Basic Mediation Training Scholarship Application

We believe that conflict resolution is one of the ingredients to a healthy community and it is important to us to share these teachings. We also recognize that cost and time commitment are often barriers to potential participants.  

Clackamas County Resolution Services is offering a limited number of full scholarship seats for this 5-day, 40-hour Basic Mediation course.  

We will prioritize providing scholarships to potential participants who have lived experience within a marginalized community, are bilingual and/or who would like to volunteer with our programs.  

An estimated goal of volunteer exchange would be roughly 100 hours completed one year from your training dates. Our two main areas for mediation volunteer opportunities are in our Small Claims and Community Mediation programs. We will talk more about volunteer opportunities in the training. In the meantime, you are welcome to reach out with question or review the website here:  

We are aware that there may be other barriers in place beyond financial not everyone feels comfortable advocating for scholarships. You, the community members are important to us, we are happy to discuss concerns with you and attempt flexibility. We do ask, however, that if you are applying for this scholarship that you are committed to attending each full day of the training.  

We will accept applications on a rolling basis as we receive them. There are a limited number of scholarships available, so we encourage you to apply as early as possible.  

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