advisory Committee

Stakeholders and residents from throughout the County met regularly to review project information and plans, make suggestions and recommend the final Transit Development Plan. Meetings will be open to the public and include time for public comment.

Meeting Schedule

Jan. 26, 2021
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Held via Zoom
agenda presentation summary
Nov. 4, 2020 Held via Zoom
agenda presentation summary
July 28, 2020 Held via Zoom
agenda presentation summary
May 12, 2020 Held via Zoom
agenda presentation summary

Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Members

Name Organization
Cristina Reynaga South Clackamas Transportaiton District Board of Directors
Linda Howland South Metro Area Regional Transit Dial-a-Ride Steering Committee
Laura Edmonds North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce
Michelle Emery Todos Juntos Transit Provider
Glenn Koehrsen Aging Services Advisory Council
Stephen McMurtrey Clackamas County Housing Authority
Jackson Calhoun Rex Putnam Earth Club
Bobbi Bryan Redland-Viola-Fischers Mill CPO
Maggie Anderson Clackamas Community College Student


HB 2017-Keep Oregon Moving*, created a new funding source for transit operations and capital expenditures. Aside from the Mt. Hood Express, Clackamas County is not a transit provider. However, areas outside of a transit district or service area also have the opportunity to receive funding for transit, contingent upon having a plan that identifies priority transit needs and investments. The small city transit providers have worked closely to coordinate an “out-of-TriMet district” set of investments for the initial TriMet STIF plan. During this planning process, a need was identified to create a single document addressing the connections between service provider areas, and to identify ways in which coordination and cooperation can be improved throughout the Study Area.

*HB 2017-Keep Oregon Moving, created a new funding source for transit operations and capital expenditures. Areas outside of a transit district or service area have the opportunity to receive funding for transit, contingent upon having a plan that identifies priority transit needs and investments.

In December 2018, Metro approved an updated Regional Transit Strategy with additional guidance on providing better transit service. The Service Enhancement Plans and the Regional Transit Strategy, as well as priority service improvements identified in the TriMet STIF plan, will be the foundation for the work of the CCTDP within the TriMet service area.

In June 2018, the County hosted a Transit and Housing Workshop where professional staff from jurisdictions throughout the Study Area discussed actions needed to increase access to housing and jobs through better transit service. These concepts will be explored further during the Project to provide guidance on ways to make transit service a more viable option to choice riders, identify the types of transit facilities needed to support transit connections, bring forward innovative ways to provide service in rural and suburban locations, and provide input into land use actions that support transit.

Detailed Project Objectives

  • Assess the transit level-of-service to identify gaps in transit service and coverage;
  • Assess the connections between transit and land use and identify potential actions to improve land use transit-supportiveness;
  • Identify opportunities to meet the transportation/transit needs of vulnerable populations and to provide access to destinations that are important to vulnerable populations;
  • Identify transit equity issues that exist for low-income households and identify connections to provide better access to employment and housing for transit dependent populations;
  • Enhance coordination between transit service providers and provide guidance on seamless access to transit options regionally by evaluating technology integration and fare uniformity;
  • Provide strategic guidance for service improvements that will address the findings in the above assessments and improve the integration between systems from a County perspective;
  • Address issues emerging from Metro’s 2018 Regional Transit Strategy, such as implementation of the enhanced transit concept, transit expansion and first/last mile connections;
  • Integrate a range of transit options, such as shuttles, express service, vanpools, micro transit and Transportation Network Companies (i.e., Uber and Lyft);
  • Identify priority transit service enhancements that can be integrated into future STIF plans and TriMet planning, and other planning work or funding opportunities; and
  • Preserve the function of state highways by expanding regional public transit availability and reducing the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road.

Just the Facts

Funding: $175,200 from the federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), through a Transportation & Growth Management grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Timeline: January 2020 – January 2021

For more information:

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