Plans and Reports

Annual Plans

The Housing Authority of Clackamas County updates its Annual Plan each year and its 5-Year Plan every five years. The Annual Plan includes past activities, future activities, and policy changes whereas the 5-Year Plan focuses on longer term goals and objectives of the Authority. Below are links to our current approved plans as well as links to drafts that are currently open for public comment.

Moving to Work Supplement

The Housing Authority of Clackamas County was awarded Moving to Work (MTW) status as part of the Asset Building Cohort in early 2023 and will be starting MTW programing for the 2023-24 FY. As a requirement of MTW agencies, the Housing Authority will be required to submit a MTW Supplement with their Annual Plan outlining all the details of their Asset Building pilot program as well as any agency wide changes being implemented through MTW agency flexibilities. 

  • MTW Supplement FY 2024-2025 - DRAFT
    The MTW Supplement FY 2024-25 was approved by the Housing Authority Board on April 4, 2024, and has been submitted to HUD for their review.
  • Mid-Year Revision of the MTW Supplement FY 2023-24    
    The Mid-Year Revision was approved by the Housing Authority Board on Oct. 5, 2023, and by HUD on March 28, 2024.  This is a download of all files uploaded in the online HIP system.
  • MTW Supplement FY 2023-2024     
    The MTW Supplement FY 2023-24 Draft was approved by the Housing Authority Board on April 6, 2023, and by HUD on November 29, 2023.

Family Self Sufficiency Action Plans

The Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program provides a way for people who receive public housing or other federally funded vouchers to save money and find ways to increase their earned income. The program combines stable and affordable housing along with staff support to help our participants reach their goals. The FSS program is governed by our FSS Action Plan. See our FSS Action plans current and past below and visit our FSS website for more information.

Public Housing & Rental Assistance Program Policies

The Housing Authority details all policies regarding their public housing and federal voucher programs in two policy documents, the Public Housing Admission and Occupancy Policy (ACOP) and the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan (Admin Plan). Any potential policy revisions are presented to the Resident Advisory Board & public for comment before being submitted for HUD approval through the agencies Annual Plan process. The current HUD approved versions of our ACOP and Admin Plan are below for public transparency.


13930 Gain St Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By appointment only after 5 p.m.

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Related Events
Housing Authority, Board of County Commissioners