Help Amplify Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Message with Your Audiences
Join our effort to help local youth quit vaping. Below are resources from the campaign that you can share.
- POSTERS: Campaign posters are available in English and Spanish (18x24 inches) to display in your school, agency or office. Available free by mail. Request posters
- QUIT CARDS: Business card or postcard sized cards with the information on texting GO VAPELESS to 88709 for help quitting to make available to youth in your school, agency or office. Request quit cards
- VIDEO: Campaign video can be shared online.
Sample Social Media Posts
Here are a few sample posts for youth and adult ally audiences that you can use for your agency and personal social media accounts. Right click on images to save them for use in your posts.
Youth Audience Messages
Let your friends know you’re there for them. And so are free tips and advice on quitting.
Together we’re strong. Free, confidential help for quitting vaping is there for you when you’re ready.
Quitting nicotine can be tough. If you're ready to try (or try again), there's free, confidential help available! Text "Go Vapeless" to 88709 for help.
Adult Youth Ally Messages
Our kids are not replacement smokers for the tobacco industry! Share this free, confidential text-based resource for quitting. Text Go Vapeless to 88709 for help quitting.
Work with youth in Multnomah, Clackamas or Washington Counties? Free “Go Vapeless” posters are available to let teens and young adults know about this free and confidential text-based quit resource.
Youth service providers: free texting quit resource available for youth who vape. Spread the word!
“Don’t Lean on Nicotine"
“Don’t Lean on Nicotine” is a local mass media campaign created to raise awareness among youth of a free, confidential texting-based resource for help to quit vaping.
Funded by Health Share of Oregon, the program is the first regional tobacco-related collaboration between the three counties’ tobacco prevention programs: Clackamas County, Multnomah County Washington County Tobacco Prevention and Education Programs (TPEP) and the Multnomah County REACH program.
The campaign was designed with an emphasis on LGBTQ+, African American and Hispanic/Latino youth communities who are disproportionately impacted by the tobacco industry’s marketing tactics and the negative health impacts of tobacco use.
For help quitting, text GO VAPELESS to 88709.
Learn more about the background and development of this campaign:
Contact Us For More Information

Clackamas County TPEP Program
Clackamas County

Emily Taylor
Multnomah County

Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH)
Multnomah County
Visit their website

Gwyn Ashcom
Washington County