Community Planning Organizations

Get to know and shape your community

If you live in unincorporated Clackamas County, a community planning organization (CPO) is a great way to have a voice in the livability of your community! These organizations are run by volunteers — your neighbors and friends — who care about community challenges and growth issues where you live.  They welcome participation by everyone in the organization’s area. 

Some reasons you might want to get involved in your CPO

  1. Meet other people in your community. In addition to working on growth and development matters, some organizations plan fun holiday events, festivals and other gatherings.
  2. Know about land use projects that are being proposed in your area. If you heard a rumor about something going on in your community, your CPO is a great place to go to learn more.
  3.  Participating in a community organization is an easy, no-pressure way to have a voice and connection with your county government.

“Your CPO is a route to bringing your thoughts, ideas and concerns to the people who run Clackamas County. Of course they are busy, and it may seem difficult to find the right person. By involving yourself in your CPO, you can get a fast-track method of communicating with the folks who can assist you in your concerns." — Gordon Slatford, Firwood CPO

How to find your CPO

The county has an Interactive Map that makes finding your CPO easy.

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right-hand corner of the map.
  • Type your address into the box.
  • Click your address below the box.  

The map will zoom in to your community planning organization's area. If you need help, check out the instructions on the ‘how to’ page.
If your address doesn't come up, it likely means you live within a city boundary. You can confirm this by checking Clackamas Maps (CMAP), our interactive tool for looking up property information. Your city will appear under jurisdiction.

Learn about individual community planning organizations

Community planning organizations are advisory to the Board of County Commissioners, the Planning Department, and the Planning Commission on matters affecting their areas. They may develop neighborhood plans and proposals with respect to land use, zoning, parks, open space  and recreation, annexation, housing, community facilities, transportation and traffic, community services, and other factors affecting the livability of their areas.  
Active CPOs meet at least two times a year, although some meet more often. They also keep minutes, have bylaws and elected board officers. CPOs are always seeking more people to get involved. Learn more about them by reviewing their information below or contacting their board officers. 


Ken Ivey, Chair

24780 NE Prairie View Drive
Aurora, OR 97002 


Beavercreek acts as both as Community Planning Organization and a Hamlet

Tammy Stevens, Chair

P.O. Box 51
Beavercreek, OR 97004


Boring CPO meets the first Tuesday of each month in the basement of the Boring Grange on Grange St. The door is in the south side of the building. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:01 p.m.  If you want to be on the email list for the agenda and minutes, e-mail Mike Fitz with your name, phone number and e-mail address. 

Michael Fitz, Chair

P.O. Box 363
Boring, OR 97009


The Bull Run Community Association (CPO) meets twice a year, usually in March and September at Aims Community Church, 44510 SE Connett Road. 

Janet Davis, President 


Birdshill is near Lake Oswego. This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


Clarkes-Highland CPO meets at 7:30 p.m. several times a year at the Clarkes Grange Hall, 19396 S Unger Rd, Beavercreek, OR 97004. 

Craig Loughridge, President


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO.


Jennifer Hart, Chairman 
PO Box 1411
Boring, OR 97009


Eaglecreek CPO meets the second Thursday of each month at the Estacada Library at 7 p.m., unless posted otherwise. 

Brent Parries, President

PO Box 101
Eagle Creek Oregon  97022


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


Far West CPO meets twice a year, in the spring and fall, unless there is a special reason to meet. We meet in the Wilsonville Library, 8200 SW Wilsonville Road, at 6 p.m.

Sparkle Anderson, President
Fax 503-682-3352


Marge Stewart, President

49025 SE Wildcat Mtn. Road
Sandy, OR 97055


Forest Highlands is near Lake Oswego. This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


Government Camp CPO meets at the Mt. Hood Cultural Museum (and via zoom).  Times are 7 pm.

Main contact:

Nick Rinard, President 

PO Box 112 
Government Camp, OR 97028


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


The Hoodland CPO meets monthly on the third Thursday of each month. The CPO's Land Use Committee reviews, does site visits and provides comment for land use permits sent by the county.  

The CPO engages a speaker on a pertinent topic each month on a wide range of local interests and concerns. The CPO follows, comments on and brings to the members attention the actions of the county on a variety of zoning and other changes that may affect the CPO community.

Patricia Erdenberger, Chair


Jennings Lodge meets quarterly. Meetings are at 7 p.m. and are currently held virtually via Zoom. To get the registration link for a particular meeting, please email

Upcoming meetings:

  • Feb. 25, 2025
  • May 27, 2025
  • Sept. 23, 2025
  • Dec. 3, 2025

Linda Neumann, Chair


The Ladd Hill Neighborhood Association, a CPO of Clackamas County, has neighborhood meetings four times per year depending on the venue availability, the agenda and availability. We send invitational emails to our membership list with 10-14 days lead time. 

Cole Presthus, Co-President

PO Box 2556
Wilsonville, OR  97070


Lake Forest is near Lake Oswego. This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


The Mulino CPO meets the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse at the Mulino Airport, S Airport Road. The CPO meets just before the Mulino Hamlet meeting. The Hamlet meets at 7:15 PM or when the CPO meeting adjourns.  

Derrick Cherico, Chair

P.O. Box 853
Mulino, OR 97042


The Oak Grove Community Council (aka Oak Grove CPO) meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month from January to October. In December, we meet the first Wednesday at 7 p.m. Currently all meetings are via Zoom. To get the Zoom link and meeting agenda, please visit  

Valerie Chapman, Chair 
Phone: 503-974-6422 


Regular meetings are scheduled the first Wednesday of every month, at 7:15 p.m. at the Redland Grange Building, 18131 S Fischers Mill Rd, Oregon City, OR  97045.

Notifications of meetings will be shown on the CPO website, the CPO Facebook page, the Redland Community Action Organization Facebook page, and by email to all members or interested individuals.

Donna Hazel, CPO Board Secretary


The Rhododendron CPO meets 3-4 times a year, as-needed, depending on the volume of land-use applications, Oregon Department of Transportation Updates, and other issues that concern the livability of our area.

Mike Miskowicz, Chair

P.O. Box 33
Rhododendron, OR 97049


Rock Creek is between Happy Valley and Damascus. This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


Paul Zaninovich, Chair/President

Steve Donaghy, Vice President

Dave Farrell, Secretary/Treasurer


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


Next open meeting: June 20, 2024 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Pat Nesbitt, Chair

15401 Pierce Road
Molalla, OR 97038 map


This CPO is not currently active. Find some friends and neighbors to work with and send an email to to start your own CPO. 


Southwood Park CPO meets the last Monday of April and October at 7 p.m. at Meadowsprings Community Church, 12647 SW 62nd Ave.

Dasha Troitskaya, Chair


Randall Yamada - Chair

John McCabe - Vice Chair

PO Box 382
West Linn, OR 97068


Currently, the meetings are held at 7 p.m. online via Zoom.  If you want to be on the email list for the agenda and minutes, please e-mail with your name, street address and phone number. 

Mike Cebula, Chair

Upcoming meetings:

  • April 7, 2025, 
    7 p.m.
    via Zoom

Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the CPO Board.


Land-Use Resources

Community Planning Organizations work to influence matters related to land use in their communities. Land-use can include zoning, parks, housing, farming, safety and transportation. The county notifies CPOs of proposed land use actions and legislative changes that will impact their areas. The organization may review these applications and make recommendations about the proposed actions or changes and appeals. For more information about the role Community Planning Organizations play in land use, check out section 1307 of the county’s Zoning Development Ordinance

As an advocate for your community, the resources below will come in handy when you want to learn more about how the county operates, and how you can have the greatest impact navigating through it all. Have questions? Email

CPO Marketing Resources

Download the below materials to promote your planning group around the community. Created with input from CPO members, the materials were designed to help you get the word out and grow your membership. You can print as many copies as you need and use them to motivate people to come to meetings. You can print, post and hand them out throughout the year. 

  • 8.5x11 inch paper (letter/printer paper)
  • Needs to be folded into thirds.
  • Room for customization where you can add your meeting time and location. Use Adobe Acrobat or Canva to write your information into Blue box on back page. Preferably font Arial, size 12. You can even make a label or handwrite if necessary. 
  • A great option for: In-person events where you can have a conversation.

  • Size 7 x 5 (two per page). You will need to cut them.  
  • If you’re going to mail them, they need to be printed on heavier stock paper. (80-110 cover stock is preferred.) Example
  • You can also print them on regular paper and hand them out at events.
  • A great option for: Handing out at events when you don’t have table space, like a parade, egg hunt or picnic. 

  • 8.5 x 11 inch (letter)
  • No folding or special printing necessary.
  • A great option for: Posting on a wall at a coffee shop, community center or local gathering spot where there is foot traffic.


We publish meeting materials on behalf of Community Involvement organizations. Community Involvement materials and statements do not necessarily represent the views of county elected officials or staff.

We cannot publish materials, statements, and other content that fail to meet accessibility standards or that advocate for a political candidate, campaign or issue.


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.