Services are available for victims whose cases are handled by our staff. We reach out to crime victims in order to effectively respond to, and serve, their interests. It is our intent to gain an understanding of the harm victims have experienced and to have those impacts help shape how the offender is held accountable.
Intitial Letter to Victims
This letter is provided to all victims of juvenile offense to acknowledge the harm done and provide important information regarding their case.
Rights Request Form
Complete this form to invoke your selected rights as a crime victim.
Restitution Request Form
Complete this form to document your financial loss with the Juvenile department. Receipts and other documentation of proof must be mailed separately to:
Clackamas County Juvenile Department
Attn: Victim Services Coordinator
2121 Kaen Road
Oregon City, OR 97045.
Restorative Justice
Restorative justice is an approach that brings the victim, youth offender, and members of the cummunity impacted together for a mediated conversation. The goals of this approach are youth offenders are held meaningfully accountable, crime victims are heard and empowered, and communities are engaged both as stakeholders that have been negatively impacted and as advocates to make things right for the crime victim, offender and community.
If you have more questions about restorative justice, please contact us, and ask for the restorative justice coordinator.
Victim Impact Program (VIP)
The Victim Impact Program (VIP) assists with property-related crimes. This includes:
- property offenses and thefts
- robbery offenses
- arson and fire related offenses
- animal abuse offenses
If you are a victim of a person to person crime, please contact the District Attorney's office for Victim Assistance at 503-650-3188 or 503-655-8616 (24-Hour Crisis Line).
Our primary goal through VIP is to reach out to crime victims in order to effectively respond to, and serve, their interests. It is our intent to gain an understanding of the harm they have experienced and to have those impacts help shape how the offender is held accountable, to both them and to the community.
The Victim Impact Program is Committed To
- honoring victim's rights
- responding to the individual interests of the crime victims we serve
- acknowledging how crime victims have been impacted by the harmful actions committed against them
- informing crime victims of the steps being taken to address the harm done to them
- encouraging their voice and participation in determining how to meaningfully address and repair that harm
VIP Services
The Victim Services Coordinator (VSC) contacts property crime victims to provide the following services:
- information regarding the Juvenile Justice process
- explanation of victim rights
- assistance in filing restitution requests and providing the necessary documentation
- information regarding Victim-Offender Dialogues
- liaison between the victim and juvenile court counselor
- emotional support and community referrals
- support during meetings and court hearings
- ongoing case status information
- assistance in completing a Victim Impact Statement
Victim-Offender Dialogue (VOD) Program
Victim-Offender Dialogues (VODs) are a voluntary, confidential process in which highly trained volunteers organize and facilitate face-to-face meetings between victims of crime and their offenders. The Victim-Offender Dialogue Program is provided through a partnership between the Juvenile department and Resolution Services.
When a VOD is requested, and it is determined to be appropriate and safe, both parties (victim and offender) will participate in a facilitated dialogue to explore what happened, discuss the impacts, and determine how to meaningfully address the harm resulting from the youth’s actions.
The program is committed to:
- providing in-depth assessment and preparation for crime victims and offenders
- the safety and comfort of our clients;
- maintaining VOD as a voluntary process
- providing quality and ongoing training and evaluation to volunteer facilitators
- empowering participants of the process to determine their own solutions for addressing the harm resulting from the criminal behavior
Crime victims
Crime victims have the opportunity to ask any questions, share the impact that the youth’s actions have had on them, and discuss what they need in order to move forward in processing the experience.
The preparation and time frame for dialogues varies for each case and is dependent upon everyone’s readiness to meet. The crime victim or offender can stop the process at any time if either party does not wish to continue.
Youth offenders
Young people who commit crimes are going to be able to understand and be accountable for the harm they have done through a criminal offense, they need to be presented with the human impact of their actions.
Youth are given the opportunity to hear directly from the people impacted by their actions and to play a role in determining what they can do in order to meaningfully address the victim’s needs. The process often results in work for victims or community service work as a meaningful way to be held accountable.
Victim Rights
Many rights for victims are automatic, but there are some that a victim must request. Learn more about victim rights at the Department of Justice website.