Park Avenue Community Project (Development & Design Standards)

Park Avenue map

Actions by Board of County Commissioners (BCC)

June 2021

On June 22, 2021, the BCC directed staff to take no further action on the Park Avenue Community Project, with the understanding that if community groups in the area can come to agreement, they can come back to the BCC with a proposal in the future.

With this direction, the process to update the Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) and Comprehensive Plan to implement the recommendations of the Park Ave Community Advisory Committee will not be started. Current ZDO development and design standards will continue to be used to guide development in the area.

December 2020

On Dec. 2, 2020, the Park Avenue Community Advisory Committee and county staff presented the committee’s report to the Board of County Commissioners and the Commission approved motions to: 

  1. Acknowledge the work completed by the Park Ave Community Project, Phase II, including the Guiding Principles, Framework Plan, proposed Development and Design Standards, and Implementation Actions to consider for the future. 
  2. Direct staff to move forward the proposed Development and Design Standards to the Planning and Zoning Division to begin consideration of amendments to the Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) and Comprehensive Plan, working through the routine process with the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners, with outreach to the residential and business community, and development of a policy framework for anti-displacement.

Project History

Between November 2019 – December 2020, the McLoughlin Area Plan Implementation Team (MAP-IT) and Clackamas County worked with the community to create Guiding Principles, a Framework Plan and drafted updated land use development and design standards for commercial areas within ½ mile of the light rail station at Park Avenue and McLoughlin Boulevard in Oak Grove, just south of the city of Milwaukie. The purpose of the standards is to support economic development in commercial areas, and protect and preserve surrounding residential areas.

The project provided an inclusive and innovative public engagement process (as much as was possible during a pandemic), an assessment of neighborhood livability and economic vitality, and draft revised development and design standards on commercial land around the Park Ave Light Rail station to support a more walkable, transit-oriented environment.


The project has two distinct phases:

Phase I: Community Engagement (Fall 2018 - Spring 2019)

Community assessment including researching community demographics and organizations, and policies, plans and development conditions. There was an assessment of the public’s understanding of the McLoughlin Area Plan (MAP) vision and related policy considerations, and an initial livability assessment, with a review of the potential impact of gentrification. Phase I also provided the opportunity to develop an extensive, innovative and inclusive public engagement process for Phase II. The results of Phase I are detailed in the three memos listed below.

Phase II: Development & Design Standards (Spring 2019 – Summer 2020)

Technical work and community engagement to present options to code refinements and develop anti-displacement strategies. An extensive and inclusive public engagement process will be employed to ensure all segments of the residential and business community have the opportunity to participate. The anticipated outcome is the development of code and map amendments for commercially-zoned areas, recommendations for implementation tools and community development, and anti-displacement strategies. Any proposed amendments to the county’s Zoning & Development Ordinance (ZDO) will be brought forward to the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners, with final adoption by the Board.

The project is funded by a Metro 2040 Planning Development Grant of $180,000, with matching in-kind services from Clackamas County of $45,000.

Staff Contact
Department Staff
Karen Buehrig
Transportation Planning Supervisor
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