Medicare and SHIBA Counseling

Are you already on Medicare? Are you new to Medicare?

Open Enrollment is the time to review your Medicare plan, learn what’s new in Medicare, compare and change your Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans or enroll in a plan if you do not already have one. Certified SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance) Volunteer Counselors are available to assist with Medicare questions during Open Enrollment and year-round.

Contact the Clackamas County SHIBA Helpline at 503-655-8269 Option 4, Monday – Thursday, to request a personalized counseling appointment.


If you are new to Medicare, you may want to explore the following resources:

The State of Oregon SHIBA website has a digital version of the Oregon Guide to Medicare Insurance Plans and related documents. You can print any or all pages of the digital version.

A printed copy can be requested by contacting the Clackamas County SHIBA Helpline at 503- 655-8269, option 4. Please leave your name, address and phone number.

If you have Medicare questions, please contact the Clackamas County SHIBA program, available year round, at 503-655-8269, option 4, for free, objective Medicare assistance.