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Windstorm Information

Web alert text for Dec. 27, 2022 windstorm

The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Warning this morning through 4 p.m. Dec. 27 for a large portion of Clackamas County. People in the county should expect south winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts 55 to 65 mph. Currently, thousands of customers in Clackamas County are without power.

Procurement Process, Contracts and Grants

How does Clackamas County select organizations and service providers?

Thank you for your interest in doing business with Clackamas County. Here, you will be able to review all available grant and contract opportunities with Clackamas County, RFPs and RFQs, and download the needed paperwork and instructions for submitting applications and proposals. 

You will also be able to learn about our policies and procedures, and Oregon ethical standards Clackamas County adheres to in order to ensure fairness and unbiased evaluation during review of grants or proposals.    

We encourage emerging — as well as women, minority, and veteran-owned — businesses to respond to our openings.  We want to support you!  County staff is always available to help or answer your questions.  Our contact information is located on the screen and on our new webpage, along with comprehensive information.  We look forward to working with you!

Getting Started: Procurement Basics

If you are new to the county procurement process, it may seem overwhelming to try to navigate different departments and find the correct procedures to follow. 

Here you will find information and helpful links for new vendors to review before beginning a business relationship with us. The county enters into hundreds of contracts every year with a variety of suppliers.  You will be able to learn how departments, partners and vendors collaborate to provide goods and services for our residents. 

You likely have questions, and don’t want to make mistakes or provide us the wrong information.   That’s why we have created a place on the County website that will lead you to answers you need!


How To Bid

The following resources will take you to current RFP/RFQ listings and provide step-by-step instructions on how to submit bids.

Helpful tips from our Procurement division.

Register with OregonBuys to locate current county, state and local RFP and bid projects.

Register with Bid Locker to submit your RFP/BID.

Grant Funded Awards

Some county departments offer grants through funding partnerships with state and federal entities or other agency dollars. A few county departments and offices that offer grants:

  • County Administration
  • Equity and Inclusion Office
  • Health, Housing and Human Services
  • Housing Authority of Clackamas County
  • Clackamas County Development Agency
  • Transportation and Development
  • Juvenile
  • Sheriff/Community Corrections
  • Sustainability Office
  • Water Environment Services

We use Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) to solicit applications for grant funding. The entity awarded the grant funds is called a subrecipient.

After each grant application deadline, the issuing department convenes a scoring committee to review all applications and make award decisions. Committees are selected based on several factors, including expertise in the applicable field, and must follow specific evaluation guidelines in order to ensure the most qualified applications are awarded grant monies.

Open Grant Opportunities

 closing date
Extreme Weather and Smoke Hotel/Motel Shelter Grant3/31/25 or earlier depending on funding availability and program need.

Clackamas County Healthy Retail Grant


Tips for Submitting Proposals or Applying for a Grant

So, are you ready to do business with Clackamas County?  Here are some tips for submitting a successful procurement submission or grant application:

Follow the instructions fully
Review the instructions of the solicitation document or grant application carefully to ensure you understand all the requirements for a complete response, and double check you have satisfied those requirements prior to submittal. Also, be sure to submit a response in the format requested (e.g., digital versus paper).

Be specific, but be clear
The response should not be so detailed that it includes elements not relevant to the project, but should give a complete picture of what you can do and your qualifications.

  • Always respond in a timely manner
  • Proofread your proposal for typos
  • Send the proposal to the right point of contact
  • Do not exceed applicable page limits. Many solicitations will limit the number of pages that may be submitted. Failure to follow this rule could result in your proposal being rejected
  • Emphasize what makes you special and separates you from other individuals or organizations
  • Do not assume that “the county knows me”

A procurement solicitation or grant NOFO will give you everything you need to include in your response. Typically, this will include most of the following:

  • A summary describing the opportunity
  • A scope of work and expected deliverables
  • Contact information for questions
  • Details about the selection and evaluation process
  • Information for how you should respond
  • For grants,  the expected period of performance and a figure or range for individual award amounts and whether the award contains federal dollars may be needed.

Ethical Standards and State Law

County employees play an important role in preserving the integrity of government contracting and ensuring fair treatment of bidders, officers, and contractors. Our staff take this role very seriously and appreciate that a failure to treat public contracting in an unbiased and fair manner undermines the public’s confidence in Clackamas County’s processes and the Board’s commitment to transparency and Building Trust through Good Government.

This commitment is underscored by the our core values of Service, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect, Individual Accountability and Trust (SPIRIT), and these values guide all staff in their role in the contracting process.

Moreover, all county employees are subject to the Oregon Ethics Act (Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 244), which further imposes ethical obligations on how staff may do business on behalf of the county.

Lastly, all procurements are subject to the county’s procurement code of ethics and Local Contract Review Board rules.

These rules and obligations, whether under Oregon law or as a result of the county’s own policies and values, establish a framework to ensure the public contracting process is fair, impartial, and conducted in accordance with applicable law.

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Warm Weather Information

Keep yourself, family, pets and community safe during the heat

We've compiled tips on how to keep yourself, family, neighbors and pets safe during summertime weather.

Cooling Centers

For the current forecast, visit The National Weather Service

Find out more information on all cooling centers by calling 211 or visiting their website. You can also visit the county’s cooling centers webpage for the status of the opening of cooling centers. 


Be careful while swimming in rivers, lakes and creeks

At this time of the year, the water is still extremely cold and currents are strong and fast

AMR River Rescue Program wants people to know that water is still extremely cold (in the 40s Fahrenheit) and currents are strong and fast this time of year.

If you swim without being prepared for these conditions, it can turn tragic. If you do go to a river to cool off, remember to be safe, wear a life jacket and stay in shallow/calm areas.

AMR River Rescue lifeguards will be on duty at High Rocks Park and Glenn Otto Park starting May 27.

Here are some best practices to swim safely:

  • Children, inexperienced swimmers and all boaters should wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life Jackets.
  • Provide close and constant attention to children you are supervising in or near water.
  • Fence pools and spas with adequate barriers, including four-sided fencing.
  • Learn swimming and water survival skills.
  • Always swim in a lifeguarded area or stick to the shallow and calm areas.
  • Always swim with a buddy.
  • Don’t use alcohol or drugs (including certain prescription medications) before or while swimming, diving or supervising swimmers.
Man drinking water from a water bottle while outside on a hot day

Stay Healthy

You should keep cool at home by:

  • Do not rely on a fan as your primary cooling device. Fans create air flow and a false sense of comfort, but do not reduce body temperature or prevent heat-related illnesses. 
  • Plan ahead by asking your doctor how your medication may exacerbate heat-related illness.  
  • Have a transportation plan if you need to leave your home and go to a cooling center.
  • Cover windows with drapes or shades.
  • Weather-strip doors and windows.
  • Use window reflectors specifically designed to reflect heat back outside.
  • Add insulation to keep the heat out.
  • Use a powered attic ventilator, or attic fan, to regulate the heat level of a building’s attic by clearing out hot air.
  • Install window air conditioners and insulate around them.

When it’s hot, you should:

  • Take cool showers or baths
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol and sugary drinks. 
  • Avoid high energy activities or work outside, if possible. 
  • Watch for signs of heat exhaustion like heat cramps, headaches, fatigue, and excess sweating.
  • Heat stroke is extremely dangerous, if you experiences the following symptoms, call 911. 
    • Red, hot, and dry skin and no sweating
    • Strong and rapid pulse
    • Extremely high body temperate that exceeds 103 degrees F.  
  • If staying cool at home becomes difficult go to a cooling center. For information about all open cooling centers, and transportation options, call 211. You can also visit our cooling center webpage

Take care of those around you:

  • Check in on elders and vulnerable neighbors during warm weather — twice a day is best.
  • Never leave a person, child or a pet in a hot car.
  • Check regularly on how babies and toddlers, seniors, people taking mental health medications and people with heart disease or high blood pressure are doing. 
  • Share a fan.
  • Invite a friend to a splash pad, movie, a mall or museum.

Take care of yourself:

  • Limit your outdoor activity to morning and evening hours.
  • Rest often in shady areas.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat
  • Use sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher (the most effective products say “broad spectrum” or “UVA/UVB protection” on their labels) and reapply as directed.
  • Consider packing a couple extra bottles of water, these could be used for you and your family or anyone you see that looks like they could use a cool drink of water.
  • Know that the heat index (what the temperature feels like when humidity is involved) plays a role. When sweat isn't able to evaporate from the body due to high humidity, the body has difficulty regulating its temperature and cooling itself off. The result? heat stroke, cramps and exhaustion are all likely to happen. Check out the chart from the National Weather Service indicating the levels of the heat index.
Yellow Labrador Retriever dog drinking water outside in a field

If you have a pet

  • Never leave a pet in a parked car on a hot day. Temperatures inside a car can soar quickly to dangerous levels even if the outside temperature is in the 70s.
  • Leave your pet at home during warm or hot weather.
  • Be sure your pet has access to shade or a cool room and to plenty of drinking water.
  • Exercise your dog early or late in the day to avoid the hottest times of the day.
  • Remember that paw pads can easily burn on hot pavement. The rule is: if you cannot rest the back of your hand on the surface for more than 5 seconds, it is too hot for your dog to walk on.
  • Prevent sunburn by keeping your pet out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and rubbing sun block (that is approved for use on pets) on unprotected areas such as the skin around the lips, tip of the nose and ears.
  • Watch for signs of heatstroke: heavy panting, high fever, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, confusion and/or collapse. If heatstroke is suspected, call a veterinarian immediately and apply cool (not ice cold) water-soaked towels to hairless areas of the animal’s body (armpits, stomach, feet) while applying moving air (from a fan or AC vent) to lower its temperature.

Public Transit Resources

TriMet does not charge fares to get to and from a cooling center site during extreme heat. Please check TriMet's website or call customer service (503-238-7433) to verify. NOTE: If going by bus, please tell the operator as you come on board that you’re heading to a cooling center. Riders should plan for some heat-related delays, as MAX and WES trains have to slow down when it gets too hot to prevent damaging the system.

In other areas of the county, please call dispatch for assistance:

  • Sandy Area Metro (SAM) and Mt. Hood Express
  • Wilsonville Metro (SMART)
  • South Clackamas (SCTD – Molalla)
  • Canby Area Transit (CAT)
  • Clackamas Connects Shuttles

For other transportation resources, call 2-1-1 for assistance. 

Garbage service may be earlier than normal

When we experience extreme heat, garbage and recycling collection will begin earlier in the morning than usual to protect workers from the expected extreme heat. Please set your carts out the night before. If your pickup is missed, contact your collector directly.

Only call 9-1-1 in an emergency that is actively happening

Call 9-1-1 for emergencies that are actively happening when you make the call. Do not call 9-1-1 for illegal fireworks use, unless you see something on fire.

For non-emergency matters, call 503-655-8211.

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