Housing Choice Voucher Programs

Need Help With Housing?

Are you or someone you know in a housing crisis? Call 503-655-8575 or visit Coordinated Housing Access (CHA).

All wait lists are currently CLOSED

The Housing Choice Voucher program (formerly known as Section 8) provides assistance to families that rent units in the private rental housing market. It is authorized by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. The Housing Choice Voucher Program can assist approximately 1,500 families in Clackamas County.

Report Household and Income Changes

Residents should use the Change Report form below to report any household changes to HACC. Please print and complete the form and return it to HACC within 7 days of any change in income, household composition, or contact information. Failure to report changes could lead to a loss of housing assistance.

Participant Eligibility

To qualify for the voucher program, the household income must not exceed HUD set standards, which is 50% of the area median income, for the specified number of family members. There is no asset limitation; however, income derived from assets is included in the annual income.

Income Limits

Median income for 4: $116,900

Family SizeLow 80%Very Low 50%Extremely Low 30%

Fair Market Rents and Payment Standards by Bedroom size:

BedsFMR Published FY 2023 (1/1/2024)Payment Standards ClackamasClackamas Reasonable Accommodation 120%Paymnet Standards for Zip Codes 97034, 97035, 97068, 97086 and 97070

Rental Assistance Programs

Breakdown by Type of ProgramTotal # of UnitsTotal # ServedWho can apply? How apply?  
Wait lists marked closed or open below
Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Tenant Based Vouchers 1623Any Very Low Income Household (50% AMI)  
CLOSED. When open online will announce and application will be available on this website.
Project Based Voucher Sites:
Chez Ami PBV20 Clean and sober living for homeless and disabled  
Fair Market applications can be sent via email to jennifer.kelly@ccconcern.org or patty.summers@ccconcern.org or via fax at 503-387-3341
Town Center Courtyard PBV21 Clean and sober living for homeless and disabled  
Fair Market applications can be sent via email to jennifer.kelly@ccconcern.org or patty.summers@ccconcern.org or via fax at 503-387-3341
Pedcor - Rosewood Station PBV20 Any Very Low Income Households (50% AMI)  
CLOSED. Contact Pedcor Management
WALSH Commons7 HOMELESS Preference  
Contact Northwest Housing Alternatives
Clayton Mohr Commons24 Military Veterans Only 
Must reach out to the VA for a VASH Voucher intake for consideration and placement on this wait list.  Call 503-220-8262
Hillside Manor100 Elderly & Disabled Preference  
CLOSED. Anticipate wait list opening biennially.
Fuller Road Station30 Homeless Families and Youth  
Projected to accepting application starting late August and to get a notification of wait list opening enter contact information by applying on line.  Apply online.
Good Shepherd Village30 Families, Seniors & Veterans 
Accepting rental applications
Las Flores70 Homeless & Agricultural workers 
Accepting applications for the wait list
Regional Long-term Rent Assistance Program  Homeless 
Directly referenced through Coordinated Housing Access
Tukwila Springs48 Permanent Supportive Housing for Seniors with disabilities 
Opening July 1, 2022. Wait List is handled through the CHA 503-655-8575
Total PBV 365Under Construction wait list to be opening to be determined.
Total VASH 146Military Veterans Only  
OPEN. Contact the Veteran’s Administration for assessment and eligibility.
Mainstream Vouchers 214Non-elderly (under 62) and Disabled with preference for Homeless  
CLOSED. When open online will announce and application will be available on this website.
Foster Youth to Independence     75 Youth 18-24 graduating out of foster care  
OPEN to homeless youth call: 503-655-8575 or complete online Coordinated Housing Access
Total Vouchers 2054 
Grant Funding:   
Shelter Plus Care Continuum of Care Grant
 37Homeless and disabled  
OPEN to homeless youth call: 503-655-8575 or complete online Coordinated Housing Access

Calculating Your Utility Allowance

Notice: Section 242 of the 2014 Appropriations Act limits the utility allowance for a family to be the lower of: (1) The utility allowance amount for the family unit size; or (2) the utility allowance amount for the unit size of the unit rented by the family. The Utility Allowances are as follows:

If you have further questions regarding our utility allowances, you may contact HACCIntakes@clackamas.us.

Reasonable Accommodation Requests

HACC will provide "reasonable accommodations" to applicants and participants of HACC's Housing Choice Voucher Program. A reasonable accommodation is some modification or change HACC can make to its policies or procedures that will assist an otherwise eligible person with a disability to attain equal participation in HACC's programs.

To make a Reasonable Accommodation request, complete and submit the Request for a Reasonable Accommodation form.


If you want to move to Clackamas County, we are currently not absorbing porting clients. We are billing your original Housing Authority. We will be unable to assist you until your current Housing Authority has sent your paperwork to:

Housing Authority of Clackamas County
ATTN: Sarah Kolar-Philipp, Port Specialist
PO Box 1510
Oregon City, OR 97045
Email: haccintakes@clackamas.us

Or fax to 503-655-8676


13930 Gain St Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By appointment only after 5 p.m.

After Hours Maintenance Emergency:

Maintenance (Monday - Thursday):

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