
Clackamas County News

Upcoming Events

Board of County Commissioners


Community Involvement, Finance, Tourism and Cultural Affairs

Clackamas County Commissioners are seeking interested residents to serve on…

Board of County Commissioners, Budget

Earlier today, during the Clackamas County Budget Committee’s budget hearings,…

Board of County Commissioners, Budget
Calculator, Currency, Financial Figures, Number, Document

Clackamas County Budget Committee calls for financial performance audit of…


May 24 statement from Sheriff Brandenburg.

Community Involvement, Social Services

Clackamas County is seeking community members interested in serving on the…

Board of County Commissioners

Tolls will not be collected until 2026; new legislative subcommittee formed.


When I became Sheriff, I took an oath to protect and serve you. An important…

County Administration

Public encouraged to watch, provide comment  Clackamas County’s annual…
