Transportation System Plan

Clackamas County's Transportation System Plan (TSP), Chapter 5 of the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan, was adopted by the Board of Commissioners in December 2013.

The TSP reflects all relevant national, state and regional transportation and planning requirements, and provides policies, guidelines and projects to meet transportation needs for residents, businesses and visitors in unincorporated Clackamas County for 20 years.

A Public Advisory Committee and a Technical Advisory Committee guided the two-year plan development process, based on extensive input from the public, the business community, planning and transportation experts, and public and private partners. The TSP includes more than 300 needed transportation projects identified by the community and transportation professionals throughout unincorporated Clackamas County over the next 20 years, though funds are likely to be available for only a small percentage of the total.

The TSP also includes updated policies to guide development of the projects that:

  • Look at the transportation system through a local perspective (rural and urban);
  • Specifically address safety, health, equity and sustainability;
  • Integrate transportation with land use;
  • Address active transportation (bicycling and walking) and accessibility needs;
  • Support the movement of freight; and
  • Ensure compliance with national and local regulations, including a change of intersection and roadway performance standards.

Brief Overview

TSP Vision

Building on the foundation of our existing assets, we envision a well-maintained and designed transportation system that provides safety, flexibility, mobility, accessibility and connectivity for people, goods and services; is tailored to our diverse geographies; and supports future needs and land use plans.

TSP Goals

  • Sustainable
    Provide a transportation system that optimizes benefits to the environment, the economy and the community.
  • Local Business and Jobs
    Plan the transportation system to create a prosperous and adaptable economy and further the economic well-being of businesses and residents of the county.
  • Livable and Local
    Tailor transportation solutions to suit the diversity of local communities.
  • Safety and Health
    Promote a transportation system that maintains or improves our safety, health, and security.
  • Equity
    Provide an equitable transportation system.
  • Fiscally Responsible
    Promote a fiscally responsible approach to protect and improve the existing transportation system and implement a cost-effective system to meet future needs.

TSP Projects

  • Tier 1: 20-year capital projects
    Needed projects and investments matched with anticipated funding
  • Tier 2: Preferred capital projects
    Projects and investments needed to meet population, housing and employment projections, but that don't have identified funding at this time
  • Tier 3: Long-term capital project needs
    Projects that would be beneficial to do if funds were available

See TSP Maps, Tables and Figures


Transportation System Plan
(Chapter 5, Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan)

  • Introduction
  • Foundation and Framework
  • Land Use and Transportation
  • Active Transportation
  • Roadways
  • Transit
  • Freight, Rail, Air, Pipeline and Water Transportation
  • Finance and Funding
  • Transportation Projects and Plans
  • Definitions
  • Tables, Figures and Maps
  • Capital Improvement Plan

TSP Background Document
This compendium of technical memorandum and other documents, listed below, reports the results of the technical analysis and public involvement efforts undertaken as part of the TSP update project. It is adopted into the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan Appendix B – Summary of Supporting Documents.

For more information, please contact Long-Range Planning Manager Karen Buehrig at  or 503-742-4683.

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8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Sunrise, Transportation and Development