Community Boards and Advisory Committees

Community Action Board (CAB)

The Community Action Board is an advisory group that advises Clackamas County Social Services Division on their Community Action Agency programs for low-income persons. Members are appointed by the Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners. The group advocates both locally and at the state level on issues related to low-income individuals and households.

Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Public Services Building, 2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City, room 255.

For information or to get involved, please contact Sean Wells, 971-201-6181,

Aging Services Advisory Council (ASAC)

The Aging Services Advisory Council is an advisory group that meets monthly to advise Clackamas County Social Services Division on their programs and services for seniors and persons with disabilities. Members are appointed by the Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners. The group advocates both locally and at the state level on issues related to aging. The Advisory Council provides input on a number of issue of importance to older adults, including nutrition, transportation, and emergency preparedness.

Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month, 10 a.m. to noon. Members can participate via zoom, or in person at the Public Services Building.

For information or to get involved, please contact Sean Wells, 971-201-6181,

Veterans Advisory Council (VAC)

The Clackamas County Veterans Advisory Council advises the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners and the Department of Health, Housing and Human Services on all matters relating to the provision of services to veterans, their families and dependents, ensuring that the needs of veterans, their families and dependents are recognized and addressed in a timely manner. Veterans Advisory Council also makes recommendations regarding current issues affecting veterans, their families and dependents.

For information or to get involved, please contact Sean Wells, 971-201-6181,

Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council

The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council is comprised of individuals in service or family members of individuals in services, one advocate, and no more than three providers of developmental disabilities services. Members of the council are residents of Clackamas County, have work interests in, or a family member eligible for services in Clackamas County. The DD Advisory Council advises the DD Program Managers in planning, reviewing programs and initiatives and recommending policy for developmental disabilities program areas.

The council meets 8 times per year. All are welcome at the meetings.

Desired skills include an ability to be a part of public process, a capacity to problem-solve and to work constructively within a group setting.

For information or to get involved, call Amy Butler at 503-502-4718 or email her at .



2051 Kaen Road #135 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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Social Services
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