Kellogg Creek tree planting kicks off restoration efforts

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Learn how the WES-organized Kellogg Creek tree planting event is helping to improve wildlife habitat and beautify the park’s trail.

Milwaukie, OR – In the brisk morning hours on Tuesday, February 18, a group of highly caffeinated volunteers met at Kellogg Creek Park to embark on a day-long journey to plant 23 trees and 90 shrubs bordering the Willamette River.

Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) organized the planting event as part of the county’s efforts to restore the Kellogg Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility administration building over the next two years.

“It was gratifying to see WES staff, volunteers and the City of Milwaukie come together to make this planting event happen,” said Greg Geist, WES Director.

People planting trees 

People planting trees

People planting trees

Working in pairs, volunteers from WES staff and Advisory Committee braved the rainy elements to plant Oak, Dogwood and native shrubs that will improve air quality (including shade and temperature reduction) as well as provide stormwater benefits like reducing erosion and volume of stormwater runoff.

Preparation for the day began long before the dream team of volunteers assembled. In partnership with North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District, WES crowdsourced the proper tools for the planting as well as strategizing locates prior to the event.

“It’s wonderful to partner with so many groups who are committed to making Kellogg Creek Park and the trail a vibrant, welcoming space for both wildlife and residents,” said Galen Hoshovsky, WES Technical Services Specialist. “By choosing drought-tolerant and pollinator-friendly plants, we’re enhancing water quality and building climate resilience. This project is about bringing people together to create a resilient clean water future where all people benefit and rivers thrive.”

The trail used to have Black Locust trees, an invasive species that was spreading and hindering growth of native plants. The new trees and shrubs help ensure the vitality of the park and trail for years to come.

These restoration and beautification efforts at Kellogg Creek Park are only the beginning – WES is planning significant improvements to the Kellogg Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility, including ample locker rooms for all staff, a dedicated lunchroom and laundry space and a community room with space for up to 25 people. Construction will begin on the existing administration building in the summer of 2025 and is expected to take 18 months.

Learn more about the facility 

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