The Villages at Mt. Hood Pedestrian and Bikeway Implementation Plan

Plan overview

The project team, working with a Public Advisory Committee (PAC) and a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), analyzed current walking and bicycling conditions in order to:

  • Identify bicycle and pedestrian needs within The Villages at Mt. Hood
  • Develop a Safe Routes to School Plan for Welches Elementary and Middle School
  • Identify potential locations for additional or enhanced US 26 pedestrian crossings, including at-grade and grade-separated solutions, or enhancements to current crossings
  • Evaluate the feasibility of a multi-use path in the area


The County received a Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to create the Plan.

Safe Routes to Schools

As part of the Walk & Bike The Villages at Mt. Hood Plan, Clackamas County worked with community and school leaders to create a Safe Routes to School plan for Welches Elementary and Middle School. The plan examines conditions around the school and recommends solutions to improve safety and accessibility. The plan will create safer and more inviting opportunities for students and their families to walk and bicycle to school. Review the Safe Routes to School plan and Infrastructure projects plan.

Public participation

A 9-member Public Advisory Committee (PAC) was created to review materials and provide input and advice. The PAC met 3 times during the plan development and included community members and representatives from various groups, e.g. Sandy River Watershed Council, Rhododendron CPO, Mt. Hood Chamber, etc. An 8-member Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met 4 times and helped inform decisions related to traffic engineering, bicycle and pedestrian designs, etc. Public participation also included 2 open houses to give community members an opportunity to provide input on the Villages plan and recommended project solutions. About 29 to 39 people attended the first and second open house respectively. Attendees provided their feedback on such topics as pedestrian and bicycle needs, signage needs, traffic concerns, and recommended solutions and projects to improve access to transit and to multiple destinations including businesses, residences, Welches school, Post Office, etc. Public participation also included an online open house held for several weeks, news releases, articles in Citizen News, and postings to the project website. View the Community Outreach and Engagement Plan.

Walk & Bike The Villages at Mt. Hood Plan

Contact: Scott Hoelscher, Project Manager,, 503-742-4524

Updated: 6/8/17


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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