Veteran Service Office

Clackamas County Veteran Service Office is not a VA Facility.  

Our office does not offer walk in services. We provide assistance via appointments (phone or in person) only. The average wait time for an appointment is three weeks. For more information see Frequently Asked Questions.

What We Do

We help service members, veterans, and their families navigate the U.S. Veterans Administration system to file for disability compensation. 

The list of health conditions that qualify for VA compensation changes often. A “no” from the VA yesterday may be a “yes” today – you owe it to yourself to visit us if you haven’t recently.

We can also familiarize you with many other federal and state veterans benefits you may have earned, and help connect you to partner organizations who can help you claim them.

Who We Serve

If you have served any time in the military, you may be eligible for benefits.

Eligibility for specific federal and state benefits programs varies. Make an appointment with one of our trained and experienced veterans service officers to help figure out which programs you qualify for.

We are particularly interested in helping:

  • Young veterans
    You have plenty on your plate already as you transition into civilian life. We’re here to help you navigate the VA system and get the education, health care, and other benefits you’ve earned.
  • Gulf War veterans
    Many of your current health issues – including a bunch the VA didn’t previously consider – might be linked to past military service. Conditions include gastrointestinal disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and many more. Learn more here
  • Vietnam era veterans – including Navy “blue water” veterans
    Did you get the runaround from the VA when you came home? Times have changed, and so has the VA – including the list of health conditions considered service related. A “no” yesterday may be a “yes” today. Conditions include different forms of cancer, diabetes, skin disease, and many more: Learn more here

How To Get Service

Are you ready for our Veterans Service Office to help you? Make an appointment by calling 503-650-5631 or emailing We are open Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m.

Depending on your needs, we may ask you to bring some or all of the following documents to your appointment:

  • Proof of military service
  • Doctor's name, address, and telephone number
  • Private medical records
  • Certificate of current marriage
  • Names of previous spouses and dates of previous marriages
  • Current bank statement
  • Information about other financial assets like annuities, IRAs, CDs, and rental property income
  • A summary of out of pocket medical expenses

But don’t worry - if you are missing documents or other information needed to process your claim, we will help you get them.

Other Resources

Veterans Advisory Council

The Clackamas County Veterans Advisory Council advises the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners and the Department of Health, Housing and Human Services on all matters relating to issues and services affecting veterans, their families and dependents, ensuring their needs are recognized and addressed in a timely manner.

Frequently Asked Questions


Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed for lunch from Noon to 1 p.m.
Phone: 503-650-5631
Address: 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045


Depending on the type of VA benefits you are seeking you should bring these forms with you to the first appointment.

  • A copy of your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, also called a DD214. If you do not have a copy, we can assist you in requesting one at your appointment.
  • Any medical records (Military or civilian) you have related to your injuries or the contact information for where we can request them.

For Non Service Connected Pension claims

  • Twelve months of bank statements for checking and savings.
  • A summary of medical expenses.
  • Information on all finical assets including IRAs, CDs, and rental property income.

For burial benefits or widows benefits

  • A copy of the veterans Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, also called a DD214.
  • A death certificate long form.
  • A marriage certificate if applicable. Any and all burial expense receipts.

If you are Power of Attorney for a veteran, please bring documentation of this status.


Most claims take between 6 and 12 months for the VA to process from beginning to end. Processing times depend on how complex your claim is and the number of conditions you’ve claimed. The VA will send you updates in the mail as the claim is being processed. It is normal to go months without hearing anything from the VA regarding your claim. 

For the most up to date information regarding your claim status you can log in to your account, or call the VA directly at 1-800-827-1000. 


If our office has assisted you with a claim, we may have a copy in our case management system or be able to get a copy from the VA.

You can also obtain a copy from the National Archives website.

Our office can provide the Standard Form 180 and fax to National Archives on your behalf.


Funeral or cremation arrangements should be made with a funeral provider or cremation office. These providers can assist you with burial benefits for veterans who qualify including gravesite in a VA national cemetery, government headstone, marker, or medallion, a burial flag, and a Presidential Memorial Certificate, at no cost to the family.

Some Veterans may also be eligible for a burial allowance which can be paid to the person responsible for the veteran’s burial. Our office is able to assist you with this application. Please schedule an appointment with one of our Veteran Service Officers and bring a copy of the veterans Certificate of Release or Discharge, also called a DD214, death certificate, any documents or receipts you have for the cost of transporting the Veteran’s remains, and a statement of account (preferably with the letterhead of the funeral director or cemetery owner).

You must file a claim for a non-service-connected burial allowance within 2 years after the Veteran’s burial. There’s no time limit to file for a service-connected burial, plot, or interment allowance.


Military records can be requested from the National Archives. There are two ways to request your military records. If you would like to request your records on your own you can complete the form SF180 which can be downloaded from the VA or National Archives websites. Follow the instructions on the form and mail or fax it to the National Archives. If you come to our office we can provide you a printed copy of this form and fax it in for you once you complete it. Alternatively, you can request your records online on the National Archives website. Be sure to include which records you are requesting in the remarks section on the website application. This can include items such as DD214, Official Military Personnel File, medical records, and/or dental records. You must be specific in your request or they will only send you a copy of your DD214.


There are only six types of discharges; honorable, general, other than honorable, bad conduct, dishonorable, and uncharacterized. Most VA benefits are attainable with Honorable and general discharges. The other types of discharges may be eligible for a Character of Service Inquiry by the VA. If applying for a VA benefit, our office can help with a Character of Service inquiry. If interested please contact our office at 503-650-5631 or to schedule an appointment with one of our VSOs. A character of service inquiry does not change the discharge type on the discharge paperwork. Since upgrading discharges are regulated through the Department of Defense our office does not help with upgrades. Here are some resources for upgrading your discharge


There are two types of veteran ID cards: a Veteran Healthcare Identification Card (used to check in at your VA healthcare appointments), and a Veteran ID Card (most often used for discounts at businesses to show veteran status). If you need a VA Healthcare ID please contact your local VA office. For Portland call 503-220-8262. To request a card online go to to complete a request.

Beginning September 2022 veteran ID cards to show veteran status are now digital. To request a Veteran ID card, create or sign into your account. For assistance in requesting your card, to check the status of your card application, or to get a replacement card you can email

You can also have veteran added to your Oregon Driver’s license directly through the DMV. Be sure to take proof of your military service and discharge status with you to the DMV.


Veterans and Service members living in Oregon have the option to pick between state and federal home loan programs.

Oregon is one of only five states that offers a veteran home loan program. This Oregon benefit is separate and distinct from the federal VA Home Loan Guaranty and has lent approximately $8 billion in low-interest home loans to more than 334,000 veterans since 1945. For more information the Oregon VA Home Loan program go to Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Veterans can also utilize their federal VA Home Loan Guaranty program. To utilize your federal VA Home Loan you will need to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). You can obtain a Certificate of Eligibility through your lender,, or by mail. For questions about VA Home loans you can contact a VA Home Representative at 877- 827-3702, or speak with your lender.


If you are receiving benefits form the VA you may need to set up or change your direct deposit. This can be done one of three ways. The quickest way is to call the VA at 800-827-1000 and provide them with your routing and account number. You can also update this information on your account. The third option is to fill out a Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form (VA Form SF- 1199a) which will need to be completed by your bank and sent into the VA. If you do not have access to a printer, we can provide you with this form.


If you are receiving service connected disability at 30% or more it is important to keep the VA updated on the status of your dependents.

To update the VA with your dependents information it is best to work with a Veteran Service Officer. Please call our office at 503-650-5631 to set up an appointment with one of our Veteran Service Officers. We can assist you with adding or removing dependents. Remember to bring with you complete information (dates and locations of all marriages, births of children, social security numbers, etc.)

Alternatively, you can notify the VA on your account or by completing VA Form 21-686c and mailing to the VA at the address listed on the form. Always keep a copy of any documentation sent to the VA.


In February of each year the VA mails each veteran a tax abatement letter. This letter contains information about the benefit and the monthly payment amount. If we represent or have represented the veteran in the claims process and the letter was produced by the VA in February, we can help you retrieve a copy from the VA system (VBMS). Veterans can also print a similar letter through e-benefits or what is now called For more information how to generate the letter, watch this how to video.


Compensation, Pension and DIC payments are not taxable. Therefore you will not receive a 1099 tax form. Here is a video that talks more about VA Compensation and Pension Benefits, whether it is taxable, and how to use.

It should be noted for some social services assistance related programs (housing, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), VA benefits are considered a resource or income and should be reported.


Depends on benefits they were receiving at time of death and cause of death. Veterans who qualify are eligible to be buried in National Cemeteries, burial flag, head stone/marker or medallion, and Presidential Certificate.

Schedule an appointment with a VSO to discuss possible burial and survivor benefits. Our phone number is 503-650-5631. Our email is


Unfortunately, we cannot represent veterans that live outside of Oregon. Our accreditation is through the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and they limit our ability to assist claimants who reside outside of the State. Even if the person lives in Washington but commutes to Oregon for work. Here are some tips to help with finding a Veteran Service Officer in your state.


If you have a service connected dental condition, were a POW, making the request within 180 days after discharge if you did not receive prior to discharge (one time), a dental condition that impacts a SC condition, are receiving VR&E or you receiving 100% service-connected disability, or receive Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) you could be eligible to receive dental through the VA Medical Center.

In November of 2022, the Oregon Veteran Dental Program was created by House Bill 4095. The program is administered in partnership by the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Human Services. For more information go to the Oregon Veteran Dental Fact Sheet.


There are a variety of benefits available to Veterans and their family members. Each benefit comes with its own set of eligibility criteria that one must met to qualify. To learn more about these benefits, the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs has created this informational website; ODVA Benefits & Programs.