- AFLAC - Change/Cancellation Form
- Domestic Partnership - Affidavit
- Domestic Partnership - Termination
- HRA VEBA - Enrollment Form
- Medical Insurance Opt Out Waiver – General County
- Medical Insurance Opt Out Waiver – POA
- MetLife Accidental Death & Dismemberment - Enrollment Form
- MetLife Accidental Death & Dismemberment - Beneficiary Designation
- MetLife Group Term Life - Beneficiary Designation
- MetLife Group Term Life - Statement of Health
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Beneficiary Designation
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Enrollment Form
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Change Form
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Name/Address/Location Change Form
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Statement of Health
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Request for Withdrawl
- Metlife Group Universal Life - Request for Loan
- MetLife Legal Plan - Enrollment/Cancellation Form
- Navia FSA - Claim Form
- Navia FSA - Direct Deposit Form
- PERS - IAP Beneficiary Designation
- PERS - Tier 1 & 2 Beneficiary Designation
- PERS - POA Election Form (Officer's only)
- Retiree/COBRA Auto Pay Enrollment Form
- Standard Disability Buy-up - Statement of Health
- Standard Disability Buy-up - Enrollment Form (General County)
- Standard Disability Buy-up - Enrollment Form (POA)
- Trimet - Transit Pass Enrollment Form
- Trimet – Transit Pass Deduction Cancellation Form
- UNUM Long Term Care - Enrollment link
- VOYA - Final Paycheck Lump Sum Form