Behavioral Health Division

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You Matter!  

If you’re in a mental health crisis, please call 503-655-8585.

For information, visit our crisis and support webpage

Clackamas County’s Behavioral Health Team is here to help connect you with a variety of immediate and long-term options for improving mental health. Behavioral Health provides coordination, assessment, outreach and recovery services to Clackamas County residents experiencing mental health and addiction distress so they can achieve their own recovery goals.

Behavioral Health team

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Offer us feedback on how we are doing or ways to improve.

If you are concerned about a vulnerable individual that receives mental health services, reach out

Request access to your health record.

Authorize us to get and give information about your health to those who you choose.

Care Coordination

Care coordination involves organizing care activities among different services and providers, and across various facilities.


Choice model helps adults who live with mental illness and have complex needs. The goal is to help people stay in their community of choice, with the services and supports they need. Exceptional Need Care Coordinators often help people who have been committed and are in the hospital. They provide support and advocacy as people transition back to their homes. 

Care Coordinators do not provide treatment, instead they help coordinate the services they need and work with treatment providers and other community supports to make sure services center on the individual’s goals and preferences. Most people eligible for Choice services are in high levels of care, like residential treatment programs. 

The Choice program also works closely with community based residential providers who run Residential Treatment Homes, Residential Treatment Facilities and Adult Foster Homes. These programs provide housing, treatment and personal care services to adults who experience a mental illness. Clackamas County’s Residential services staff provide technical assistance, referral and waitlist management, and support to maintain state compliance to residential treatment programs for adults who experience severe mental illness. 

Contact us for more information about Choice model services or residential services.



Intensive Care Coordinators work closely with members who have complex needs, their support systems, and care teams to create an individual, personalized care and service plan that addresses the member’s specific behavioral, physical, oral and social health needs.   

Eligibility: Health Share of Oregon members who meet criteria for intensive care coordination and who accept our offer of services.

Referral: Fill out the Care Coordination referral form.

Contact: or 503-742-5394



Wraparound is a team-based planning process that supports youth and families with complex needs. Wraparound brings youth and families together with a team of friends, relatives, schoolteachers, counselors and caseworkers to develop an individualized plan that is based on their vision of success.  


  • Youth 0–20 years old at the time of referral
  • Want to participate in the Wraparound process
  • Are enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and assigned to a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) such as Health Share/Care Oregon or Trillium Health Plans
  • Are involved in two or more child-serving systems (Mental Health, Special Education, Juvenile Justice, Child Protective Services/DHS, etc)  
  • Priority is given to youth who are currently in Psychiatric Residential Treatment, State Hospital, or a residential program for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children


Anyone connected to a youth, or the youth themselves, may submit a referral for Wraparound. The referral packet is submitted to the Wraparound Program Referral Coordinators. A completed referral packet consists of: Signed Consent form by legal guardian and referral packet. Authorization of Disclose Protected Health Information (Releases of Information) are helpful but not required to process the referral. 

Once a referral is fully processed, youth and family will be scheduled for Wraparound Review Committee. The Wraparound Review Committee will determine if youth is accepted into the Wraparound Program. 

Contact: Email or call 503-742-5322 or fax to 503-742-5304


Behavioral Health and the Legal System  


An individual may be involuntarily committed for up to 180 days through a court process when an allegation is made that because of a mental illness that individual is either a danger to self or others or unable to meet their basic needs.

Involuntary Commitment Program staff investigate these allegations and make recommendations to the court, and monitors individuals who have been committed. Contact us if you have questions or would like more information about involuntary commitment.

Contact: 503-655-8585


Under Oregon law, a court may rule that a defendant is unable to aid and assist in their own defense due to mental health issues and order the person to be restored to legal competency.

Per Oregon Revised Statute 161.370, Clackamas County’s Aid and Assist staff provide recommendations to the court regarding the restoration of competency, participate in meetings with treatment staff, and provide legal skills training and other resources for individuals in this process

Contact: Jail Diversion team at or the Clackamas County Crisis and Support line at 503-655-8585.


Persons with mental illness spend more time in incarceration than do persons without mental illness who are charged with the same offenses.

Clackamas County’s Jail Diversion team provides discharge planning and crisis case management to individuals with qualifying mental health issues who are involved in the legal system in Clackamas County - with the goal of providing resources and services that will reduce the likelihood of re-arrest and additional time spent in incarceration.

Most referrals come from jail or community corrections staff. However, if you know of an individual who might benefit from Jail Discharge and Diversion services, you may send an email to the Jail Diversion team or call the Clackamas County Crisis and Support Line

Contact: Jail Diversion team at or Clackamas County Crisis and Support Line at 503-655-8585.


Under Oregon law, a court may rule that a defendant is Guilty Except for Insanity, meaning that individual was unable to appreciate the criminality of their conduct, or else unable to refrain from engaging in that conduct due to mental health issues, and is therefore not criminally responsible.

Rather than going to prison, persons who are found Guilty Except for Insanity are placed under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Psychiatric Security Review Board (PSRB).

Clackamas County’s PSRB staff provides monitoring and supervision services for individual who are released to the community while under the Board’s jurisdiction, including coordinating housing, recommending and monitoring conditions of release, and providing progress reports to the PSRB.

All referrals come through the Courts or through the Psychiatric Security Review Board.

Contact: For questions, contact PSRB at


Office Hours:

Varies by location, call us for office hours

24/7 Crisis and Support Line:

Customer Service:

Toll Free:

711 or 1-800-735-1232