Clackamas County District Attorney's Office

Main Content

Providing Justice and Safety to Crime Victims and Our Community

John Wentworth

The Clackamas County District Attorney's Office serves more than 400,000 people in the third most populous county in Oregon. 

The mission of the District Attorney’s Office is to provide leadership, accountability, and high-quality service in a fair and just manner so that those who live, work, and play in Clackamas County can enjoy a safe and livable community.

Rendering of the new courthouse

The Clackamas County District Attorney's Office is moving. 

When: May 19, 2024 

Where: 1000 Courthouse Road, Oregon City map

Learn about criminal prosecution in Clackamas County and the services we provide the community.

Do you have questions about your case, appearing in court, public records or having a Deputy DA speak to a community organization? We have answers.

Learn about the services our advocates provide and applying for protective and restraining orders.

Access frequently used forms such as public records requests and expungements as well as other resources, including our Policy Manual.

John Wentworth is the 22nd District Attorney of Clackamas County.

We can help you apply for family support, medical support, establish paternity or modify an existing order for support. 

Learn more about our unique partnerships and programs designed to reduce recidivism for offenders.

How to contact the District Attorneys Offices, Law Enforcement Agencies and External Partners.

Annual Reports, Corrections Grand Jury Reports and more

Find Your Case

We want you to have the information you need for your case. Visit Find Your Case to learn about:

  • The charges filed in the case.
  • Upcoming court dates and be kept up to date on events in your case.
  • Who to contact with questions or information to share.
  • Contact information for the Deputy District Attorney assigned to your case.
  • Contact information for the Victim Advocate that you are working with. Your advocate can assist you in understanding your rights and how to assert them, as well as how to request restitution.

Daily Court Docket

The daily docket is the Clackamas County Circuit Court’s schedule that is updated each afternoon.

Please be aware that the Daily Docket is uploaded by end of day for the following day. If you do not see the date you are looking for, please wait until 5 p.m. for the updated Daily Docket.

Please read the following abbreviations to clarify the need for your appearance. If you have questions, call 503-655-8431.

Daily Docket

Abbreviation Translation Witnesses needed?
App Appearance (for a bench warrant) No
App/Rst Appearance Reset (trial postponed) No
CMA Case Manager Appearance No
Crt Trl Court Trial Yes
Crt Trl Cnt’d Court Trial Continued Yes
Hrg Hearing of any kind Yes
Jury Jury Trial Yes
Jury Cnt’d Jury Trial Continued Yes
Mo Motion of any kind Yes
Plea Change of Plea (to guilty) No
PV Hrg Probation Violation Hearing Yes
Sent Sentencing Yes
Sett Conf Settlement Conference No
Status Hrg Status Hearing Check No
Video Arrn Arraignment conducted by Video No

Why I Became A Prosecutor

Why do some of our finest public servants become prosecutors? Prosecutors seek justice and help victims. The Clackamas County’s District Attorney’s office prosecutors care deeply about enforcing the laws that help victims and make our community safer for everyone.

District Attorney John Wentworth shares why he became a prosecutor.

Alexander Hayes discusses the wide range of types of cases, the intrigue of the position, and being able to give back to his community.

“I really felt passionate about the criminal justice system, and wanted to do good … I feel very passionately about treating people fairly and seeking justice for victims.”