Transportation Engineering

Transportation Engineering

Expanding transportation choice and access

Speech bubble with a question mark

We need your help to guide the direction of the project. Let us know your travel habits and what potential transportation programs in the county that you'd find useful. The survey should take ten minutes or less and will be open through April 1.

Take the survey

To make travel safer and healthier in Clackamas County, we are developing tools and programs for travelers and employers. This set of tools, or travel options, will help expand awareness about transit services, recreational trails and carpooling to improve public health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What does a travel options action plan do?

The plan will:

  • Develop a suite of travel options for people in urban Clackamas County to broaden ways for people to travel without a vehicle.
  • Identify new, innovative opportunities to improve mobility.
  • Define strategies to help people use transportation networks and infrastructure more effectively without using a vehicle.
  • Explore strategies to reduce congestion on roadways such as van pools, commuter shuttles, bike parking, vehicle parking policy and employer-provided reduced cost transit pass programs.
  • Fulfill the travel options requirement of the transportation system plan for the State of Oregon
  • Develop and implement a pilot program to improve mobility for targeted audiences in Clackamas County.

Project area

All urban areas of Clackamas County are included in this analysis and action plan. The county will coordinate with cities about travel options in their specific areas.



Steering Committee

Community members and technical experts will review project work and advise the project team. Meetings are open to the public and include time for public comment.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Agenda Presentation Minutes

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Agenda Meeting Materials Supplemental Materials Minutes

Steering Committee Members


Marne Duke Metro
Kelsey Lewis SMART (South Metro Area Regional Transit)
Darin Lund  TriMet  
Ellen RogalinClackamas County Public & Government Affairs (PGA) 
Will Farley City of Lake Oswego 
Joseph EdgeOak Grove Community Council
Kristina BabcockClackamas County Health, Housing & Human Services (H3S)
Sara Ford OadesClackamas Community College
Stephanie Miller Oregon Department of Transportation
Sydney CapeGet There Oregon
Nicole PerryStreet Trust 
Leah FisherClackamas County Public Health
Department Staff
Anthony De Simone
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