Become a Leader in Sustainability

Get Certified

Leaders in SustainablityThe Leaders in Sustainability certification program provides workplaces with guidance and recognition for meaningful achievements in sustainability practices. There are proven benefits of environmental, social and economic advancements (called the triple bottom line) for workplaces of all types and sizes. 

Starting is easy. First, review the eligibility criteria, certification requirements and steps to certification below. Then download the application and get to work!

Leaders in Sustainability Application

See who’s certified on our Green Business Directory.


All certification levels require a Leader in Sustainability to:

  • Meet basic eligibility requirements above
  • Complete at least 1 practice in each of sections I-IX (pp. 2-6)
  • Identify a new sustainability goal on p. 7
  • Formalize the finished list of practices as official policies (see p. 7)

...and complete a minimum number of overall practices:

  • 1-39 employees on staff:
    • Certified: Complete at least 15 total practices
    • Silver: Complete at least 30 total practices
    • Gold: Complete at least 45 total practices
  • 40 or more employees:
    • Certified: Complete at least 20 total practices
    • Silver: Complete at least 40 total practices
    • Gold: Complete at least 60 total practices

Some corporations with fewer than 40 employees on site locally will need to reach the numbers of practices required of companies with 40 or more employees. This is to account for corporate-level policies, managed by corporate staff elsewhere, that help the location achieve certification.

Employee count dictates the numbers of practices required because some practices on this application are not feasible for smaller organizations. Larger organizations have larger environmental impacts but also larger budgets – and therefore have both the responsibility and the opportunity to do more.


Complete the application

  • Check off practices you currently follow and identify others that you want to explore. 
  • Get assistance through the process with our online sustainable best practices guide or we can connect you with a personal sustainability coach.
  • Once you are ready for verification and review, send your working application to

Make it official

Formalize any new practices as official policies and ensure staff know what’s expected of them.


Schedule a consultation

We’ll review your application and schedule a meeting (either virtual or in person) to verify the practices you’ve checked off.


Celebrate and share

Receive your award plaque and plan promotion to share the good news with your staff and customers!


Why get certified?

Organizations that go through the Leaders in Sustainability application process take concrete steps to:

Minimize waste

Conserve energy and water

Prevent pollution

Support staff and
the community

You’ll become part of a network of businesses sharing sustainability solutions and broadening one another’s reach.  By joining, your workplace can:

Be part of community of leaders with shared values

Meet sustainability peers; associate your brand with other green companies

Gain marketing recognition

Attract and retain the best talent

Promote your certification

Lake Theatre

Certification lasts for 3 years. Certified workplaces receive:

  • a custom plaque
  • a window decal showing your certification level
  • a listing on Clackamas County's Green Business Directory
  • promotion in the County newspaper, our e-newsletter, and other outlets when available
  • resources for the organization's own promotion, including the logo to include on marketing materials, the website, email signatures, etc.

But the best promotion will always be what you do, so shout it from the rooftops! Promote your accomplishment on social media, tell customers and partner organizations about it, and show off your award plaque where people will see it.

128721, 127241, 127256, 127236, 127756, 127246, 127976, 134271, 159656, 159916
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