Service Providers

For Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Personal Support Worker

Personal support workers help children and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities who receive Medicaid in-home services through Oregon’s Office of Developmental Disabilities Services.

Resources for PSWs

Adult Foster Care

Children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities are considered an at-risk population. All persons who provide either paid or volunteer services to adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities must pass a criminal history background check before you can start work and get paid.

Applicants must complete the Basic Training Course, pass the provider test, meet experience and training requirements, and participate in a scheduled local orientation prior to licensing as a foster care provider.

If you are applying to become a licensed Adult DD Foster Care provider, you must study the online training videos.

Once you have thoroughly studied the training videos, please contact us at regarding testing.

Child Foster Care

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a certified child foster care provider, please contact Clackamas County Developmental Disability Foster Care Licensing at or 503-650-5669 to complete the application process.


2051 Kaen Road #135 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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