Hearings Officer: Z0121-24 - Dec. 5, 2024


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Appellant: Gary Knepper

Applicant: Adam Lowery

Property Owner: ALJC Holdings LLC

Proposal: Specifically, the applicant is requesting design review approval to convert an existing dwelling into an office to be used as part of an existing landscaping business, Valleyscapes Landscape Solutions. As part of the request, the applicant will conduct associated site improvements, including a new parking lot layout, the addition of landscaping to screen and buffer adjacent uses, a new stormwater facility and other associated improvements.

Planning Director’s Initial Decision: Approved with conditions

Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Criteria: ZDO 513, 1000s and 1102.
These criteria may be viewed online

Site Address and/or Location: 14577 SE Anderson Road, Damascus, OR 97089

Assessor’s Map: T2S, R3E, Section 08A, Tax Lot(s) 600 and 700, W.M.

Property Size: Approximately 2 acres in tax lot combination

Zoning: Rural Commercial (RC)