Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

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Intake and Eligibility

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The Clackamas County Community Developmental Disabilities Program serves eligible adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities that live in Clackamas County.

Our Services

IDD Choice Advising

We support your choices to determine where you wish to live, the care you receive, and how you spend your days.

Choice of Case Management Entity

If you are 18 years old or older and do not access residential services, you may be able to choose who coordinates your case management services.

Case Management entity choices are:

  • A Services Coordinator with Clackamas County I/DD or
  • A Personal Agent from a Support Services Brokerage

The video Choosing a Case Management Entity in Oregon may help you choose.

Individual Support Plan (ISP)

An ISP is crafted based on an individual's health and safety needs, interests, choices, and goals. The Service Coordinator works closely with the individual and their support network to help them develop and progress toward their identified goals including aspirations, community integration and employment.

In-Home Support Services

In-home services provided by a Support Services Brokerage or Clackamas County I/DD helps individuals get the care they need to live in the home of their choosing or with their loved ones. Types of support services include attendant care, relief care, chore services, environmental modifications, and behavior supports. 

Residential Services

Residential services delivered in neighborhood foster or group homes to people who require 24-hour care, supervision, and support. 

Day Support Services

Day Support programs provide support to encourage and engage people in activities in a variety of community settings. 

Employment Services

Employment programs help people learn skills and gain experience to access community-based jobs. 

Transportation Services

Transportation services provide travel assistance for people in getting to work and essential places in their communities.

Additional Resources


2051 Kaen Road #135 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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