Sunrise Corridor Steering Committee and Leadership Cohort

Steering Committee

Helps develop and makes recommendations on project elements such as community health, anti-displacement, economic opportunities, land use, transportation and other infrastructure. Specific project tasks include feedback on future scenarios, development of an implementation plan, and recommendations for a Sunrise Corridor Community vision.

The group is scheduled to meet eight times during the project, approximately once every other month. The meetings are open to the public to observe. Comments are accepted during the public input portion of the agenda.

Nov. 14, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #5
Sept. 4, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #4
June 5, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #3
March 20, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #2
Jan. 31, 2024Steering Committee Meeting #1

The 21 members listed below were selected from among nearly 40 applicants to ensure balanced representation based on community demographics, expertise and lived experience.

Mark AaslandRecreation
Mike CebulaCommunity Planning Organizations
KeDarious ColbertHealthcare
Monica Di PietrantonioEducation
Ariadna Falcon GonzalezCommunity-based organizations
Lizbeth HaleBusiness and freight
Diana HelmCommunity
Kathy HyzyEducation
Marc Kilman-BurnhamEmergency/Resilience
Alan LehtoProject partner/TriMet
Christine LewisProject partner/Metro
Alia LongCommunity
Tracy MorelandTribal
Dan OcchipintiBusiness and freight
Mishayla RichardsonCommunity
Paul SavasProject partner/Clackamas County
Brett ShermanProject partner/Happy Valley
Rebecca StavenjordAdjacent project partner/Multnomah County
Kimberly SwanClimate and environment
Rian WindsheimerProject partner/ODOT
Daryl WoodsBusiness and freight

Leadership Cohort

The Leadership Cohort is a group of people interested in learning leadership skills in a small group setting and serving as project liaisons within the community. Training on key project elements — such as health, equity, anti-displacement, economic growth, land use, and transportation — is being provided to cohort members. This will help ensure that the voices of the community are heard and represented in the vision for future improvements and developments in the Sunrise Corridor Community.

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