We are committed to improving quality of life and protecting the health and well-being of all residents.
Resources for Health Care Providers Resources for Businesses Resources for Community Organizations
Family, Child and Maternal Health
Provides supplemental food and healthcare needs, and nutrition education.
Services are no-cost and offered in both English and Spanish.
The most effective means available for protecting the health of your child and our community.
Birth control, pregnancy tests, STIs, relationship safety and where to go for care.
Prevention Programs
Infectious Diseases
Safe Food, Water and Environments
Birth and Death Certificates
Health Emergencies
Public Health Data
Get Involved
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Clackamas County’s Health, Housing, and Human Services (H3S) complies with applicable civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency and primary language), age, disability, sex (as described in 45 CFR § 92.101(a)(2)), or any other recognized protected class.