Plan Details

Please reference the following information for details regarding your Clackamas County Health Plans.


Plan Summaries: A high-level summary of the health plan coverage.

Summary of Benefit and Coverage (SBC): A federally-required consumer document that provides basic health plan coverage information in a standardized format.

Summary Plan Description (SPD): A detailed handbook that describes what the plan covers and how the plan works.

Plan Information:

GC=Genral County
POA = Peace Officers Assoc. (POA) Union

Active Regular Employees, Retirees, COBRA Participants

Plan Summaries  
Providence Open OptionGCPOA
Providence Personal OptionGCPOA
Providence VSP VisionGCPOA
Kaiser MedicalGCPOA
Kaiser DentalGCPOA
Delta Dental Incentive PlanGCPOA
Delta Dental Preventive PlanGC 
Delta Dental Constant PlanGC 
Summary of Benefit and Coverage
Providence Open OptionGCPOA
Providence Personal OptionGCPOA
Kaiser MedicalGCPOA
Summary Plan Description
Providence Open OptionGCPOA
Providence Personal OptionGCPOA
Kaiser MedicalGCPOA
Kaiser DentalGCPOA
Delta DentalGCPOA
NAVIA Flexible Spending AccountGCPOA
Short Term DisabilityGCPOA
Long Term DisabilityGCPOA
MetLife InsuranceGCPOA

Active Full-Time Temporary Employees, Retirees, COBRA Participants

Plan Summaries:
Providence High DeductibleGCPOA
Kaiser High DeductibleGCPOA
Summary of Benefit and Coverage
Providence High DeductibleGCPOA
Kaiser High DeductibleGCPOA
Summary Plan Description
Providence High DeductibleGCPOA
Kaiser High DeductibleGCPOA

Retirees Only

Providence Medicare Align PlanGCPOA
Kaiser Senior Advantage MedicareGCPOA

Machine Readable File (MRF) Data - Coverage Transparency

Kaiser: Transparency in Coverage

Providence: Transparency in Coverage

If you have any questions, you may contact the Benefits and Wellness division at 503-655-8550 or


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For employment verification: