CPO Acronyms

Land Use Acronyms
AOC Association of Oregon Counties
An organization to provide for the exchange of information, ideas, and technical assistance among Oregon's 36 county governments.
APA American Planning Association
A nation organization of city and regional planners and lay persons involved in planning.
BGRS Bureau of Government, Research and Service
Research agency, located on the U of 0 campus. Its purpose is to provide information, statistics, model ordinances, and technical consultation to state and local government agencies.
CAC Citizen Advisory Committee
Citizens organized to help develop and maintain a comprehensive plan and its land use regulations.
CBD Central Business District
An area of very high land valuation characterized by high concentration of businesses and high traffic flow.
CCI Committee for Community Involvement
A local group, appointed by a governing body, for the purpose of assisting the governing body with the development of a program that promotes and enhances citizen involvement in land use planning, assisting in the implementation of the citizen involvement program, and evaluating the process being used for citizen involvement.
CCRs Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions
Private contractual agreement used to protect property values and control conflicts among land uses, deed restriction.
CIAC Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee
Standing committee appointed by the LCDC to advise them on matters of citizen involvement, to promote public participation in the adoption and amendment of the goals and guidelines, and to assure widespread citizen involvement in all phases of the planning process.
CIP Capital Improvement Program
A short-term plan to decide how some or all of a communities capital improvements are to be developed (sewers, roads, water system, libraries, fire stations, etc.)
CIP Community Involvement Program
A program established by a City or County to ensure the extensive, ongoing involvement of local community members in planning.
COG Counsel of governments
An association of City, County, and Special District governments formed for the purpose of planning and coordinating more effective governmental services.
CPO Community Planning Organization
Volunteer community associations, recognized by the County and Planning Division in land use issues.
DEQ Department of Environmental Quality
The state agency that administers programs and regulations to reduce or minimize pollution of the air, water, and land.
DLCD Department of Land Conservation and Development
DSL Division of State Lands
DTD Department of Transportation and Development
EFU Zone Exclusive Farm Use Zone
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
A report concerning the effects on the environment that can be expected to occur as a result of some major federal action.
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FPA Forest Practices Act
The state laws that govern commercial activities involving the growing, harvesting or processing of forest tree species. These statutes are implemented with a set of administrative rules known as the Forest Practices Rules.
FVC Future Vision Commission
GIS Geographic Information System
A computer system to identify and label geographic and infrastructure characteristics in a selected area.
GOALS Mandatory statewide planning standards adopted by the LCDC.
ILSFDA Interstate Land Sales and Full Disclosure Act
Consumer protection measure to regulate interstate selling of lots in large subdivisions.
JLCLU Joint Legislative Committee on Land Use
Seven member committee to advise the legislative assembly about various aspects of the state's land use planning program.
JPACT Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation
LCDC Land Conservation and Development Commission
A seven member commission established to develop and administer Oregon's statewide planning goals.
LUBA Land Use Board of Appeals
A board established by the state legislature to hear and decide on contested land use cases.
LID Local Improvement District
a small district formed for the purpose of carrying out local improvements (street paving, construction of storm sewers, development or a park).
METRO A District formed to consolidate governmental functions in the Portland area.
MPAC Metro Policy Advisory Committee
MTAC Metro Technical Advisory Committee
OARs Oregon Administrative Rules
ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
ORS Oregon Revised Statutes
OWQI Oregon Water Quality Index
A convenient summary measure of water quality developed by the state's Department of Environmental Quality.
PUD Public Utility District, also, Planned Unit Development
SDC Systems Development Charge
A fee charged by a local government to a developer in order to recoup some of the city's general capital costs for sewer, water, or street systems.
TAC Technical Advisory Committee
UGB Urban Growth Boundary
A line that indicates the outermost limit of a city's planned expansion.
ZDO Zoning and Development Ordinance
Land use regulation enacted by a city or county to create districts within which the type, location, density, bulk, height and lot coverage of land uses are restricted.


Planners' Acronyms and Translations
CCI Committee for Community Involvement (advisory to local governments)
CIAC Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee (advisory to LCDC)
CIP Capitol Improvement Program
COG Council of Governments
CPO Community Planning Organization or Citizen Planning Organization
CU Conditional Use
DLCD Department of Land Conservation and Development
DOGAMI Department of Geology and Minerals Industries
DRB Design Review Board or Development Review Board
EESE Economic, Environmental, Social and Energy (LCDC Goal 5)
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
FY Fiscal Year
HO Hearings Officer
IGA Intergovernmental Agreement
LCDC Land Conservation and Development Commission
LID Local Improvement District
LUBA Land Use Board of Appeals
NA Neighborhood Association
ODOE Oregon Department of Energy
ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
PC Planning Commission
PO Property owner
PUD Planned Unit Development, also Public Utility District
SDF Systems Development Fee
TIF Tax Increment Financing
UGB Urban Growth Boundary
UGMA Urban Growth Management Agreement
ZDO Zoning and Development Ordinance


Oregon Agency Abbreviations
AAA School of Architecture and Allied Arts, University of 0regon
AOC Association of Oregon Counties
BLM Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior
COE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of Defense
COG Councils of Government (County)
DEQ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
DLCD Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
DOF Oregon Department of Forestry
DSL Oregon Division of State Lands
EEAO Environmental Education Association of Oregon
LOC League of Oregon Cities
LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund
METRO Metropolitan Service District
NPS National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
ODOE Oregon Department of Education
OEDD Oregon Economic Development Department
OFC Oregon Forest Council
OFIC Oregon Forest Industries Council
OPA Oregon Parks Association
OPRD Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
ORPA Oregon Recreation and Park Association
ORTAC Oregon Recreation Trails Advisory Council
OSU Oregon State University
OTD Oregon Tourism Division
PSU Portland State University
SMB Oregon State Marine Board
SOSC Southern Oregon State College
U of 0 University of Oregon
USFS US Forest Service, Department of Agriculture


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