Thursday, January 9, 2025
9:30 am
The Planner Director decision has been appealed.
The applicant proposed a Non-Conforming Use verification for a detached garage built in 1962, that does not comply with the 10-foot side setback standard in the RRFF-5 zone, stated in Table 316-2 of the ZDO. This encroaches into SE side setback area. The application also requested retroactive approval for an alteration of a non-conforming use for the attic addition on top of the garage, added in 2019. The modification for the attic addition was approved by County staff, with conditions that the applicant retroactively apply for and receive Building Permits for the 2019 attic addition.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
9:30 am
The Planner Director decision has been appealed.
Specifically, the applicant is requesting design review approval to convert an existing dwelling into an office to be used as part of an existing landscaping business, Valleyscapes Landscape Solutions. As part of the request, the applicant will conduct associated site improvements, including a new parking lot layout, the addition of landscaping to screen and buffer adjacent uses, a new stormwater facility and other associated improvements.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
9:30 am
The applicant seeks Conditional Use permit approval to operate a non-profit organization that provides services to veterans. The request is being reviewed as a “similar use” to a government use; government uses require a conditional use permit in the General Industrial zoning district. There are no changes/development proposed to the building or property.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
9:30 am
The applicant proposes a home occupation to operate an events venue averaging 75 guests on the weekends with a maximum of 300 guests for any one event.
1:00 pm
The Planner Director decision has been appealed.
The applicant is requesting approval for the placement of a 40’x8’x8’ storage contained in a disused loading dock area. The applicant proposed to relocate the required loading berth to another position on the site. No other changes to the structures or site layout are proposed with this modification.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
9:30 am
Verizon Wireless proposes to install antennas, and associated equipment on a new 195’ tall self-support tower. Equipment cabinets and a generator will be placed at grade, surrounded by a chain link fence.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
9:30 am
The Planner Director decision has been appealed.
The applicant requests approval to modify nonconforming use resort accommodations to include three fully separated living quarters to facilitate the use of the accommodations for families.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
9:30 am
Appeal Withdrawn
An appeal of a denial of a non-conforming use request to verify an outdoor storage business on an RRFF5 property.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
9:30 am
The applicant seeks Conditional Use permit approval to operate a non-profit organization that provides services to veterans. The request is being reviewed as a “similar use” to a government use; government uses require a conditional use permit in the General Industrial zoning district. There are no changes/development proposed to the building or property.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
9:30 am
Construct a 12-acre photovoltaic solar power generation facility.
1:00 pm
Conditional use permit to operate a biomedical waste transfer station in a portion of an existing building. The proposed transfer station will operate within the existing building; no new construction is proposed.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
9:30 am
The Planner Director decision has been appealed. 3 parcel M49 Partition E130513- EAGER in the EFU zone.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
9:30 am
This hearing is for the appeal of a decision made by the County Planning and Zoning Division.
The applicant requested approval of a temporary forest labor camp to remove debris and slash from previous timber operation, harvest forest products such as mushrooms, and replant
1:00 pm
The applicant proposes to construct a municipal water storage reservoir. The reservoir will be a green, bolted steel tank, with an aluminum dome top. They are seeking review of two possible sizes: A 500,000-gallon reservoir would be approximately 61-feet in diameter and 28 feet tall; alternatively, a 1,000,000-gallon reservoir would be approximately 81-feet in diameter and 30 feet tall. Whichever size reservoir is selected, the tank will be located in the northwest corner of the property abutting along SE Lucky Ln.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
9:30 am
Appeal of Planning Directors Decision of a Nonconforming Use Verification and Alteration for Pat’s Acres
Racing Complex.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
9:30 am
Conditional Use Permit for the establishment of a dog kennel that will accommodate up to sixteen (16) dogs. Nonconforming Use application is to utilize an existing structure that has been on the property since approximately 1930; eight dog kennels will be located in the existing structure and other eight kennels will be in a proposed (new) 650 square foot building. Dog training classes will continue to occur on the property, but are not subject to the Conditional Use permit.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
9:30 am
This hearing is for the appeal of a decision made by the County Planning and Zoning Division. The applicant is requesting authorization to develop one single-family home on the property due to them having earned income from farming.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
9:30 am
A 169-lot subdivision for future townhouses and one detached single family dwelling. The subject property is commonly known as the Joe Koida Florist, and contains approximately 19.55 acres of land historically engaged in nursey and agriculture production. The site is split in two general sectors: The north sector consists of tax lots 12E32BA00400 and 12E32AB04400, and is located between SE Monroe Street and SE King Street. The south sector consists of tax lot 12E32BA04900 and is located south of SE Monroe Street and west of SE 72nd Ave. The north sector will primarily take access off of SE Monroe Street and will include new public and private streets. In addition, lots 78-86 will take access off SE King Road, via a new private street. The south sector will take access off of SE Monroe Street and SE 72nd Ave. For lots 144-155, two access options are proposed: Option 1 calls for individual driveways for each townhouse onto SE 72nd Ave. Option 2 calls for an alley behind lots 144-155 and avoids individual driveways onto SE 72nd Ave. Public and private roads will have sidewalks for pedestrian connectivity including a dedicated pathway to SE Jack Road. Direct vehicular access between SE King Road and SE Monroe Street is not proposed, but a public pathway will connect the lower and upper part of development, providing a pedestrian connection. A planned bike lane is also proposed along Monroe Street and SE 72nd Ave. Lastly, four nonresidential tracts are proposed: Tracts “A” and “C” are reserved for stormwater facilities. Tracts “B” and “D” are open space tracts designed to protect hillsides and the large pond in the south sector of the subject property.
1:00 pm
NOTICE: this appeal has been withdrawn and the original denial of the application is final.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
9:30 am
Lot Subdivision and Planned Unit Development (PUD) for future residential dwellings. Lot sizes range from 5,220 Sq. Ft. to 8,570 Sq. Ft. Water Quality areas will be contained in open space tracts. A private road will serve the lots, with access onto SE 92nd Ave. Duplexes are planned for new residential lots.