Stafford Road (Pattulo Way to Rosemont Road) Improvements


Design, utility coordination, right of way

Updated: July 9, 2024

Adding a roundabout at Childs Road, realigning Johnson Road to eliminate intersection skew and reduce steep slopes, adding a southbound left-turn lane at Johnson Road, widening Stafford Road between Pattulo Way and Rosemont Road to add bike lanes, and replacing the Pecan Creek culvert at Childs Road with a larger, fish-passable culvert. 


To improve safety and capacity at the intersections of Stafford Road with Johnson Road and Childs Road and to provide a safe route for bikes along Stafford Road. 



  • Design: March 2021 to Dec. 2024
  • Right of way: Sept. 2022 to Dec. 2024
  • Utility relocation: Fall 2024 to Winter 2025
  • Construction: Spring 2025 to Winter 2026

Current activities

  • Design of roadway improvements, utility relocation coordination, and right of way activities. 
  • Proposed improvements at the Childs Road intersection require approximately 9,000 square feet of permanent easement from the adjacent Lake Oswego property and approximately 30,000 square feet of permanent easement from the adjacent Metro properties. 

Traffic impacts

Impacts to vehicle and bicycle facilities and delays during construction. 


  • Project estimate is $18 million
  • Funding is provided from Community Road Funds and Transportation System Development Charges. 

Other Resources



The goal is to maintain the highest level of service and safety to the traveling public during construction. Because of the narrow roadway and steep topography along the project, keeping the road open to vehicles could pose an unsafe condition for road users and construction workers.  By proposing road closures, the county is prioritizing the safety of the traveling public, the safety of construction workers, efficiency of the construction work, and overall time of construction and cost of the project.


Yes, local access will be maintained for homeowners and emergency services. 


Guardrail will be installed along Stafford Road in areas with steep drop-offs, specifically along the west side of Stafford Road and at the intersection of Childs Road. 


A cultural resource survey was completed for the proposed improvements at the Childs Road intersection. This survey included scanning the project area for potential archeological or historical artifacts within the proposed project limits.

Read the cultural resource survey report

Contact us
Department Staff
Jonathan Hangartner, PE
Project Manager


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.