Resolution Services

Resolution Services

Thank you for your submission

Your intake information has been submitted. If you and the other party have each completed Family Law Orientation, you may contact our office to schedule your first mediation session. When you call, please be ready with some dates and times that work for both parties. You can reach our office at 503-655-8415.

Thank you for choosing Resolution Services as your alternative dispute resolution provider.

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Workshops and Education

Conflict is everywhere, and everyone gets stuck sometimes. Have you ever experienced a situation that could have used someone guiding it toward a peaceful and fair solution? Do you want to be that person?

Resolution Services can help you achieve just that. We offer specific trainings that can empower you to effectively, peacefully and collaboratively resolve disputes

View upcoming trainings.

Department Staff
Erin Ruff
Lead Trainer
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Small Claims Mediation fees for Circuit Court cases

There is a fee for mediation separate from the fee you paid to the court. This fee is payable to Clackamas County and is not a court fee.

The fee is:

Fee per side Original claim amount
$50  $2,500 or less
$90 more than $2,500

If your court filing fees have been waived by a judge, your mediation fee is also waived.

Acceptable methods of payment:

  • personal check signed by the person whose name appears on the check
  • money order or cashier's check
  • Master Card, Visa or Discover Card only (not American Express, etc.)
  • cash (Exact change is appreciated. We have very limited change on hand)

The fee is due when you check in for mediation. Please do not send the fee in advance.

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Resolution Services: Contact us

You can contact resolution Services at or at 503-655-8850. This is a message phone. Our offices are open Monday through Thursday. We will return your message within one business day.

If you need an interpreter, please request one at least four days before your mediation by calling the Small Claims Clerk at 503-655-8447. A qualified court interpreter will be provided to you at no charge. You may not bring a friend or family member to interpret for you.

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Small Claims Mediation

How to Appear for Your Mediation


About Mediation

How does Mediation Work? 

In mediation, both sides of a case will meet with a mediator who will help you have a conversation about ways to settle your case that might be better for you than going to trial. You make the decisions, including whether you settle and what the settlement terms are.

Who are the Mediators?

Our mediators are trained and experienced volunteers who donate their time to help others resolve conflicts. They will help you have a conversation with the other side, but will not make recommendations or give legal advice. More information about each of our mediators is available, including their background, training and experience. Our mediators follow the ethical guidelines in the Oregon Mediation Association Core Standards of Mediation Practice.

A Message From The Court

Clackamas County Circuit and Justice Courts each have a rule requiring all small claims cases to try mediation before trial. The Circuit Court rule is SLR 12.005: Mediation in Small Claims Actions; Failure to Comply with Settlement

  1. All disputed small claims actions shall go to mediation before going to trial, except for good cause acceptable to the Court.
  2. The Court may, subsequent to an opportunity for a hearing, enter a judgment against any party not appearing for mediation in the amount of any claim against the non-appearing party, and for the adverse party’s costs and disbursements.
  3. Agreement reached while in mediation shall be signed by the parties and filed as a stipulated order.
  4. Failure of either party to abide by the stipulated order will be grounds for the opposing party to file an Affidavit/Declaration of Non-Compliance and obtain a judgment on the original claim

Frequently Asked Questions


Fees for Circuit Court Cases

There is a fee for mediation separate from the fee you paid to the court. This fee is payable to Clackamas County and is not a court fee.

The fee is:

Fee per sideOriginal claim amount
$50 $2,500 or less
$90more than $2,500

Acceptable methods of payment for in-person mediation (not currently available due to COVID-19):

  • personal check signed by the person whose name appears on the check
  • money order or cashier's check
  • Master Card, Visa or Discover Card only (not American Express, etc.)
  • cash (Exact change is appreciated. We have very limited change on hand) 

The fee is due when you check in for mediation. Please do not send the fee in advance.

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Skill Development Courses

These courses teach the skills and techniques of interest-based mediation. Learn a practical and structured process for helping people in conflict find agreeable solutions. The methods are useful with all kinds of conflicts, including interpersonal, workplace, family, neighborhood, business and intercultural.

Register Now

Basic Mediation Training

Dates: May 29-31 and June 6-7 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (event dates)
Location: Sunset Fire Hall, 2215 Long St., West Linn, OR 
Cost: $1,250 (scholarships available)

This highly interactive course teaches the theories, skills and techniques of facilitative, interest-based mediation. Designed for personal and professional development, the course is open to anyone who wants to:

  • Expand their skills in preventing, managing, and resolving disputes
  • Reduce the negative impacts of conflict on their workplaces, families, friends, neighborhoods, and communities
  • Increase their effectiveness in listening to and communicating with people in conflict
  • Work with strong emotions respectfully and constructively
  • Enhance their negotiation skills
  • Manage cross-cultural differences
  • Develop strategies to deal with various elements of conflict
  • Utilize empathy and other active listening skills in all areas of life
  • Serve others as a professional or volunteer mediator in Oregon

Attendees will learn through lecture, interactive exercises, and role-plays coached by skilled and experienced mediation practitioners.

Topics include:

  • Neurobiological roots of conflict and resolution
  • Conflict styles, their strengths, and how to work cross-style
  • Effective listening and questioning techniques
  • The difference between needs, demands, and issues (and why it matters)
  • Impact of power dynamics
  • Encourage understanding and acceptance of cross-cultural differences
  • Creating a brave and respectful space
  • The structure of an effective mediation process
  • Preparing participants
  • Writing effective agreements
  • Ethical standards and behavior

For more information, call 503-655-8415 or email

Department Staff
Erin Ruff
Lead Trainer
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Family Law Mediation

ONLINE ONLY VIA ZOOM until further notice. You will need a device with a camera and microphone — even a smartphone will do — to participate. The link will be provided to you after you register.

We provide mediation and legal clinic services to families seeking to resolve matters of divorce, custody and parenting.

To Sign Up for Family Law Mediation

  • Complete the intake form.
  • Notifications will come from Please add that address to your approved senders list or check your spam/junk filter before contacting Resolution Services about missing messages.
  • We do not tell people whether the other party has contacted us. You will both receive an email from about how to schedule after both parties have filled out the intake form.

Fee Information

Learn about our fees.

Optional Clinic Services

Resolution Services will prepare your court paperwork if:

  • You mediate with Resolution Services, and
  • Both parties are self-represented (meaning you have not retained an attorney), and
  • You reach full agreement on all of the issues in your case, and
  • Both parties agree to use this service

Court-Mandated Mediation

Mediation with Resolution Services is optional. There are several ways to satisfy the requirement for participation in appropriate dispute resolution under Clackamas County Supplementary Local Rule 8.017.

If choose to use Resolution Services for Court-Mandated Mediation, you need to complete and submit this form before your deadline. You do not need to have scheduled or held a mediation session by the deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions

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