Meet Local Requirements

Businesses generate over half the waste in our region. To help increase business recycling, you have a responsibility to meet local regulations to separate certain materials for recycling, have identifiable internal bins and educational signs for employees. To help you comply with these requirements, we provide free tools and support.


Effective 2009, all workplaces — including businesses, schools, public agencies and non-profit organizations—are required to recycle the materials listed below, have internal containers designated for recycling, post signs showing employees what can be recycled, and at least once a year educate employees on the guidelines of what is allowed in the program.

Separate these materials for recycling:

  • Paper and cardboard
  • Plastic bottles, jugs, round tubs and buckets
  • Metal
  • Glass – bottles and jars (collected separately)

Everyone in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties can include the same items in their recycling at work and home. Businesses with dumpster or cart-based garbage service have access to mixed recycling service as part of the fee.

For more information about the requirements, view Clackamas County Code (see Chapter 10.03.145 Business Recycling Requirement).

Recycling guide

Food Waste

Recycling binsEffective March 2022, businesses that cook, assemble, process, serve, or sell food (or does so as a service provider for other enterprises), and generates more than two roll-carts per week (or 500 pounds) of food waste are required to separate food scraps from garbage.   This includes all waste from fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, fish, shellfish, nuts, seeds, grains, coffee grounds, and other food that results from the distribution, storage, preparation, cooking, handling, selling or serving of food for human consumption. 


Food waste


The regulation only applies to wasted food handled by employees. Businesses are not required to collect food scraps that have been disposed of directly by customers in front-of-house operations.

Property owners and managers must allow for the collection of food waste by these businesses or help secure the service for lessees that are covered under the requirement.

This policy is being phased in over three years starting with the largest food waste generators in March 2022. All affected businesses must be in compliance by 2025. Businesses outside the Metro District, including the cities of Canby, Molalla, Mulino, and Sandy are not impacted by these requirements. The first group of food generators will receive a notification letter in March 2022:

Rates: Food-related businesses in the cities of Happy Valley, Milwaukie, Oregon City, Wilsonville and the urban areas of unincorporated Clackamas County with garbage service have access to food scraps collection service as part of their garbage fee. We can help identify costs of service in Canby*, Gladstone,  Lake Oswego and West Linn.

For more information about the requirements, view Clackamas County Code (see Chapter 10.03.147 Food Waste Requirement) or visit How to Reduce Food Waste.

Statewide Policies

Single-use bag ban

no plastic bagsEffective January 2020, retail stores and restaurants are prohibited from providing single-use checkout bags to customers. Businesses may still provide reusable or recycled content paper bags, and in some instances must charge a fee for providing the bag.

Learn more about the statewide single-use bag ban.

Print and hang educational posters to inform and educate customers. 

Single-use plastic straws in food service facilities

no strawsEffective January 2020, food service establishments are restricted from providing plastic, single-use straws to customers unless the customer is in/on their vehicle, or specifically requested. They are now available by request only.

Free Assistance

We’re here to help you meet and maintain compliance. Every year we provide hundreds of workplaces with free tools and support to make recycling easier for their employees. We offer the following at no charge:

  • Virtual consultations and customized assistance
  • Virtual presentations and staff trainings
  • Customized posters and educational flyers
  • Curbside delivery of resources
  • Help navigating waste options and service with your franchised waste hauler

Beyond Recycling to Sustainability

We also help workplaces go beyond basic recycling to reduce waste, operate more efficiently and receive recognition for their sustainability efforts. Contact us today!

128721, 127241, 127256, 127236, 127756, 127246, 127976, 134271, 159656, 159916
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