Resolution Services

Resolution Services

Civil Litigation Mediation

Our trained mediators provide mediation services to parties involved in civil lawsuits.

Mediation can often help people reach agreements about how to resolve civil lawsuits including:

  • Debt issues
  • Consumer/Business disputes
  • Contract disputes
  • Property disputes

If you have received a summons

If you have received a summons, the first thing you need to do is to file a response with the court. If you do not know how to do that, some good resources are:

How to get started

  • Mediation is optional. All parties must agree to mediate, and agree to which mediator or mediation program you will use. If you choose to use Resolution Services for mediation, both parties must register by completing an intake form.
  • We do not tell people if the other party has contacted us or registered. If you believe that you have both completed the intake form and haven't heard from us, please check your spam/junk folder.
Icon of person on phone headset

Contact Us

Email (preferred)

Voice Mail
503-655-841, ext. 1

Click here to complete the intake form

What To Expect

  • Once both of you have registered, we will email instructions about how to schedule your first mediation session.
  • Your session will be held remotely using Zoom or the telephone. You will get the link and telephone number after you schedule.
  • We do not tell people if the other party has contacted us or registered. If you believe that you have both completed the intake form and haven't heard from us, please check your spam/junk folder.


  • Our rate is $125 per hour for all work after your initial consultation, including session time, scheduling, and drafting.
  • The cost of each session, plus any outstanding for work done prior to the session, will be due before the session begins.
  • We will provide an invoice to all parties prior to each session. We will divide the fees equally across parties unless you tell us that you have agreed on something different.
  • We are not aware of any free mediation services for civil cases in Oregon.
  • Learn more about our fees.

Need more information to decide? You can schedule a free consultation with us. These are generally 15–20 minutes. To do that, please complete the intake form.

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Mediation with Resolution Services

Resolution Services

Thank you for choosing to mediate with Resolution Services. Please review this document for essential information.

Your mediator is:

Cathi Rickett (She/Her/They)

Before your appointment:

  1. Review our orientation materials.
  2. Sign the Consent for Services and Confidentiality Agreement. This will be emailed to you a few days before your mediation and you will be able to sign electronically.

At the time of your appointment:

  1. Your mediation will be held remotely via Zoom.
    • To join by computer, smartphone or tablet, use this link:
    • To join by phone, dial 1-669-444-9171 enter Meeting ID 559 642 6469 when you are prompted.
    • If you have not used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download the Zoom application, which is quick and free.
  2. If applicable, pay for “Family Law Mediation” through the Online Payment Portal and forward your email confirmation to A reminder that the cost for your mediation session is $187.50, or $93.75 per person. If you have any questions, feel free to check in with your mediator at the start of your appointment.

If you need to reschedule this appointment:

  • Email your mediator and copy the other party to request a cancellation.
  • Coordinate again with each other to select a new appointment time via this scheduling link.
    • In the description box, please indicate that you are rescheduling and tell us the time and date of the session you are cancelling.
    • If you have already had one or more sessions, please choose the same mediator you have been working with.
  • Please comply with our 48 hour cancellation policy.
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Career Pathways and Contracting with Resolution Services

Clackamas County Resolution Services is looking to provide more paid opportunities for mediators and conflict resolution specialists while meeting the needs of the communities we serve. We developed a pathway available for new and seasoned mediators to have support and guidance as they work within the conflict resolution field.

The pathway is flexible and allows people to join at any skill level but offers loose structure for those who are not sure how to move into the field.

Career Path Flow Chart

New mediators and conflict resolution specialists can start with our Basic Mediation Training or Basic Restorative Dialogue Training. They are then given opportunity to volunteer within certain programs to build their skillsets. They then can apply to be a contractor with our programs.

Once accepted as a contractor the conflict resolution specialist enters what we are calling a “pool” of practitioners. Clackamas County Resolution Services can then work with the contractor in differing service areas depending on the contractor’s skillset, interest and the community and organization’s need.

You do not have to start with our Basic Trainings or have volunteered with us to be able to apply to be a contractor. Please see the attached RFQ for additional details about service areas, process, pay rates, requirements and qualifications.

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Volunteering with Resolution Services

Clackamas County Resolution Services offers three areas for volunteer opportunities: Small Claims, Community (Neighbor to Neighbor) Mediation and Restorative Dialogue.

While volunteering in these programs you will have support and mentoring from mediation staff and work with a group of other dedicated conflict resolution specialists while practicing conflict resolutions skills and giving back to the community.


  • For Mediation (Small Claims and Community): Completed a Basic Mediation Training
  • For Restorative Dialogue: Completed a Restorative Justice Basic Training

To volunteer with any of these programs please fill out the application below and send it to Once you are approved, we will send the contract for signature.

Small Claims Mediation

Small Claims Mediation is held via Zoom every Wednesday at 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. except the last week of the month. 

The benefits of Small Claims Mediation are that volunteers are offered regular and reliable time to mediate. Small Claims supports litigants who have a dispute under $10,000 and offers a variety of issues such as landlord-tenant, family, interpersonal, contract, collection agencies and more.

Mediators are supported in their process by first observing 3 mediations and then co-mediating for 3 mediations. The coordinator hosts regular debrief sessions for mediators to discuss tough issues and work on skills.

Additional training in Court Systems is required and is offered by the county.

Community (Neighbor to Neighbor) Mediation

Community Mediation works with neighbors in the community who are in conflict. Cases include, interpersonal, noise, barking dogs, easements, fences, property management and more.

The benefits of working with the Community Mediation program are working with the coordinator directly to develop skills, advanced case development work, understanding equity in the process, and a flexible schedule. The Community Mediation model allows mediator to take a specific case and work with it from start to finish.

For new mediators we recommend (but do not require) starting with Small Claims to hone direct mediation skills and then moving into Community Mediation to build upon those skills.

Restorative Dialogue

Restorative Dialogue offers volunteers the ability to support youth who have caused a harm to have direct conversation with the person(s) they have harmed.

Restorative Dialogue volunteers will have direct support from staff by either co-mediating with them or a skilled Restorative Dialogue Specialist. Volunteers work from the beginning of the referral and attend the initial conversations before the dialogue. Cases work on a flexible schedule depending on client need.

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Manufactured and Marina Community Mediation

Clackamas County Resolution Services offers Manufactured, Marina & Floating Home Communities (MMCRC) conflict resolution services for both park owners and residents.

Topics include neighbor conflicts, barking dogs, park regulations, parking spaces, noise, communication with park owner and park residents.

To start the process for either mandatory ( or voluntary mediation fill out the below form and a mediator will contact you.

If you are unsure whether you want mandatory or voluntary mediation, please still fill out the form and the mediator will help you think through the choice. If you need support filling out the form you can call 503-655-8415.


If you choose to voluntarily mediate this means that you are requesting the other party to participate, and they have the right to decline. This can be a more informal approach that some people prefer. By initiating voluntary mediation, it does not negate a participants ability to request a mandatory mediation at a later date if their topic fits under the mandatory mediation law (

Voluntary mediation is a good opportunity to have a supported conversation for people engaged in conflict. Any agreements under voluntary mediation do not have an enforcing agent, however, the goal is to ensure a working agreement. Agreements signed by all parties are no longer confidential and can be used in other venues if necessary to show the planned outcome.

All communications are confidential, however, for MMCRC cases Resolution Services does provide a Mediator Report to the Manufactured and Marina Community Resource Center agency.


If a party chooses mandatory mediation the issue must be covered as one of the allowable topics under ors_90.767. Both tenants and park owners have the right to initiate mandatory mediation for any of these topics and must participate in mediation before any court action on either side. If the requested party declines, there may be a fine.

Once initiated parties have 30 days to participate in mediation. If there is an agreement parties are expected to follow the agreement. If there is no agreement or a party does not follow the agreement then court action is allowed.

All communications are confidential, however, for MMCRC cases Resolution Services does provide a Mediator Report to the Manufactured and Marina Community Resource Center agency.

For additional questions feel free to provide them with the law here:

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Mediation with Resolution Services

Resolution Services

Thank you for choosing to mediate with Resolution Services. Please review this document for essential information.

Your mediator is:

Erin Ruff (she/they)

Before your appointment:

  1. Review our orientation materials.
  2. Sign the Consent for Services and Confidentiality Agreement. This will be emailed to you a few days before your mediation and you will be able to sign electronically.

At the time of your appointment:

  1. Your mediation will be held remotely via Zoom.
    • To join by computer, smartphone or tablet, use this link:
    • To join by phone, dial either 1-253-215-8782 or 1-669-900-6833 enter Meeting ID 503 655 8852 when you are prompted.
    • If you have not used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download the Zoom application which is quick and free.
  2. If applicable, pay for “Family Law Mediation” through the Online Payment Portal and forward your email confirmation to A reminder that the cost for your mediation session is $187.50, or $93.75 per person. If you have any questions, feel free to check in with your mediator at the start of your appointment.

If you need to reschedule this appointment:

  • Email your mediator and copy the other party to request a cancellation.
  • Coordinate again with each other to select a new appointment time via this scheduling link.
    • In the description box, please indicate that you are rescheduling and tell us the time and date of the session you are cancelling.
    • If you have already had one or more sessions, please choose the same mediator you have been working with.
  • Please comply with our 48 hour cancellation policy.
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