If you feel that an individual is being hurt or is in danger right now, call 9-1-1 immediately!
Anyone that sees, hears, suspects, or has been told about abuse or neglect of someone with an intellectual or developmental disability should report it. Many providers of support are mandatory reporters and are required to report within 24 hours.
Under 18 | Over 18 with an Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability | Over 18 or with a Physical Disability or anyone over 65 |
855-503-SAFE (7223) | 855-503-SAFE (7223) or 503-557-2874 (Clackamas County) | 855-503-SAFE (7223) |
Visit the Oregon Department of Human Services for additional resources.
Reports will be screened to see if they meet criteria for investigation and reported to law enforcement when a suspected crime has been committed. Protective services assistance may be offered to alleged victims by Service Coordinators, Personal Agents, or other individuals that help provide support to protect health and safety.
Our team investigates the following types of abuse. If you are unsure, call us at 503-557-2874.
- Abandonment
- Wrongful Death
- Financial Exploitation
- Involuntary Seclusion
- Neglect
- Physical Abuse
- Restraint
- Sexual Abuse
- Verbal Abuse
Learn how to spot abuse
Clackamas County abuse investigators provide training to individuals who experience intellectual or developmental disabilities, their families, and staff on how to identify and report abuse and neglect.
Contact Ken Hanson at KHanson@clackamas.us for more information.