Returning to Work After a Leave of Absence

  1. Provider completes Release Form*
    Have your provider complete the appropriate Return To Work Release form.
  2. Submit forms*
    Submit completed forms to Standard and your supervisor three (3) business days prior to return date.

    If the completed form is not received by the time you return to work, you will not be permitted to return.

  3. Inform your supervisor and The Standard of any changes to your leave dates or return to work plan.

* Leave for employee's own illness or injury

FAQs for Managers and Supervisors


The Standard will communicate the expected Return To Work (RTW) date in their initial approval communication to the employee and their supervisor.

The Standard will send a reminder email to the employee’s supervisor 14 calendar days prior to the expected RTW date.

The employee is required to notify and provide a release to RTW to their supervisor and The Standard 3 business days prior to their return to work.


The employee is required to notify their supervisor 3 business days prior to their return to work. If you have not received a RTW notification from your employee within this time period, contact Standard or your employee for an update.


Not all leave types require a RTW authorization. Employees who are on a leave of absence for their own illness or injury are required to provide to The Standard and their supervisor a complete RTW authorization at least 3 business days prior to resuming work. If RTW authorization is required, you should not permit an employee to return to work without the required release as stated above. Contact County Leave Administration and The Standard if this occurs.


Ensure that the employee has provided Return To Work (RTW) authorization as stated above. The Standard will send the employee’s supervisor a verification email the business day following the employee’s expected return. Supervisors must respond to Standard’s email to confirm the employee’s return to work.


Supervisors should contact Leave Administration if they are notified that one of their employees will not be returning by their expected return date or if you learn they will be returning early. If the employee needs to extend their leave of absence, they can do so by providing The Standard with updated supporting documentation. An employee will still need to follow all Clackamas County Return To Work (RTW) procedures if they plan to return early, including providing updated RTW authorization.


The employee’s Return To Work (RTW) form will specify if the employee has restrictions upon returning to work. The supervisor must inform the County’s Leave Administration team of any restrictions or workplace accommodations before implementation.



2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For employment verification:

158481, 183501, 183496, 183491
Public Services Building


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Contact the Leave Team for leave-related questions at 503-742-5460
Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.