Building Codes

Building Codes

Clackamas County adopts revised accessibility requirements starting Sept. 7

New requirements in the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) were recently approved by the US Access Board. These requirements exist under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to set national standards for access to sidewalks and streets, crosswalks, curb ramps, pedestrian signals, parking, and other components of public rights-of-way as well as shared use paths for use by bicyclists and pedestrians for transportation and recreation purposes.

A Guide to Navigating the Permit Process

NOTICE: Development Direct and our permitting system will be offline from: 
4 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 9 until 8 a.m. Monday, Oct. 14 
See more information

When construction work has been done without benefit of permits or inspections

What do I need to do to resolve my building code violation?

Thank you for working with the Clackamas County Code Enforcement and Building Codes staff to bring your property into compliance with the State Building Code. The following information is intended to help you understand the permitting process and resolve your code violation.

Keep these in mind as you navigate the process:

  • The building code violation is not considered fully abated until you receive an approved final inspection for all of the permits required by the county.
  • Several inspections may be required before your project is ready for a final inspection.
  • A $75 per month administrative compliance fee is assessed from the day the violations are confirmed until all final inspections are approved. All, or a portion of this fee, may be waived when violations are resolved in a timely and voluntary fashion.
  • It is very important to communicate with the Code Enforcement Officer assigned to your case. The officer will set a schedule for compliance and will work with you throughout this process.

Code Enforcement and Building Codes staff are committed to working cooperatively with residents and property owners to resolve building code violations.

Submitting a building permit application

Depending on the nature of the code violation, one or more of the following permits, as well as plan review, may be required: building, plumbing, electrical, grading, manufactured home place, commercial mechanical or agricultural exemption (AG exempt). Permits may be applied for through our online Development Direct system.

Below is a list of documents required for each type of permit. If you need any help with submitting the needed materials, please set up an appointment to work with our staff online or make an appointment to meet with a staff member in our lobby kiosk.

Required submittal materials

Building permit

  • Site plan, drawn to scale, that includes all existing structures, septic system, driveway and the proposed structure with its distance from all property lines and other structures shown
  • A full set of construction plans, drawn to scale
  • Any supporting documentation including but not limited to structural calculations, truss packets and beam calculations

Electrical and Plumbing

  • A full set of plans, drawn to scale
  • A hard copy application calling out the full scope of work in the fee schedule


  • A site plan, drawn to scale, that includes all existing structures, septic system, driveway and the proposed area with its distance from all property lines and other structures shown.
  • A full set of plans drawn to scale
  • Any supporting documentation including, but not limited to, geotechnical reports

Commercial Mechanical

  • A full set of plans drawn to scale
  • The cut sheets for the equipment, for submittals with mechanical equipment
  • A site plan, If the mechanical equipment is to be placed on the ground outside of the building

Manufactured home placement

  • A completed permit application form
  • A site plan, drawn to scale, that includes all existing structures, septic system, driveway and the proposed structure with its distance from all property lines and other structures shown
  • A floor plan of the proposed home with all rooms labeled

AG Exempt

  • A site plan, drawn to scale, that includes all existing structures, septic system, driveway and the proposed structure with its distance from all property lines and other structures shown
  • Proof of qualification for AG Exempt such as a farm deferral, Schedule F from the IRS or a business plan, among others. See the full list of accepted documents
  • A floor plan of the proposed structure with all rooms labeled with their use

Permits not requiring plan review

Three types of permits do not require plan review:

  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Residential Mechanical

All of these permits can be applied for by one of three ways below.

  • In person (owner or licensed contractor): Come into the office during business hours. We will require a completed application signed by the property owner or licensed contractor and a form of payment for the permit. The permit will be processed and issued while you wait.
  • Via E-mail (owner or licensed contractor): Email your application to We will require a completed and signed application and a complete credit card authorization form for payment (link to fillable forms). Once we have received all required forms, we will issue the permit within 24 hours and return it to the email address it was sent from along with any receipts for payment.
  • Online (licensed contractors only with an account set up in the county’s online system): The permit will be issued through the online system once all steps are completed. Staff may add an additional investigation fee after the permit is issued. This additional fee will need to be paid before a final inspection can be done.

Please contact the building permit departments permitting staff with any questions at or 503-742-4240.

Resolving structural building code violations

This information is designed to help residents and property owners who are permitting construction work that has been partially or completely constructed or installed without permits or inspections.

This applies to all forms of construction that cannot be readily seen by an inspector (i.e., concrete poured without inspections, framing and any other structural component enclosed by gypsum wallboard, and all other concealed forms of construction).

Where construction has been performed without benefit of a building plan review permit(s) and/or inspections, plans must be submitted showing conformance with the life safety provisions of the code, and the construction must be evaluated for structural soundness and conformance to the applicable codes by an Oregon licensed architect or engineer. This evaluation, along with drawings of as-built condition, must be stamped, signed and dated by the architect or engineer and presented to the Clackamas County Building Codes Division for review.

Evaluation Letter

The evaluation letter accompanying the building permit application and submittal must include the following information:

  1. A statement indicating the date the structure was inspected by the engineer or architect or their authorized representative.
  2. A statement that summarizes the findings and results of the inspection.
  3. A copy of the structural analysis/calculations that were used to determine structural adequacy, prepared and stamped by the architect or engineer.
  4. A statement indicating that the structure was built in accordance with all applicable codes and in accordance with the plans submitted to the Building Codes Division for review.
  5. If the structure is in need of repair or structural modifications to make it sound, a written summary of all work necessary to correct the deficiencies.
  6. If roof or floor trusses have been used, the manufacturer's truss details or equivalent engineering information.
  7. When the structural report or modifications are required, the work shall be left open and the applicant shall call for the appropriate inspections.
  8. If the engineer of record approves any repairs or modifications, include a stamped letter from the engineer with the description of the inspection, date, approvals and denials.

Plan review

Staff will review the plans to determine whether they meet minimum criteria for acceptance and demonstrate compliance with all applicable codes and regulations.

Permit fees

The cost of a permit is based on the calculated value of the project. An investigation fee will be assessed on verified violations for all work done before a building permit is issued. For building violations, this investigation fee is charged at the county's rate of $85 per hour, with a minimum 2-hour charge, plus the standard 12% state surcharge.


When structural repairs or modifications are required, the work must be left open and the applicant must call for the appropriate inspections. If the engineer of record approves any repairs or modifications, a stamped letter from the engineer should state the description of the inspection, date, approvals and denials.

After permits are issued, staff will inspect the construction that is visible and not yet covered for compliance and identify any corrections that may be required in order for the project to move forward. The inspector may also require the removal of materials that impede the visual inspections.

There are now 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection.

Smartphone icon       

Our App

Desktop computer icon       


Telephone icon       

By Phone

Our goal is to help ensure public safety by bringing buildings that have been constructed without permits into compliance with the building code. We will look at all options to reasonably assert that a building has met the code criteria.

If you have any questions, please contact Building Codes at 503-742-4240 or

Resolving building code violations step-by-step

  1. Create an account in the Development Direct online system.
  2. Create the building/mechanical permit through Development Direct.
  3. Submit required plans, architect or engineer evaluation and as-built drawings.
  4. Pay the plan review fee (65% of the total estimated cost of the permit).
  5. Reply to and complete all tasks as they are posted in Development Direct, including final payment.
  6. Pay the balance of the permit cost and investigation fee when the permit is ready to be issued.
  7. Schedule an inspection. There are 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection.   
  8. Smartphone icon      

    Our App

    Desktop computer icon      


    Telephone icon      

    By Phone

  9. Perform any corrective work and schedule any additional inspections.
  10. When all corrective work is complete, schedule a final inspection.

Resolving electrical code violations

If a violation involves electrical work on residential property in which you live, and that is not intended for sale, lease, rent or exchange, and that is not part of a commercial enterprise, you as the owner may purchase a permit and perform the necessary corrective work to bring the structure into compliance with the minimum electrical safety standards set by the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code (OESC). In all other cases, Oregon law requires electrical work to be performed by a licensed electrical contractor.

Permit fees

Electrical permit fees are based on the entire scope of work involved in the project including the number of electrical circuits added, altered or repaired and other related electrical work. An investigation fee will be assessed on verified violations for all work done before the electrical permit is issued. For electrical violations, the investigation fee is charged at the rate of $85 per hour, with a minimum 1-hour charge, plus the standard 12% state surcharge.

First inspection (cover inspection)

Your responsibilities:

  • Schedule the cover inspection. There are 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection. Please use code 120.
  • Smartphone icon      

    Our App

    Desktop computer icon      


    Telephone icon      

    By Phone

  • Arrange to meet the inspector on the site to identify the scope of the electrical work included in the violation.
  • Remove all covers from electrical receptacles, switches and other electrical boxes, and pull out electrical devices and light fixtures, and remove the panel cover. (Electrical devices and fixtures may hang by the wires.)
  • Do not install sheet rock or any other covering over electrical wiring until it has been inspected and approved.
  • Depending on what problems are identified during the inspection, you may be required to remove sheet rock or insulation for the inspector to make a full inspection.

The inspector's responsibilities:

  • Conduct an investigation, including checking the wire termination and the make-up of the wires in each box,
  • Test all devices for proper operation and grounding.
  • Give you a written report of any required corrections. (Inspectors make every effort to identify all corrections the first time, but additional corrections may be needed before the electrical final can be approved.)

All corrective work must be completed, re-inspected and approved before a final inspection may take place and be approved.

Please be advised that exposed electrical wiring poses safety hazards. If you are uncomfortable doing this type of work, have pets or small children that may come in contact with exposed wiring, or are concerned about electrical safety for any other reasons, we recommend you hire a licensed electrical contractor to perform this work for you.

Final inspection

  • Schedule your final inspection. There are 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection. Please use code 199.         
  • Smartphone icon      

    Our App

    Desktop computer icon      


    Telephone icon      

    By Phone

  • Arrange to meet the inspector on site.
  • The inspector will check over the list of corrections, re-inspect the corrective work and determine if minimum requirements have been met.

If you have questions about code requirements, please contact

Resolving electrical code violations step-by-step

  1. Obtain the required electrical permit and pay the fee and investigation fee.
    1. For homeowners: email the application and homeowner responsibility forms to or come to our lobby on the 2nd floor of the Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, during business hours.
    2. For licensed contractors: email the forms or stop by our lobby as described above, or use our online system. (If you obtain a permit through the online system, permit staff will add investigation fees after you receive the permit, and this fee will need to be paid before the final inspection is scheduled.)
    3. If plan review is required for the project, submit your plans online through Development Direct.
  2. Remove all covers from electrical receptacles, switches and other electrical boxes; pull out devices and light fixtures; remove panel cover.
  3. Schedule an inspection. There are 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection. Please use code 120.        

    Smartphone icon                        

    Our App

    Desktop computer icon                        


    Telephone icon                        

    By Phone

  4. Perform any corrective work and schedule any additional inspections if necessary.
  5. Schedule a final inspection using code 120.

Resolving plumbing code violations

If a violation involves plumbing work on residential property in which you live and is not part of a commercial enterprise, then you may purchase a permit and perform the corrective work needed to bring the structure into compliance with the minimum standards set by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code. In all other cases, Oregon laws require the work to be performed by a licensed plumbing contractor.

Permit fee

Plumbing permit fees are based on the entire scope of work in the project including the number of plumbing fixtures added, altered or repaired and all other related plumbing work. An investigation fee will be assessed on verified violations for all work done before a plumbing permit was issued. For plumbing violations, this investigation fee is charged at the rate of $85 per hour, with a minimum 1-hour charge, plus the standard 12% state surcharge.

First inspection

Your responsibilities:

  • Schedule an inspection. There are 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection. Please use code 365.
  • Smartphone icon                        

    Our App

    Desktop computer icon                        


    Telephone icon                        

    By Phone

  • Arrange to meet the inspector on site to identify the scope of the plumbing work included in the violation.
  • Expose portions of subject piping, both interior and exterior. (If for any reason you feel uncomfortable with this requirement, we recommend you hire a licensed plumbing contractor to do the work.)
  • Depending on what problems are identified during the inspection, you may be asked to remove additional sheet rock or insulation.

The inspector's responsibilities:

  • Conduct an investigation.
  • Prepare and give you a written report identifying the required corrections. (Inspectors make every effort to identify all corrections the first time, but additional corrections may be needed before the plumbing final inspection can be approved.)

Final inspection

  • Schedule the final inspection. There are 3 convenient ways to schedule an inspection. Please use code 399.
  • Smartphone icon     

    Our App

    Desktop computer icon     


    Telephone icon     

    By Phone

  • The inspector will check the list of corrections, re-inspect the corrective work and determine if minimum requirements have been met.
  • If additional corrections are necessary, the inspector will prepare and give you a written report of any required corrections.

If you have questions about code requirements, please contact

Resolving plumbing code violations step-by-step

  1. Obtain required plumbing permit and pay the permit fee and investigation fee.
    1. For homeowners: email the application and homeowner responsibility forms to or come to our lobby on the 2nd floor of the Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, during business hours.
    2. For licensed contractors: email the forms or stop by our lobby as described above, or use our online system. (If you obtain a permit through the online system, permit staff will add investigation fees after you receive the permit, and this fee will need to be paid before the final inspection is scheduled.)
    3. If plan review is required for the project, submit your plans online through Development Direct.
  2. Expose a portion of subject piping — interior and exterior — for required inspections. The amount to be exposed will depend on the scope of work and extent of the code violation.
  3. For structures built using slab-on-grade construction, you may choose to video the under-slab piping with an approved plumbing piping camera system rather that cutting into the concrete to expose the pipe for inspection.
    1. If the video shows clearly that the under-floor system is properly installed using approved materials and that the plumbing system is without defect, you will not be required to remove concrete.
    2. If the video shows improper materials or installation defects, you will be required to expose and repair any non-code compliant items before the county can approve the installation.
  4. Disconnect plumbing fixtures and provide required leak test on drainage waste and vent system. (We strongly recommend using 5 PSI air test rather than a water test to limit possible damage to structure and building contents if the test were to fail.)
  5. After above noted inspections and tests have been approved, fixtures can be reconnected and the county can perform a final inspection.
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Electrical Permits

Online Submittals and Applications

As required by state law, electrical work is not allowed until a permit has been issued. Electrical installation is defined as:

  • construction or installation of electrical wiring and the permanent attachment
  • installation of electrical products in or on any structure that is not itself an electrical product
  • maintenance or repair of installed electrical wiring and permanently attached electrical products.

For specific instances when a permit is not needed, refer to ORS 479.540.

Contractor License Verification

To verify electrical contractor license information with the state, call 503-373-1268.


  • Electrical Permit Technician/Clerical Support: 503-742-4240
  • Plan Review or Code Inquiries: 503-742-4764
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Manufactured Dwelling and Cabana Inspections

Site Inspection

Verifies the following:

  • applicable permits have been obtained
  • set-backs are maintained
  • vegetation removal
  • stand (area where dwelling is to be placed) leveled
  • site graded and drained
  • engineered fill tested and report submitted
  • poured-in-place footing and slab forms and reinforcement
  • concrete encased grounding electrodes, if applicable

Exception: If there are no poured-in-place footing, slab, or concrete encased grounding electrodes, the site inspection will be done with the Set-Up Inspection.

Set-Up Inspection

Verifies the following:


  • applicable permits obtained
  • plot plan information and a soil compaction test or soil investigation report when required
  • stand preparation, vegetation removal, placement of gravel pad and gravel compaction when required
  • foundation installation
  • vapor barrier installation
  • pier and footing type, size and spacing
  • perimeter foundation or basement construction
  • holdowns or earthquake-resistant bracing system if applicable*
  • bottom board repair
  • fire separation between adjacent structures (e.g., garage)
  • temporary steps in place and adequately supported

* Earthquake anchorage is not required in Clackamas County. We do however require wind resistance anchorage in accordance with section 3-2.6 of the OMDISC. (Oregon Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code). If you are going to install holdowns or an earthquake bracing system, you may add it to your installation permit or take out a separate permit if being added at a later date.

Retrofit installations for existing dwellings will require a separate permit. (Holdowns and earthquake bracing systems shall be approved by the State of Oregon or be an engineered system.)

Marriage Line Connections

  • weatherstripping and weather seals at floor, walls and roof connections
  • exposed roof and wall marriage line structural connections
  • floor marriage line structural connections

Plumbing Connections

  • shut-off and pressure-reducing valves
  • heat tape or pipe insulation
  • pipe size, material, grade and support
  • marriage line cross-over pipe connections
  • water supply utility connection within 30 feet of unit perimeter
  • septic or sewer utility pipe connection within 30 feet of unit perimeter

Mechanical Connections

  • under-floor dryer and range exhaust duct rough-in
  • duct crossover material, R-value, size, clearance and connection
  • flue, chimney and vent material, size, clearance, connections and terminations. (This inspection is for new or after market installations)

Fuel Gas Piping

  • pipe type, size, material and support
  • pipe fittings, type, size, material and use
  • marriage line fuel gas pipe cross-over connection
  • fuel gas supply connection

Electrical Connections

  • feeder type, size, clearance and installation within 30 feet and in sight of home
  • service type, size, clearance, location, support and installation
  • fixture type, support and connections
  • marriage line electrical cross-over connections
  • conduit and fitting type, size, material and support
  • wiring type, size, material and securement
  • wiring methods and connections

Note: If the permit holder or the permit holders agent fails to call for a setup inspection, or causes the under-floor area to be enclosed prior to the set-up inspection; the permit holder or the permit holders agent shall:

  • remove the skirting prior to obtaining an inspection or
  • hire a certified inspector to perform the set-up inspection. A copy of the certified inspector’s report shall be provided.

Final Inspection

Includes verification of the following:

  • skirting installation
  • under-floor and utility connection access
  • under-floor ventilation
  • temporary step removal
  • permanent step or ramp installation
  • permanent landing, guardrail and handrail construction
  • site grading and drainage
  • sidewalks and driveways
  • door and window adjustment, seal and securement
  • accessory building and structure permits obtained (e.g., deck, awning, cabana, ramada, support and garage)
  • under-floor dryer and range exhaust duct through skirting or perimeter foundation and terminated with approved devices
  • smoke detector location, installation and test
  • ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) test
  • installer's certification tag(s) are installed

Note: The permit holder or the permit holder's agent shall request a final inspection within ten working days of the completion of the manufactured dwelling installation.

Installer certificate required

  • Upon completion of a manufactured dwelling installation, cabana installation, anchoring system installation, skirting installation or perimeter retaining wall installation and prior to request for inspection, the person who performed the installation shall affix an Installer Certification Tag. Certification tags shall be affixed to the manufactured dwelling, cabana or skirting in a visible location on he exterior of the rear end wall near the insignia or HUD label.
  • When more than one installer installs a manufactured dwelling (i.e. one installs the foundation, one installs the tie-downs and another installs the skirting), each installer shall affix a separate Installer Certification Tag on the manufactured dwelling indication the work performed.
  • On secondary installations, all previous Installer Certification Tags shall be removed and replaced with new tags for the new installation.
  • When plumbing or electrical installations or connections are done by an Oregon licensed plumbing or electrical contractor Manufactured dwelling Installer Certification Tags are not required to be installed.
  • Manufactured dwellings Installer Certification Tags are not required for homeowners doing their own installation.

Smoke detectors

All manufactured dwellings shall be equipped with operating smoke detectors or alarms at the time of installation regardless of the age of the manufactured dwelling.

Inspection Requests

(Based on the 2002 Edition of the Oregon Manufactured Dwelling and Park Specialty Code)

Inspection request must be received before 7 a.m. the day of the inspection. Clackamas County does not make appointments. We will attempt to honor requests for morning or afternoon inspections, but no guarantees will be made. If the dwelling is occupied, the applicant or an adult must be present to let the inspector in and remain during the inspection. Call us at 503-353-4720 to request inspections.

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Electrical Wiring for Barns, Riding Arenas, Animal Habitat and Feed Storage

Special precautions must be taken with electrical wiring in the above types of buildings because of dust from feed and litter and corrosive agents associated with animal confinement. Buildings constructed under the "Agricultural Exempt" building status (no building permit required) that are used for the above purposes must also comply with the following requirements. Milking parlors and areas where livestock may come in contact with metallic equipment have additional requirements including Equipotential Planes and require electrical plan review prior to construction.

  • Barns, Riding Arenas and buildings which provide animal habitat, animal care or feed storage are subject to National Electrical Code Article 547 – Agricultural Buildings. Wiring methods, equipment and light fixtures must be of an approved type for the environment where they are installed. Areas requiring special attention are those where excessive dust and dust with water may accumulate, damp or wet locations and corrosive atmospheres. Generally, this requires a wiring method which is suitable for damp or wet locations. All wiring subject to physical damage shall be protected. Nonmetallic sheathed cable (Romex) is not an approved wiring method for animal habitat, animal care or feed storage areas. NEC 547.5
  • Electrical distribution panels should be located in tack room or other area away from animal habitat and feed storage to protect overcurrent devices from dust and moisture or will require a NEMA 3R rated enclosure suitable for wet locations. NEC 547.6
  • Separate equipment grounding conductor required. Non-current carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways and other enclosures must be grounded by a copper equipment grounding conductor to equipment. If installed underground, the equipment grounding conductor shall be insulated or covered. NEC 547.5(F)
  • In areas separated from animals and feed storage, Nonmetallic sheath cable (Romex) can be used where not subject to physical damage. Exposed nonmetallic sheathed cable shall be protected where it is installed horizontally below 8 feet above the floor. Exposed nonmetallic sheath cable below 8 feet above the floor that enters the top and bottom of a panelboard shall be protected from physical damage by conduit, ½ inch plywood or ½ inch drywall, per Oregon Electrical Specialty Code amendment to NEC 334.15(B).
  • Luminaires (lighting fixtures) shall be installed to minimize the entrance of dust, foreign matter, moisture and corrosive material. Generally, luminaires of this type are those suitable for damp or wet locations. Luminaires exposed to physical damage shall be protected by suitable guards. NEC 547.8
  • Wiring, luminaires and equipment in a wash area must be approved for wet location. NEC 547.8
  • All 120 volt, 15 and 20 amp receptacle outlets installed for personnel require GFCI protection except commercial installations. NEC 210.8(A)(2).
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