North Clackamas Revitalization Area Sewer Hook-up Grant Program

This program provides grants to qualifying homeowners who live in areas of the North Clackamas Revitalization Area (NCRA) served by Clackamas County Service District No. 1 (CCSD#1) to pay for private sanitary sewer improvements.

The program does not pay for sewer assessments, system development charges or other connection charges, or monthly sewer fees. Homeowners should call 503-742-4567 for information on available assistance programs for these costs and fees.


Grant funds are limited and grants will be made on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible homeowners.

  • applicant must own or be buying property
  • owner must reside in home

Income limits

Annual gross income limits are as follows:

Total household sizeMaximum annual gross income
(80% of median)
effective May 1, 2024

What type of work is eligible?

Improvements — up to a maximum of $7,500 — include hiring a contractor(s) to re-plumb and connect the home to the public sanitary sewer and decommission the onsite wastewater disposal system.

To apply

Contact WES to initiate the process. Our staff will confirm eligibility and refer you to the county's Community Development division. They will send you an application.

County staff will then inspect the property and prepare construction specifications and cost estimates. We will make a list of pre-qualified contractors. You will need to obtain at least two bids from licensed and bonded contractors from the list.

Using county-supplied forms, you will then:

  • enter into a contract with the contractor of your choice
  • enter into an agreement with the county

You do not have to select the lowest contractor bid, but the accepted bid must be within 10% of the county's estimate. County staff will inspect the work. Funds cannot be used to pay for your labor as the homeowner.

Grant approval

The county Community Development Director will approve grant applications.

Contact Us
Department Staff
Customer Service
Water Environment Services


150 Beavercreek Road #430, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Closed on the lunch hour 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.

Customer service

Development services and permits

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Water Environment Services
Water Environment Services