Building Codes

Building Codes

Residential Inspections

Inspection requests must be received before 6 a.m. the day of the inspection. You may ask for an inspection by calling the Inspection Request Line at 503-742-4720. We do not make appointments, but do attempt to honor requests for morning or afternoon inspections. Because of the uncertainties in the amount of time required, however, we cannot guarantee a specific time of day. If the dwelling is occupied, the applicant or an adult must be present to let in the inspector and remain during the inspection.

Site inspection

To be done with the footing inspection. The inspector will look at excavation and grading, slopes, building setbacks and fill materials. Structural fills will require a fill certification by a geotechnical or civil engineer.

Footings inspection

Performed after trenches or pad openings are excavated and cleared of loose material or mud, forms are erected and secured in place and reinforcing is in place and secured but prior to placing concrete. New construction requires a U-FER ground (electrical ground) to be in place prior to inspection. Inspections for concrete must be requested 24 hours before concrete is scheduled to be placed — no exceptions. We strongly recommend that you allow 24 hours from the time of your inspection to your pour to allow for corrections and reinspections.

Foundation inspection

(sometimes combined with footing inspections)
Made after forms and reinforcing are erected and secured or braced, but prior to placing concrete. All holdowns and special frame anchor bolts must be mounted in place prior to inspection. Inspections for concrete must be requested 24 hours before concrete is scheduled to be placed — no exceptions. We strongly recommend that you allow 24 hours from the time of your inspection to your pour to allow for corrections and reinspections.

Under-floor plumbing, electrical and mechanical inspection

Includes any plumbing, electrical, mechanical or gas piping work that will be installed under the floor. Inspections are requested after the electrical, plumbing, ductwork and gas piping are in place and secured, but prior to the under-floor framing inspection. The mechanical inspections may be done at the same time as the under-floor framing inspection.

Under-floor or post and beam inspection

Made after all under-floor plumbing, electrical and mechanical (including gas pipe) systems have been installed and all sill plates and under floor structural components are in place, secured and properly fastened, but prior to the application of flooring or insulation materials. All structural components, which have been improperly cut or notched for plumbing, etc., are to be repaired or replaced as needed.

Concrete floor slabs inspection

(within buildings/structures)
Made after all under-floor plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems have been installed and approved, the ground surface is prepared and leveled, forms are in place and secured, reinforcing or woven wire mesh (if required) and under-slab insulation (when required) are in place. Inspections for concrete must be requested 24 hours before concrete is scheduled to be placed; no exceptions. We strongly recommend that you allow 24 hours from the time of your inspection to your pour to allow for corrections and reinspections.

Roof coverings

The roof covering may be installed over the roof sheathing at any time unless otherwise noted on your plans.

Rough-in, all systems

The rough plumbing, electrical, mechanical and gas piping systems are to be installed and approved prior to obtaining the framing inspection and covering any work. The mechanical inspection may be done at the same time as the framing inspection.

Shear walls

Inspected after the structural frame is in place, all panels are to be nailed per the shear wall schedules, hold-downs and straps are to be installed and any miscellaneous attachments installed. This inspection may be done with the structural frame inspection.

Structural frame inspection

Performed after all of the above systems are approved. All structural components that have been improperly cut, notched or altered for systems installations must be replaced or repaired as indicated. Roof, wall and floor sheathing are to be in place and nailed. Bracing, blocking and fire stops are to be complete. Windows and doors must be installed.

Insulation and vapor barrier inspection

Performed after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place and secured. Includes walls, floors, ground covers, etc. Does not include loose insulation to be supported by ceiling finish materials. Weather protection must be provided prior to insulation. Wet or soaked insulation will be rejected. Substantially wet or soaked wood construction is not to be covered with vapor barriers unless adequate provisions are made for thorough drying of the structure. Under-floor and attic insulation may be done at a later time, but must be in place prior to the final inspection.

Gypsum wallboard (drywall) inspection

To be done on firewalls and gypsum wallboard (drywall) shear walls only. All nailing or other fastening systems must be complete. Tape, plaster or other coverings are not to be applied prior to this inspection. Where multiple layers of gypsum wallboard are required, the nailing for each layer must be inspected.

Public sidewalk and driveway approach inspection

Required for all concrete paving within the street right-of-way; to be done after the excavation is complete, the forms are in place and secured and the subgrade is properly prepared, but prior to the placing of any concrete. The Engineering Division performs the inspection of all driveway aprons and frontage sidewalks, including those within subdivisions. Please call 503-742-4700 to schedule inspections for this portion of your project. The Building Services Division will continue to inspect the flatwork portion of the driveway from the back of the sidewalk to the garage/house. Please call 503-742-4720 to schedule the inspections for this portion of your project. Contact the City of Gladstone at 503-656-7957 for work within the city limits.

Driveways, porches and flat work

Concrete driveways, patios, walkways and porches will be inspected after the ground surface is prepared and leveled and forms are in place and secured. The inspector will verify that the placement of concrete will not be against untreated framing or siding and the rise and run of any steps or stairs. Driveways are inspected in urban areas only. Inspections for concrete must be requested 24 hours before concrete is scheduled to be placed; no exceptions. We strongly recommend that you allow 24 hours from the time of your inspection to your pour to allow for corrections and reinspections.

Other inspections

Other inspections may be required on particular jobs. These will be indicated on the approved plans and specifications or the Building Inspector will inform the permit holder of the need for them.

Special inspections

When special inspections are required, a qualified and approved special inspector is to be at the job site whenever work requiring special inspections is in progress. Clackamas County does not perform special inspections. The special inspector or approved agency shall submit a report of their findings upon completion of the inspection.

The Oregon Building Officials Association has created a list of approved special inspectors and agencies. For a current list of approved inspectors and agencies, contact the Oregon Building Officials Association by phone at 503-873-1157 or fax at 503-873-9389.

Final inspections

Final building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire suppression (when required) inspections will be done after all such systems are complete, but before occupancy of the premises is allowed. The final building inspection is done only after all other required inspections have been completed and approved.

Clackamas County - TITLE 9 SECTION 9.02.310 - INSPECTIONS

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Plumbing Permits

Permit required prior to modifying or installing any plumbing

Online Submittals and Applications


Any contractor performing sanitary building sewer installations, are now required to have a Plumbing Business License issued by Oregon Building Codes Division in addition to their CCB license.

We will give customers some latitude to learn about and obtain the required licensing but will enforce these requirements starting April 1, 2022.

Uniform plumbing code

Administration, sec 918-780-010

  1. Permits Required:
    1. No person, firm, or corporation shall do plumbing work in the State of Oregon without first obtaining a plumbing permit and paying the appropriate fees to the authorized permit issuing agency;
    2. Plumbing permit fees shall be doubled if installation is commenced prior to issuance of the permit, except that this prevision will not apply to proven emergency installations, in which case a permit shall be obtained within 5 days of commencing installation.
  2. Purpose of Permit:
    The issuance of granting of a plumbing permit is for the purpose of knowing where to make inspections and to defray the cost of inspections. The Permit shall not be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provision of the statutes or of OAR Chapter 918, Divisions 750 to 799. The issuance of a permit shall not prevent the Administrator from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in sums due for the permit, in installation or in requiring the work to be done only by those authorized by law.
  3. Notice required for inspections:
    1. No plumbing installation shall be covered or concealed without first obtaining the approval of the Division;
    2. The Division shall have at least 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, after notification that the permittee is ready for an inspection, in which to make the inspection

Other resources

  • To verify plumbing contractor license information with the state of Oregon, call 503-742-1268.
  • For information about wells, call the Oregon Department of Water Resources at 503-378-8455.
  • Rain Drain and Gutter Policy and Procedures
Contact Us
Department Staff
Brad Wheeler
Plumbing Supervisor/Plan Review
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Schedule an Inspection

NOTICE: Development Direct and our permitting system will be offline from: 
4 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 9 until 8 a.m. Monday, Oct. 14 
See more information

There are now 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection.

Download our app

Contractor showing app on phone.The new Clackamas County Inspection Request app is now available for both Android and Apple.

The Clackamas County Inspection Request app allows contractors and homeowners to request inspections on all their active permits with just a few clicks.

  • View active permits
  • Review inspection history
  • Request single or multiple inspections
  • Add inspections and alerts to your calendar
  • Reschedule or cancel inspections in seconds
  • Fast, easy and time-saving

Tips for scheduling by phone

To schedule an inspection, call the Inspection Request Line at 503-742-4720, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Requests must be made before 2 p.m. to be scheduled for the following business day.

When using the inspection line:

Inspection Codes

Electrical inspection
100Service & Rough-In
110Service or Feeder
130Manufactured Dwelling
140Hot Tub/Spa/Pool
150Pump Install
160Sign Install
170AC/Heating Circuits
180Low Energy
199Electrical Final
Building or mechanical inspection
201Initial Erosion Control
202Footing Drain/Water Proofing
212CMU Walls
215Post & Beam/Underfloor Framing
224Interior Shear Walls
230Exterior Shear Walls
232Energy Efficiency
240Fire Resistive Wall Nailing
242Underfloor Mechanical
243Gas Piping/Pressure Test
244Hydronic Pipe/Pressure Test
245Rough Mechanical/Gas Fireplace/Woodstove
250Ceiling Grid
252Commercial Re-Roof
255Fire Sprinkler Rough/Pressure Test
260Fire Alarms
295Fire Sprinkler Final
296Fire Alarm Final
297Final Erosion Control
298Mechanical Final
299Building/Solar Final
Plumbing inspection
300Post & Beam
305Ground Work
310Water Service
330Septic Connection
340Rain Drains
345Crawl Space Drain
350Water Heater
355Shower Pan Test
360Storm Sewer
370Backflow Device
375Medical Gas
399Plumbing Final
Grading inspection
400Site Prep
405Rough Grade
499Grading Final
Manufactured home park, RV park & org. camp
500Park Rough Grading
510Park Pre-Paving
520Park Design Review
599Park Final
700Septic and Onsite Wastewater
Individual manufactured home inspection
850Site Review
860MH Installation
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Should My Building Be Ag Exempt?

Under ORS 455.315, some buildings used for agricultural (including marijuana), forest or equine uses can be exempt from the building code. So is this the right approach for your project? The information below provides some items to consider in making this decision. It is also important to know that the first step in determining if an Ag Exemption is right for your project is to identify the land use zone your land is in. The property must be zoned for farm or forest use, as required by State Statute, in order to qualify for an Ag Exemption.

Things to consider when getting a permit

  • With a permit, your building is not subject to the limitations of Ag Exempt structures. For example, you can have the public in the structure and you are not limited to a maximum of 10 people in the non-plant growing areas of the building.
  • Getting a permit could save time in the long run. Obtaining a permit on a previously exempt structure can involve hiring a registered design professional, upgrading the structure so it meets the current code requirements and opening areas of the building so building elements can be inspected. If you plan to eventually get a permit for your building, starting with a permit may save time and money.
  • If you obtain a permit, all fees are assessed — including costs beyond building permit fees, like system development charges (SDCs), school excise taxes and state surcharges. In some cases, these fees can equal or exceed the project permit fees. Talk with your plans examiner to determine the full extent of the fees that will be involved.

Things to consider when choosing an Ag Exemption

  • Your project will be exempt from obtaining a building permit or building-related inspections.
  • System development charges (SDCs) are not assessed for Ag buildings.
  • Land use approval, mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits are still required;d all inspections must be obtained.
  • The building cannot be used by, or open to, the public.
  • You are limited to only 10 people in the building at any one time, except in areas containing the plant growing operations.
  • If you choose to convert an Ag Exempt building to a permitted structure, additional work will be needed. This may include hiring an engineer to evaluate whether the building meets code requirements, performing modifications to the structure so it is in compliance with code or opening the existing structure to expose building elements for inspection.
  • Any building using a forestry Ag Exemption can never be converted to a permitted structure.
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Electrical Plan Review Rules

The Oregon Building Codes Agency has adopted rules to create uniformity for Electrical Plan Review requirements.

Time in review

Electrical plan reviews should be approved or denied within 10 working days from the receipt of the complete electrical plans. If denied because of deficiencies, written notification will be given. Upon re-submission, the 10 day review time starts again. When the complexity or size of a project requires more than the 10 working days, we will notify the permit holder of needed time for completion. When plans have been submitted with proper electrical application, Clackamas County will issue a permit number and may allow limited courtesy inspections to prevent construction delays.

Plan review standards

Review is required for any of the following:

  1. Ampacity:
    1. A service or feeder beginning at 400 Amps where the available fault current exceeds 10,000 Amps at 150 Volts or less to ground or exceeds 14,000 Amps for all other installations.
    2. Installation of a 150 KVA or larger separately derived system
    3. Addition of a new motor load of 100 HP or more
    4. Fire pump installations as defined in Article 695 of the NEC
    5. Emergency systems installations as defined in Article 700 of the NEC
    6. A service or feeder rated 600 Amps or over.
  2. Voltage. More than 600 supply volts nominal.
  3. Height. More than three stories.
  4. Occupancy.
    1. Six or more residential units in one structure
    2. An "A" (Assembly) occupancy, "E" (Educational) occupancy, or "I-2" or "I-3" (Institutional) occupancy as defined in the adopted Oregon Structural Specialty Code
    3. Any of the following special occupancies as described in Chapter 5 of the NEC adopted by the board in OAR 918-305-0100:
      1. Hazardous (Classified) locations as defined in Articles 500 to 516
      2. Installations in patient care areas of health care facilities as defined in Article 517
      3. Agricultural buildings used for commercial purposes, as defined in Article 547
      4. Floating buildings as defined in Article 553
      5. Marinas and boat yards as defined in Article 555
  5. Recreational Vehicle Park. A new recreational vehicle park, or any addition or alteration to an existing park.

Required information and format

Submittals shall include:

  1. Two sets of electrical floor plans, including the building and site plans where applicable;
  2. Plans must be drawn to scale, clear enough to indicate the location, nature and extent of work proposed.
  3. Plans Shall contain the following minimum requirements:
    1. Service / Feeder riser diagram showing panel location and circuit schedules
    2. One line riser diagram showing bonding and grounding and conductor sizes
    3. Available fault current on line side of service disconnect
    4. Complete load calculations for new work or provide applicable load records, for all new installations and for additions to existing installation
    5. Fixture schedule, showing type, location and layout of all fixtures
    6. Address of installation, and name and address of owner
    7. Identification of the employer, identification and signature of person who prepared the plan, license number if the person is an Electrical Supervisor or professional registration number if the person is an Architect or Registered Professional Electrical Engineer.
    8. Location of emergency systems identifying the power source and the system on plan.
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Building Fees

Our fee schedule and tools are meant to assist you in estimating building fees.

Actual building fees vary from project to project. Final project fees may include items we collect on behalf of other agencies, e.g. 12% of all fees collected are returned to the State.

Additionally, projects within the City of Canby use their adopted fee schedule.

We will discuss specific fees with you when you submit your plans or application.

Fee schedules

General Inspections
Inspections outside normal business hours $85/hr + OT (min 4-hr charge)
Re-inspection fees $85
Inspections with no specific fee listed (min. ½ hour) $85/hr
Additional plan review required by change, additions or revisions to approved plans $85/hr (min 1-hr charge)
Residential Certificate of Occupancy (charged when permit is issued) $42.50
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (commercial) $85/hr (min. 2-hr charge)
Certificate of Occupancy (commercial) $85/hr (min. 2-hr charge)
1- and 2-family mechanical min. permit fee and re-inspection fee $85
For each supplemental permit $21
Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Air conditioner $18
Alteration of existing HVAC system $18
Fire/smoke dampers/duct smoke detectors $12
Heat pump $18
Install/replace/relocate heaters - suspended, wall or floor-mounted $18
Vent for appliance other than furnace $12
Environmental exhaust and ventilation
Appliance vent $12
Exhaust fan with single duct (bath fans) $9
Dryer exhaust $9
Hoods: Type l/ll residential kitchen/hazmat hood fire suppression systems $12
Exhaust system apart from heating and AC $9
Fuel piping and distribution (up to 4 outlets) $5
Fuel piping (more than 4 outlets, each additional) $2
Decorative fireplace $18
Insert-type $18
Woodstove/pellet stove $18
HVAC Air Handling Unit
0–10K CFM $12
Over 10K CFM $23
to 3HP/100K BTU $18
to 15hp/500k BTU $33
to 30HP/1.00m BTU $44
to 50HP/1.75m BTU $68
Over 50HP/1.75 BTU $109
Up to 100K BTU $18
Over 100K BTU $23
Absorption unit to 100k BTU $18
Over 100k BTU $23
Up to 3HP/100K BTU $18
to 15HP/500K BTU $33
to 30HP/1.00m BTU $44
to 50HP/1.75m BTU $68
Over 50HP/1.75 BTU $109
Fuel Piping
0–4 outlets $5
Each additional (4 or more outlets requires a schematic) $2
Process Piping
0–4 outlets $5
Each additional $2
Residential plan review (when applicable) 25% of permit fee
Water heater $9
Cook top $12
Gas logs $12
LPG tanks/regulators $12
Mechanical Commercial
($85 min. + fee based on valuation as listed below. Note fees are based on valuation minimum)
$1–$5,000 $85
$5,001–$10,000 $85 + $1.66 for each $100 of value over $5,000
$10,001–$100,000 $168 + $12.34for each $1,000 of value over $10,000
$100,000 + $1,279 + $8.47for each $1,000 of value over $100,000
Commercial plan review 25% of base HVAC fee
Manufactured Dwellings, Park Trailers, Cabanas
Site installation/set up fee for manufactured dwelling, park trailer or cabana $407
Earthquake-resistant bracing system installation (in addition to site described above) $103 installation fee
Re-inspection (fee must be paid prior to next inspection) $85/inspection
Installation w/o permits Actual cost of investigation
Inspections outside normal business hours $85/hr (min. 4 hrs OT rate)
OR Mfg. Dwelling Standard publication (required when no installer is involved) $12
Mobile home park construction and recreational park development Varies w/ number of spaces
includes a prescribed number of inspections; see electrical permit application for quantities
Electrical plan review required for new construction and alterations in the following locations per OAR 918-311-0040:
  • Service or feeder beginning at 400 amps with available fault current greater than 10,000 amps at 150 volts or less to ground, or any system greater than 14,000 volts
  • Installation of 150 KVA or larger separately derived system per Article 100 of the NEC
  • Addition of a new motor load greater than 100 HP
  • Fire pump installations as defined in Article 695 of the NEC
  • Emergency systems installations as defined in Article 700 of the NEC
  • Six or more residential units in one structure or any A, E, 1-2 or
    1-3 occupancies as defined in the Oregon Structural Specialty Code 25% of permit fee
  • Service or feeder rated at 60 amps or over
  • System over 600 supply volts nominal
  • Building more than 3 stories in height
  • Building over 10,000 sq. ft.
  • Occupant load over 99 persons
  • Manufactured structures park or recreational vehicle park; new addition or alterations
  • Classified area or structure containing special occupancy as described in NEC Chapter 5


Residential single- or multi-family dwelling units including attached garages and covered areas not more than 1,000 sq. ft. $270
Each additional 500 sq. ft. $55
Limited energy: up to 2 inspections only $109
Limited energy, residential $109
Limited energy, multi-family $109
Note: This fee covers all limited energy systems in residential occupancies when installed at the same time by the permittee. Installations such as antenna wire, computer wire and alarm wire done by other contractors require separate permits and fees. No limited energy permit is required if the original permittee installs wire for doorbells, garage door openers, and heating and air conditioning controls.
Manufactured home service or feeder $109
Temp. Const. Service, Feeder
Less than 200 amps $94
201–400 amps $200
401–600 amps $270
601–1000 amps $482
Over 1000 amps $882
Permanent Service, Feeder
Less than 200 amps $161
201–400 amps $213
401–600 amps $321
601–1000 amps $482
>1000 amps $882
Service reconnect only $109
Branch Circuits
new, alteration, extension per panel
With purchase service or feeder $12
Without purchase service or feeder:  
• First circuit $90
• Each additional circuit $12
Renewable Electrical Energy
5 KVA or less (2) $144
5.01–15 KVA (2) $169
15.01–25 KVA (2) $280
Misc. fees $85/hr.
Each additional inspection $85
Special Fees
Water/sewer pump $109
Sign/outline lighting $109
Signal circuit/limited energy panel, alteration or extension $109
Minimum permit fee and re-inspection fee $85
Master permit fee (aka electrical in-plant inspections) $85/hour
Commercial/Industrial Structural Code
Regular plan review 65% of building permit fee
Fire, life, safety review in conjunction with regular plan review 35% of building permit fee
Fire, life, safety review independently 40% of building permit fee
$1–$500 $85
$501–$2,000 $85
$2,001–$25,000 $85 + $7.40/$1,000 over $2,000 to $25,000
$25,001–$50,000 $255.20 + $6.72/$1,000 over $25,000 to $50,000
$50,001–$100,000 $423.20 + $4.48/$1,000 over $50,001
$100,001 + $647.20 + $3.75 for each additional $1,000
1- and 2-Family Structural
New Construction, Additions, Remodels, Alterations
Regular plan review 65% of building permit fee
$1–$500 $85
$501–$2,000 $85
$2,001 - $25,000 $85 + $7.40/$1,000 over $2,000 to $25,000
$25,001 - $50,000 $255.20 + $6.72/$1,000 over $25,000 to $50,000
$50,001 to $100,000 $423.20 + $4.48/$1,000 over $100,000
$100,000 + $647.20+$3.75 for each $1,000
Research fee $70/hour (1 hr minimum)

Minimum Permit Fee: $85

Plumbing plan review is required for new construction and alterations in the following locations per OAR 918-780-0040: Medical gas and vacuum systems in health care facilities; Chemical drain, waste, and vent systems; Sewer waste water pretreatment systems; Vacuum drainage, waste and vent systems; Reclaimed waste water systems; Commercial potable water pressure booster pumps for water supplied by a municipality; Building water service lines with an interior diameter of 2 inches or larger (2 inch water service stamped by professional engineer is exempt); Residential multi-purpose fire sprinkler systems. 25% - this is a proposed reduction to our current fee structure to make our plan review percentages equal across all permit types (M/P/E) and also to move our plumbing plan review fee in line with industry standards.
1 & 2 family dwellings  
   1 bath $761
   2 baths $864
   3 baths $956
   each additional bathroom or half $87
   each additional kitchen $87
Note: These fees include rainwater disposal system, including leaders & drains to approved disposal area, plumbing fixtures or waste discharging devices, including drain, waste & vent piping, water piping, hot water heaters, the first 100 ft of water service & sanitary sewer line & under floor low point drain.
Sanitary Sewer $145
Water closet $31
Shower bath $31
Bathtub $31
Basin, Lav. $31
Sink, kitchen $31
Dishwasher $31
Disposal $31
Clothes Washer $31
Water Heater $31
Laundry Tray or Service Sink $31
Floor Drains $31
Bar Sinks $31
Ice Maker $31
House moves (not including storm, sanitary sewer or water service inspection $91
Prefabricated Commercial Structures (not including storm or sanitary sewer, or water service inspection $182
Hub/Case Drain $31
Floor sinks $31
Drinking Fountain $31
Urinals/Toilets $31
Water System/First 100 ft. $100
Water System – additional 100 ft. between 101 ft and 200 ft in length $100
Water System - Each additional 100 ft. above 200 ft in length $25
Storm Sewer – First 100 ft or less $110
Storm Sewer – each add’l 100 ft. $74
Sanitary Sewer – 150 ft or less total length $145
Sanitary Sewer – Over 150 ft. total length:  
   first 50 ft. $110
   each additional $74
Septic tank conn. – first 50 ft. or less $110
Septic tank conn. – additional 100 ft. $74
Roof Drains – (Commercial leader or conductor) $19
Roof Drain Package – Residential & Duplex $182
1/2 Roof Drain Package $91
Trap Primers (1-5) $31
Trap Primers (over 5, each additional) $5 each
Catch Basins (area drains) $31
Backflow prevention devices $31
Interceptors, grease, etc. $31
Miscellaneous $31
Drywells/leach line/trench drain $31
Manufactured home utilities $126
Manholes $31
Absorption valves $31
Backflow preventer $31
Backwater valve $31
Ejectors/sump $31
Expansion tanks (devices) $31
Fixture/sewer cap $31
Floor drains/floor sinks/hub $31
Hose bib $31
Sump $31
Hourly rate for any plumbing, electrical, building or manufactured dwelling permit regardless of type $85/hr
Reactivation of any plumbing, electrical, building or manufactured dwelling permit expired up to one year 50% of New permit fee
Any permit expired more than one year 100% of New permit fee
Plumbing Medical Gas Installation $121 plus a fee based on installation costs listed below
Fees shall be determined based on the value of the medical gas equipment & installation costs  
$1 to $5,000 $121
$5,001 - $10,000 $121 + $1.82 each add’l $100 over $5,000
$10,001 to $100,000 $212 plus $12.34 for each additional $1,000 over $10,000
$100,001 and above $1,322.60 + $8.47 for each additional $1,000 over $100,000
Plan Review 50% of the installation permit fee
Residential Fire Suppression Systems  
Multi-purpose or continuous loop systems
   0 - 2,000 sq. ft. $105
   2,001 - 3,600 sq. ft. $156
   3,601 – 7,200 sq. ft. $198
   > 7,201 sq. ft (includes Plan Review fee) $242
Stand Alone Systems
   0 – 2,000 sq. ft $198
   2,001 - 3,600 sq. ft. 283
   3,601 - 7,200 sq. ft 327
   > 7,201 sq. ft & greater (includes Plan Review fee) 368
Fees for partial installations shall be based on the square footage of the area in which the fire suppression is to be installed. Fees for stand-alone systems do not include required backflow prevention device. A separate fee is required for this installation.  
Phased Project Fee $250 + 10% of the total project building permit fee. Not to exceed $1,500 for each phase)
Deferred Submittal 65% of the permit fee according to OAR 918-0500110 (2)(3) using the value of the particular deferred portion or portions of the project, with a minimum fee of $250. This fee is in addition to the project plan review fee based on the total project value.
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Certificates of Occupancy Application Process

New commercial, industrial and multi-family developments in Clackamas County — including commercial and industrial building additions and tenant improvements — are required to have a Certificate of Occupancy in order for the structure to be occupied for its intended purpose and open to the general public.

Clackamas County issues both Temporary Certificates of Occupancy (TCO) and Permanent Certificates of Occupancy (CO). The following information reviews what these certificates mean and outlines the process to apply for and obtain a TCO and CO for your project.

Temporary (TCO) vs. Permanent Certificate of Occupancy (CO)


What it does
Provides temporary approval to use and open a building, addition or tenant improvement once all life, health and safety issues are resolved, while other issues related to the development are still pending.
Required for
All new commercial, industrial and multi-family buildings, additions to commercial and industrial buildings, and tenant improvements in Clackamas County.
Effective for 90 days
Fee: $170
The County Building Official will grant one, 30-day extension of a TCO for a $100 fee. If you conclude that you will not be able to receive a CO by the end of the extension, contact the Building Official to discuss the situation.


What it does
Provides permanent approval to use and open a building, addition or tenant improvement once all issues related to the development are resolved and nothing further is required.
Required for
All new commercial, industrial and multifamily buildings, additions to commercial and industrial buildings, and tenant improvements in Clackamas County
Fee: $170

TCO/CO submittal checklist

Obtain sign-offs from following divisions/agencies as necessary:

  • Submit TCO/CO application 2–4 weeks prior to the occupancy date
  • Pay $170 fee
  • Obtain approved final inspections for all permits
    • WES or other jurisdiction for sanitary, storm sewers, erosion control; as-builts must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to occupancy date
      Storm & Sanitary Inspectors
    • Engineering Division
      Construction & Development Inspector
    • Community Environment
      Development Review Contact
    • Building Division
      Building Inspector for the project
    • Plumbing Division
      Plumbing Inspector for the project
    • Electrical Division
      Electrical Inspector for the project
    • Fire District
      Deputy Fire Marshal for the district where development is located
    • Soils Division (WES)
      Soils Inspector for the project
    • Public Health
      Environmental Health Inspector assigned to the Plan Review (only necessary if we need to conduct a plan review on the construction)
    • Planning Division
      County Planner who issued the staff decision for the land use approval
  • Apply for a CO when TCO is issued and repeat process above.

The building permit specialist will update the status of your TCO application each time a division or agency signs off.

You are responsible for following up on the various required sign-offs. The permit specialist will not send you updates on your TCO as sign-offs occur.

When the last division or agency signs off on the TCO, the Building official will sign the TCO certificate and you will be contacted to let you know the TCO has been approved and issued.

The process for a CO is the same as for a TCO. The same agencies that signed off on the TCO must sign off on the CO once they are satisfied that their corrections or improvements have been completed.


Department Staff
Transportation Engineering

Frequently Asked Questions

New Format?

Payments and Refunds for the Building Codes Division

*Effective Jan. 1, 2024


We accept e-check/ACH, debit, American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa cards for electronic payments. Cash, cashier’s checks, business/corporate checks, personal checks, and money orders for in person payments.

Bank collected service fees are charged on Credit Cards and e-Checks/ACH payments.


The Building Official is authorized to establish a refund policy. (OSSC 109.6 & ORSC 108.5)

Refund Criteria

  • We cannot issue a refund on any permits once plan review has begun, work on the project has started or if there have been inspections performed.
  • A refund request on issued permits must be received within 180 days of the date the permit was issued.
  • A refund request for permits in review must be receive within 180 days of the date the intake fees were paid.
  • *A maximum of 10 refunds per applicant and/or contractor will be allowed per calendar year.
  • All refund requests must be in writing and shall include all of the following:
    • Permit number
    • Job site address
    • Reason for the refund

Ways to submit a request:

  • Email:
  • In person/mail:
    Clackamas County
    Attn: DTD - Building Codes
    150 Beavercreek Road
    Oregon City, OR 97045

Refundable Fees

If the permit meets the above criteria, you may be eligible for a partial refund of your permit fees, minus the counties flat rate admin fee, based on your permit type as noted below:

  • Prescriptive Solar Permits
    • *Subject to a $200 flat fee.
  • Permits requiring plan review 
    • *Subject to a $125 flat fee.
    • Plan review fees are non-refundable.
  • Permits not requiring plan review
    • *Subject to a $125 flat fee.

Non-refundable Fees

State surcharges are not refundable and will not be included in the calculation.

Bank collected service fees are non-refundable.

Fees paid to other county programs require additional approval and are subject to different refund policies. For example planning fees, SDC (System Development Charges), etc. Those departments will need to be contacted separately about their refund procedures.

Any non-county fees collected for other government agencies are not refundable through the county. For example School Excise Tax or Metro Surcharge. Those agencies will need to be contacted directly about their refund procedures.

New Format?

Building Permit Responsibility by Jurisdiction

Building permit responsibilities may be different from one city to another in Clackamas County.

Find your jurisdiction

Unincorporated areas
of Clackamas County

The county is responsible for issuing all types of building permits. For assistance, call 503-742-4240.

In incorporated cities
in Clackamas County

Jurisdiction for issuing permits varies between the city and the county by type of permit. To find out where to go for a permit if you live in an incorporated area, select your city (below). 


New Format?

Building Forms

Permit Application Forms

Permit Application Submittals

Agricultural Permit (Ag, Forest, Equine, Marijuana)

Building Permits

Electrical Permits

Grading Permits

Manufactured Dwelling Permits

Mechanical Permits

New 1 & 2 Single Family Residential Permits

Plumbing Permits

Renewable Energy Permits

Single Documents


Building and Mechanical




Manufactured Dwellings


New Format?