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Webinar ID: 852 4375 3107
Phone: 253-215-8782
Appellant/applicant: Bennett Johnson, Appellant
Property Owner: Pamela Jewell, Applicant
Proposal: The applicant proposed a Non-Conforming Use verification for a detached garage built in 1962, that does not comply with the 10-foot side setback standard in the RRFF-5 zone, stated in Table 316-2 of the ZDO. This encroaches into SE side setback area. The application also requested retroactive approval for an alteration of a non-conforming use for the attic addition on top of the garage, added in 2019. The modification for the attic addition was approved by County staff, with conditions that the applicant retroactively apply for and receive Building Permits for the 2019 attic addition.
Planning Director’s Initial Decision: Approved, with Conditions.
Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Criteria: Section 202, 316, 1206, and 1307.
These criteria may be viewed online
Site Address and/or Location: 28899 SE Woods Rd, Eagle Creek, OR 97022
Assessor’s Map: T3S, R3E, Section 13AA, Tax Lot 5100, W.M.
Property Size: Approximately 0.25 acres
Zoning: RRFF-5, Rural Residential Farm and Forest – 5-acre